74 of 1912 - Regulating storage of gasoline, etc. ROLL CALL
ic.:.Lake City, Utah,%.1/4..xA.A.,>—__1., _ .
No I move that a-'C"\ j.N—D --•1•tF
Keyser ..__..._
Lawrence . Y
Morris ,,
RESULT - - _.._..... ..
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An ordinance regulating the keeping, storage and use of petro-
leum, gasoline, benzine, naphtha, distillate, any product of petroleum,
or hydro-carbon liquids within the city limits of Salt Lake City, and
providing a penalty for the violation thereof; and repealing Sections
200, 201 and. 202 of the Revised Ordinances of 1903.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, `
SECTION 1. DEFI?ITIONS. For the purposes of this ordinance,
"Standard Flash Test" means "Will not flash or emit an inflammable
vapor at a less temperature than one hundred and ten (110) degrees
Fahrenheit"; "Chief of Fire Department" means the Chief of the Fire
Department of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION 2, PER 00 BE OBTAINED. It shall be unlawful to store '
or use petroleum, gasoline, benzine, naphtha, distillate, or any
product of petroleum or hydro-carbon liquids in quantities greater
than five (5) gallons, without first obtaining; a permit from the
Chief of Fire Department, specifying the name Of permittee, the loca-
tion of the promises to be used for such storae or use, end the
amount thereof desired to be used or stored; provided, that all per-
sons, firms, companies or corporations now conducting such a place
for the above named articles shall, after the passage of thi.slordi-
nance, comply with all the requirements hereinafter specified in this '
ordinance, governing the storage or use of an additional supply of
the above named oils or liquids; provided, however, that this section
shall not apply to ordinary kerosene or coal oil stoves using oil of
standard flash test.
The Chief of Fire Department shall furnish each applicant with
a copy of this ordinance.
It shall be lawful to keep or store, or permit to be kept or stored;
soline,asoline, benzine, naphtha, distillate, products of "tro-
leu.m, or hydro-carbon liquids not of standard flash test in o :J. ies
of not more than three hundred (300) gallons, in a tank constructed
of not lees than No. 12 gauge galvanized steel, riveted., steel to
steel joints, soldered and coated with tar or other rust-resisting
material, or in an iron tank not less than three-sixteenths (3/16) of
an inch thick, riveted and caulked, coated with tar or other rust-
resisting material; such. tank to be placed outside the walls of any
building, with its top at least four (4) feet underground and covered
over with at least four (4) feet of earth. Such tank shall be filled
only through a section of hose suittable for the purpose directly con-
nected to the tank delivery wagon, which hose shall be detached from
feed pipe when not in service. Oil shall be -token from such tank
only by a pump with automatic cut-off; gravity, air or crater pressure
or siphon process shall not be permitted.
(a) gUs'0 TI'iY UNDER 500 G!.LLOIIS. Kerosene, coal oil, petroleum, dis-
till:te, products of petroleum, or hydro-carbon liquids of standard
flash test, in quantities not exceeding five hundred (500) gallons,
may be kept or stored in metallic cans or metallic tanks of not exceed-
ing thirty (30) gallon capacity, or in en underground tank as specified
in Section 3 hereof.
(b) Q.UJOTTITY OVER 500 GALLONS. It shall be unlawful to keep or
store, or permit to be kept or stored, in any building, or upon any
one premises, street, or place, in quantities in excess of five hun-
dred(500) gallons, any petroleum, distillate, products of petroleum
or hydro-carbon liquids of standard flash test, emoept in tank
arranged as provided in Section^ 3, 5 and 7 hereof, or in b,T•rrols or
metallic cans in Ex a one story brick, stone, or concrete building,
with a concrete or hollow tile roof, with no interior woodwork what-
, ever, with all exterior openings protected with wired glees not less
than one quarter (4) inch tick in metal frames and sashes, or with
wooden tin clad doors or shutters constructed in accordance with
specifications of the Rational Board of Fire Underwriters. All door
openings to have masonry sills rising not less Item one foot above
Ali the floor. Such buildings to be occupied exclusively for storage of
oils and liquids.
(Quantity over 300 ga.11ons .- any flash test.) Before any tank or
tanks for the storage of gasoline, benzine, naphtha, disti_llete, petro-
leum, or any products of petroleum, or hydro-carbon liquids in Greater
auantiiies than three hundred (300) gallons, shall be built or erected
above ground, there shall he submitted to the Chief of Lire Depart-
ment with the application required by Section 2 hereof, plans of the
proposed tank or tanks, shoring their size, capacity, construction,
proposed contents, location, distance from water or railroad tracks,
and the location of all adjacent buildings, together with plans and
specifications for a brick, concrete, or ro-inforcod concrete wall
to surround said tank or tanks .
All such storage tanks shall be located a sufficient dirt:•nee
from railroad tracks, bulk heads, or water fronts of streams, lakes
or ponds to allow the construction of a brick or concrete wall not
less than four (4) feet high; and plain concrete walls must to at
least thirteen (13) inches thick at top and to be re-inforced with
1 buttresses at every ten (10) feet.
Plans and specifications for all walls must be approved by the
Chief of Fire Department.
