74 of 1903 - Ordinance 74 of 1903 – Franchise, Consolidated Railway & Power Company to construct & operate doub AN ORDINAACL .
An ordinance granting to the Consolidated Railway and Power
Company a franchise and permission to construct and operate a
double track street railroad from the intersection of Ninth West and
North. Temple Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah, and running thence
north to Fourth North. Street and `,hence west along Fourth North.
Street to Twelfth Wert Street in said Salt Lake City, Utah.
:Be it ordain d by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Cons lidated Railway and Power Company,
its successors and assigns, have the authority and consent of the
City Council, and ti_e permission is hereby granted it, to construct
and. operate by electric motive .offer a double track street railroad,
together with all the necessary switches and turnouts for the ac-
commodation of said road, from a convenient point at the intersec-
tion of Ninth West and. North Temple Streets in Snit Lake City, Utah,
and running thence north along said Ninth West Street to a con-
veni.net point on Fourth X North Street, and running thence west
along Fourth North Street to a convenient point on Twelfth West
• Street, upon the following conditions:
First. All tracks are to be laid on such grades as are now or
may be hereafter established by the City Council, and the grantee
herein, its successors and assigns, in accepting this franchise and
grant, hereby agrees to kee;; in good repair with the same material
and in the same manner as the rest of the street is constructed or
may be hereafter constructed or paved, the space inside its tracks
and for a distance of two feet from the outside of the outer rails
including all spaces between double tracks where the same may be
Second. The grantee must plece cars upon said railroad, the
franchise for the construction of which is hereby granted, with all
necessary modern improvements for the convenience and comfort of
passengers, which. shall be run thereon each and every day, both
ways, as often as the public convenience may require, and at a rate
of speed not exceeding twelve miles ;per hour, and under such gegu-
lations as are now or may be hereafter prescribed by ordinance or
resolution of the City Council.
Third. The center of the space between all double tracks shall
be the center of the street, and said. tracks shall be placed as
close together as public safety and convenience shall warrant, byt
there shall net be a space of more than seven feet between the
inside rails of double tracks.
ShCTION 2. Nothing in this grant shall be so construed as to
prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents from paving,
severing, laying gas or water stains or pipes, altering, repairing,
or in any canner improving any of the streets mentioned herein or
any other streets of said city, but all such improvements shall be
made with as little injury as practicable to said railway and the
operation thereof.
SECTION 3. That the grantee herein shall pay annually to Salt
Lase City the sum of twenty-five (05.00) dollars for each. and every
car operated over the line for which a franchise is hereby granted.
SECTION 4. Any failure of the grantee, its successors or
assigns, to strictly comply with the terms and conditions of this
franchise, upon it binding, shall work a forfeiture of this
• franchise awl all. its rights hereunder.
SECTION 5. This franchise is granted for a period of fifty
years from and after the approval of this ordinance.
SECTION 6. This grant and all the terms and conditions
thereof shall be accepted in writing by the grantee herein within
.thirty days from the approval of this ordinance.
t Utah,
by the City Council of Lake City,
-------___-,' 19N, ';no re]'arrcd to tae Mayor for 1 _.,
a.p},roval. l i
City/P order.
Approved this J day of �t , 1903.
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