74 of 1904 - Ordinance 74 of 1904 – Amending & re-enacting Section 60, re: buildings in Fire Limits. I!
An ardinanse amending and re-enacting Section 60 of Chapter
VIIT of the Nevis's' lrdimanees of Salt Lake City of 1903.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Labs City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 60 of Chapter VIII of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lebo Sity of 1901 be, and the same hereby is
amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows:
be unlawful to erect within the fire limits buildings with
walls of any material except brick, stone, -iron-, or of what is
known as the meet eppreved steel construction; presided, that
the following wooden buildings only may be permitted to be con-
!II strueted, wis: sheds not to exceed ten feet in height, and not
to emceed one hundred feet in area, and privies not to exceed
thirt8•six feet in area., and ton foot in height, and all such
sheds and privies she'll be separate structures. Buildings eon-
struoted of weed or other oesabustib1e material and covered with
sheet metal are not iron buildings within the meaning of this
erdima.noe, and gush metal oovered walls are prohibited, except
where wooden buildings are permitted.
s!?t= S. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
/ J
Passed by the City Council of Salt T,,ake city, tTth, Jul h, 1904-,
and referred to the ?favor far his rnnrovel.
_ Oita ,eeorder'
Ann-roved this I6dav of .Tune, 190 .
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