74 of 1949 - Vacating alley east 125 feet from 3rd West Street and running 134 feet from Paxton Avenue VOTING Aye Nay N v / Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed. _ Matheson . . . �. �y ��� Romney -- - -+? -K LingenrelPer Mr. Chairman . . AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING alley east 125 feet from 3rd West Street and running 1314 feet from Paxton Avenue, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That alley east 125 feet from 3rd West Street and running north 134 feet from Paxton Avehue, in Salt Lake City, Utah, more particularly described as follows:B Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 23, Blk. 5, Davis, Sharp and Stringer's Subdivision of Bik. 2L , 5-Acre Plat 'A' - Big Field Survey, thence south 1311 ft., thence west 12 ft., thence north 1311 ft., thence east 12 ft, to the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no lohger to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the right of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repair- ing, replacing, removing, altrering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shsll become effective im- mediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shsll take effect upon its first publication. �_. -2- 1 I Passed by the Board of Commissioners og.Salt Lake City, /---,,,------) Utahm this 3 o 1,k—day of it-4--P-4-----""4"2-1 A. , .- ,,„ ,k_... ,,,, _,...,. 1 ' 41-%il n. ,,,:"--.'"*.,-':------- . . 1 ( ) . Ma r \ ' //19' . ,'',4 4 ; 1,•,-" - \., 1 City Recorder. ' 1 . , i ' .,-. / / , , • . ' , . , . , ';'• . . . . . ' .;,,..... . . . , , • . • . . , . . . .. . • • ,. . • . . . , • ' • . . . . . 1, . . , ,..• . . ., . . • ..• 1 I i 1 i 1, 1 li 1,• ;1 11 ill 1 %-3— /3 Presented to the Board of Commissioners • AND PASSED • • NOV 30 1949 • I --- CITYRECORDER jrf ATE.OF UTAH, SS nun:/of Salo Lake .wear thni a e accov et,tu•• .n part thereoLliaa pre= us! tr _ heBoar3 Co owedivor NOTARY PIIE?,Tr i /nLIA r, AL— Z-19 y9 STATE OF UTAH, ss. City and County of Salt Lake, _ Frank A. Shields, Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled. "An ordinance vacating alley east 125 ft. from 3rd West St. and, running north 134 ft. from axton Ave. in Salt Lake City, Utah" passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 30, xrc.t3c 1949 as appears of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 9th day of December, 1949 (SEAL) BILL NO. 74 Chiet Deputy City Recor er. Published December 4, mac 1949 , , Nx /*I. i gi g ' 1/1811/9 AN ORDINANC G alley east N 1O5 feet INAN E.om 3rd eat Street . d running 134 feet from Paxton J N Avenue,in Salt Lake City,Utah. CU Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 4 O Utah. •7 fell from 3rd WestSECTION I. Street and alley Erun- ping north 134 feet from Paxton $ -a Avenue. In Snit Lake City, Utah, lows purtfculaely described as 101- C) Beginning at the northwest C I Sharp end corner of LStinot geBlk.SSbdDavis, S. w of Blk. 24. 5-Acre Fiat "A"—Big �, V Field Survey, thence south 134 tt. thence enrol 12 ft., thence o th 134 i't., thence east 12 it. 1� to rthe place of b,ginning; C.) \ and the s s hereby vacated 0 pod declared no eSt e,longer to,avenue, p property for use street. 0 alley or acation is way. ..."1. m Said vacation t made expressly Q subject to all existing a repute [way F e re easements Inver public util- ities of y and every description w located on, under or over the fines f the above described property a tl also subject to the right f entry thereon for the hue- no pose of inspecting, maintaining, re Nt y palrir, replacing. removing. Iter- ing rerouting said utilities and Sk nil f them. Va SECTION 2.In the opinion of the % n o o¢rd t Commissioners. it 1s ne- y'rs n Cu the peace, health and g safety of the inhabitantsaete of f Sall OLake that this ordinanceshall beScoa effective Immediately. SECTION 3.This ordinance shall 0 d9 take affect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Beard Commis- .' N stoners of Lake City, Utah,this E" a30th day of November,A.D. 1949. 6CO EarIM ayor Glade Bitner (Y cu Irma F.order., lL C1t Recortler. f IVAL1 t0 BILL� NO. 'f4 BILLPublished December 2. 1949. N (dO rL �o • 7y Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAh , 1 }aa County of Salt Lake Legal Notices AN ORDINANOB. AN ORDINANCH VACATING alley east 125 feet from 3rd West Street and running 134 feet from Paxton ,,1- T--Q�..�iu� Avenue,in Salt Lake City.Utah. - Be it ordained by the Hoard of Utah.Commissioners of Celt Lake City, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Utah, BEfrom 3 1.That alley eat 125 run- ning from 3rd Weft Street and Paxton north 134 feet from PUtah, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper venue, Salt Lake bed Utah, more particularly described as fol- lows: Beginning at the northwest published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State yy of Lot 23. Elk. b, Davie, gP aelk.a24,StAcreePlaBUAlv1eH18 of Utah. Field' Survewest 'thence Routh 134 ftno�rthh134 ft.,a thence east 612 nit. to the place of beginning: be n arid,the Came 1s hereby vacated That the advertisement and dec¢lared no longer to be public proper*for.use as street,avenue, alley W pedestrian way. Said•vacation la made ex9remly Rzhl iching An Ordinance All O. 74 endecpr6em 11 existingofallrl9ublicghts = tilwaY t' - lties of y,,,Vnd every yd description w located'id, the confines of they above described Property rof entry thereon,d also for tthe pur- pose iring,Ireplacing.maintaining,lter- r11 no rerrouting said utilities and a SECTION 2.In the opinion of the es Board °to a eerahealth nec- essary was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Lake of the Inhabitants of Salt Lake City that thie ordinance shall become effective immediately. dayOf A. D. 19 SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect upon its first puha- °APe essed_by the Hoard of Commis- sioners y, tay ofaN Lake ember,A.D.1949e and was published OIl Dee.. g_-1`�119 Earl J.Glade Mayor Irma F.Bit , CRY RecorderT (SEAL) the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the BILL NO. 74 Published December 2„1949. U`dy oy.1. A. D. 19 �G✓!/G''r_L. Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13tb day of llege,i„er A.D.19....4..9 Notary Pub i ftC t 711 Proof of Publication OF Attorney