74 of 1959 - Amending Title 20 of the R.O. 1955, by Repealing Sections 20-2-2 and 20-2-109 and adding a new secti ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, - ` - , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . .
Christensen . !' .
Geurts. . -
Romney . . . ✓ _
Mr.Chairman . � AN ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1955, by repealing Sections 20-2-2 and 20-2-109, and adding
thereto a new section to be known as Section 20-2-114, relating; to coin-
operated amusement devices.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same hereby is, amended by repealing Sections
20-2-2 and 20-2-109 of the said title by adding a new section to be known
as Section 20-2-114, relating to coin-operated amusement devices, to
read as follows:
"Section 20-2-114. Coin-Operated Amusement Devices.
1. (Definitions) Coin-Operated Amusement Device. The term
"coin-operated amusement device," as used herein, means any amuse-
ment machine or device operated by means of the insertion of a coin,
token or similar object for the purpose of amusement or skill and for
the play of which a fee is charged, or a device similar to any such
machine or device but which has been manufactured, altered or modi-
fied so that operation is controlled without the insertion of a coin,
token or similar object. The term does not include coin-operated
phonographs, ride machines designed primarily for the amusement of
children, or vending machines in which are not incorporated features
of gambling or skill.
Distributor. The term "distributor," as used herein, is Ireby
defined to be any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association
who sets up for operation by another, leases, rents, sells, distributes, ,
or in any way provides for the purpose of operation, any coin-operated
fr4b. amusement device as herein defined, whether such setting up for
operation, leasing, renting, selling, distributing, or in any way
providing said devices be for a fixed charge or rental or on the basis
of a division of the income derived from such device or dherwise.
Proprietor. The term "proprietor," as used herein, is hereby defined
to be any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or club
who, as the owner, lessee or proprietor, has under his or its control
any establishment, place or premises in or to which such a device is
placed or kpt for use or play or on exhibition for the purpose of use
or play.
.R,c.H. GOO o>i t.,
- 2 -
2. (License Required) No person, firm or corporation shall
engage in the business of a distributor or proprietor of coin-
operated amusement devices, as the terms are herein defined,
without having first obtained the proper license therefor. All
license fees payable hereunder shall be imposed for each business
as herein defined and any person, firm, corporation, partnership,
association or club engaging in both the businesses herein defined
shall pay the license fees applicable to both businesses.
3. (Distributorts License Fee) The license fee for each
distributor shall be $200.00 per year. All distributors1 license
fees shall be payable annually in advance, provided, that where
application is made after the expiration of any portion of any
license year, a license may be issued for the remainder thereof
upon payment of a proportionate part of the annual fee. In no
case shall any portion of said license fee be refunded to the
licensee after the license has been issued.
4. (proprietorts License Fee) The license fee for each proprietor,
as herein defined, shall be $20.00 per year for each device
used or played or exhibited for use or play. The license issued
shall show on its face the number of devices to be used, played
or exhibited thereunder, All proprietors! l hense fees shall be
payable annually in advance, provided that where application is
made after July 1 in any year, a license may be issued for the
remainder of the said year upon payment of a license fee of $10.00
for each said device. In no case shall any portion of the said
license fee be repaid to the licensee after the license has been
5. (Application for License--Nontransferable )Application for
license hereunder shall be filed in writing with the City License
Assessor and Collector, On a form to be provided by the City,
and shall specify:
(a) The name and address of tie applicant, and if a firm,
corporation, partnership, association or club, the principal
officers thereof and their addresses.
(b) If the applicant is a proprietor, the address of the
premises where the licensed device or devices are to be
operated, together with the character of the business as
carried on at such place.
(c) The general description of the device or devices to
be licensed, and, if the applicant is a proprietor, the
number of devices to be licensed.
(d) The name and address of the distributor of the device or
devices, if other than the proprietor.
The proper license fee shall accompany such application. The
application for such license together with such information as is
required by the city to be attached thereto, shall be referred to
the chief of police for inspection and report. The chief of
police shall, within five days after receiving such application,
make report to the Board of Commissioners of the general reputation
and character of the persons who habitually frequent such place;
the nature and kind of business conducted at such place by the
applicant, or by any other person, or by said applicant at any
ether place; whether intoxicating liquors are or have been served
or permitted to be drunk in said place, or by said applicant
at any other place; whether said place is, or has been conducted
- 3 -
in a lawful, quiet and orderly manner; the nature and kind of
entertainment, if any, at said place; whether gambling is or has
been permitted upon the premises, or by said applicant at any
other place; the proximity of such premises to any school or
church; and he shall add thereto his recommendation as to
granting or denying said application. Upon receipt of the said
report, the Board of Commissioners shall act upon the application
as it shall deem fair, just and proper, in regard to granting or
denying the same.
6. (Increasing the Number of Devices) In case a proprietor
licensed under the provisions of this ordinance desires, after
the expiration of any portion of any license year, to increase the
number of devices to be used for play or exhibited for use or play
in his establishment, he shall surrender his license to the City
License Assessor and Collector, who shall issue a new license
showing the number of devices licensed thereunder, upon payment
of the proper additional license fee therefor.