The reservoir formed by such walls must have a capacity at least
twenty (20) per cent greater than that of the tank, and there shall be
no opening of any kind in said walls.
SECTION 6,. OILS ALP LIQUIDS II) TRtLISIT. None of the oils or
liquids mentioned in Section 3 hereof, shall be allowedwhile in trap•
sit to remain in any building in greater eurnti-ties than live (Ti)
gallons, at night between tide hours of sunset and Sunrise, but 1 )fi
be so placed outside of any bui.ldins:• as to be reCdily accessible tot
any (;
the Fire Department in case of fire, at a spot determined upon by the
Chief of r'ire Department. •
device, or apparatus for burning crude or fuel petroleum, or distillate
or for generating a gas therefrom for fuel purposes, stall be construct
ed, located or maintained except in accordance with the following •
(a) The storage tank of not exceeding ten thousand (10,000)
gallons capacity, to be constructed of boiler iron or steel not less
than three sixteenths (3/16) of an inch in thickness, the top of same •
to be buried not lees than four (4) feet underground, and located out-
side the foundations of any building. Filling pipe of not exceeding
eight (8) inches in diameter to be closed by screw cap. The tank must
be ventilated by pipe of not less than one (1) inch in diameter, ex-
tending at least ten (10) feet above the ground, and provided with a
return bend. The oil to be pumped from storage tanks to burners, the
suction pipe to lead through the top of the tank and to be provided
with a shut-off valve near burning point independent of any valve that
is part of the burner. The storage tank must be connected with boiler
by steam pipe, which can, if desire6, be connected with the overflow
pipe, and should be blown out before being entered for cleaning or
other purposes, but this pipe must not be•used for heating he oil in .
the tank. If the oil is heated it must be done by a device outside
of the storage tank.
(b) To properly clean the tank a man hole may be provided, which
if provided, must be closed above by a hinge and locked or bolted
cover, and below (at the top of the tank) by a boiler plate cover,
flanged and. screwed., The space thus formed. must be filled, While not
used, with sacks of sand, to prevent the accumulation of gas.
All storage tanks shall be surrounded with a. brick or concrete
wall not less than twelve (12) inches in thickness.
(c) Where the sidewalk is excavated for use as a ;part of the
basement, tanks may be placed under the sidewalk, and if so placed
shall be below the level of the floor. Su h tanks shall be surrounded
by a brick or concrete wail not less then twelve (12) inches thict,
which wall, if the top of the tank is less than four (4) feet below •
the level of the floor, shall rise to a height of four (4) feet above ,
the top of the tank; the space between top of tank and basement floor -
or top of wall shall be filled with earth. All tanks in basement
under the sidewalk must be located close to the retaining wall of the
(d) The tops of all storage tanks must be below the lowest point,
at which oil is burned.. •
(e) All tanks must be carefully caulked and riveted, and all
piping must be done in the best possible manner, and first class
material only must be used.
(f) No storage tank shall be covered with earth until an inspec-
tion has been made by the Chief of Fire Department.
SECTION 8. FLASH TEST FOR OIL. No petroleum, distillate, kero •
sene, coal oil or product of petroleum shall be used for fuel, cook-
ing, heating or illuminating purposes, within the fire limits of Salt
Lake City, Utah, unless the same will stand the standard flash test
of one hundred and ten (110). degrees Fahrenheit, or outside said fire
limits without first obtaining a permit from the Chief of Fire Depart-
ment, who in issuing or refusing such permit shall exercise a reason-
able and sound discretion, taking into consideration the character of
the applicant and the intended location.
zine, naphtha, kerosene, coal oil or any product of petroleum, or
hydro-carbon liquids in any quantity permitted in this ordinance,
shall always be kept in metallic cans, or tanks, e.cept when in bar-
rels, as provided in Section 4 hereof. •
the duty of the Chief of Fire Department to see that the provisions
of this ordinance are complied with, and for that purpose shall have
access to any and all buildings or premises.
SECTION 11. That Sections. 200, 201 and 202 of the Revised Ordi- t
s.) ia.peu'of-;903, relating to the storage of petroleum, how kept, build
.. .1 , `tng 1 ;14orage of of , old t' e same are hereby,.2epo ,led...,_,„
i 4 f `9 TION 1,y' Any xt r a, tir company, or corpcixa on, or*gent
., -a-
-, + '70r representative of s�Ch` { p4 on, violating any ^A '.,p sions
9 '1 x ' ,-.A „mow
°1 I f, his)ordinance, on y n QTif roof shall be puzlis d� -$ y;sum
") `'?�-_ t(lee than ten ($10'''0j:_ altar for more than one a i1erd (,100.00)
-, olars or confined i t Ci y 11 for not more thin thirty (30) 4
dyd,'ox by both such and imprisonment.
v 6
F=SEPTION 13. OONTINUE$ VIOLATION. Every day's continuation of a
violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed
to be a separate and distinct offense.
SECTION 14. All ordinances and resolutions, or ,parts of ordinan-
ces or resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the
extent of such conflict.
SECTION 15. This ordinance shall take effect eteil
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Passed by the Board of C ommissioners of Salt Lake City
Utah, June 15, 1912.
c(- 6;itv 4/ (://61
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