7. (Prohibited Location) No distributor or proprietor shall set
up for operation or exhibit for the purpose of operation or play
any coin-operated amusement device, as herein defined, within one
lineal block of any public elementary, junior high or high school.
8. (Gambling prohibited) No distributor or proprietor, or any
employee of any distributor or proprietor, shall permit, allow
or condone any gambling, gaming, wagering or belting in any form
in connection with the operation or play of any coin-operated
amusement device.
9. (Revocation of License) The Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City shall have the right to revoke any license issued here-
under for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance.
10. (Penalty) Any distributor or proprietor, or any employee of
any distributor or proprietor, who violates any provision of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and a separate offense
shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a viola-
tion occurs or continues.'
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the
inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 27th day of August'.,,,, , 1959.
( S E A L ) • IV-46
BILL N0. 74 of 1959 Pubi§died September 3rd, 1959 ys '.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake City Bill No. 74 of 1959
An Ordinance relating to coin-operated
amusement devices.
was published in said newspaper on September 3, 1959.
Legal Advertising Clerk 62
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of
September AD. 19 59
Notary Public
My Co90145sio` ,piC461.
Legal Notices al The tame and address or I
the distributor of r the device n.
, devlcns. if other than the pap
AN ORDINANCE The nronrr license too shall
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING : co na v slosh application. The I
TITLE es 20 f the Revised Ordl. , application for such license to,
of Salt Lake City, Utah, Serer with such -nfot,ttation s
1tod by repealing Sections 20.2.2 r n r d the y to be
ne 20-2 I09.and adding thereto- .attachedthe thereto.shall he referred
elf on to be known 0 Sec-' lion
the chief of police for ief of
[Ion 20-2-1tA,re thtg to coiurop, and report. The chief of l
[led amusement devices. police shall,within five days after '
`Be It ordained by the Hoard of receiving such
u h application, make of
Utah:Commissioners of Salt Lake City, t o the Hoard Commission-reputation
SECTION and of t the general persons�ECTION 1. That Title 20 of and character of nt o
the Revisal ll,115nchs of Sale habitually frequent such place;
Utah,1955„he,a d the thr nature and kind of business
snake her, amended by conducted at such place be the
amp hereby in licant,m'by any any other'n
Io 1: e said tit20-le
b and 2g a .I by said applicant at an other
of the said title by es S a glace;whether intoxicating any
lion m be known Sec- are to
been served trap 2annis 4.ent devingices,
ce cote-rear- I pitted o be drunk In said plce,
aled :pus ant devices, to ad r by said applicant at an other
s follows rn mace whether id placer is r
"Seclinn20-2-219.CormOpccatei I has be conducted in na elawful
Amusement Devices. 1.-/Defini quls' and orderly r; the
COIhe 10001 tl Amueerated -taro and hind of entertainment,
Davies. The term used`here if any,at said plac-•whc''her ,
amusement de amusementJn.means any machine bl. h.s b t'.epd
or d.1 t d b. of -1'h ttle all h id l the
token m
for the purpose £ Prox,pity of such p t _
amusement skill and fox the shoot I l h- .hall
t h 'hi lae ea heisdh odd thereto 1 recommendation a
a 1 ii nit
machine or device but hich has cation. 0 t
of Pin'sail'
Ibeen manufactured,ape altered o nht• llie t roa': of toga
modified100s 11 that operation Is a shall-1 u a the an atlad
trolled Ithou',the insertion of 1t as It shell deem (air,anit l and
coil,token p similar object. The primp i .ard to granting of
trm does not nclude c ope5 dcnyin+inn cum
clod phonographs, ride machines O. I increasing e the Number of
designed ed primarily or Use D-is t I ,e proprietor
inet of l vending f d. th. _ f
' chines in which of h his o f Ihr
rated features f gambling p kill. exht eitfl.a increase t .hef anv
Distributor. The term `distriblt'- bee of devices_or ed far pl v
t d h1Yein s h eby xl b .1 f I it
• defined tl t b ttei- h�. establishment. h I.IIsay-
elation partnership f p t It toe 1 lit t the Cli
h tm License 1 and C t.'
p anotheri a sells,id6a who shall tritbutes. u 1 b y h f s j
f Coin-operated _L t deviicsat 11 aisle thereunder.h
proper additional
gl un defined,ed opwheeration,such
ng,• alting,or in license fe 1'b- o Location, N
rennin,any way..rovdlnc dc said
devices be hall_set
P for operatic, exhibit f.'
to tl fbasis ved envisionixctl charge or rental
ice ahe n f n t 1_
ed from suc device 'vice,ny coin-operatedhe In defined,ewithin
1 d '
or If o'F t- I t. elementary.by - lineal bloc, of public
used herein. Is hereby hi h hich
1 d.
debited it b t person,. 8. at b -t d N
tionclub I -theI di. 'Uul _ o1 1d
t ro, d his III f lit
ne Its- t Eno blid net shall permit all
alone or mcmmisee i 1 to which ad"
such :o device i placed or kept r111g i'bettlne lg v(arm
for 'e m'glut't o on exibition In action a ith the oo corn ion
of t phty, p PI:v of i. - rated
for the purpose aru t d_
[. Required) s. Per-9 { corporationt .i- H a dtR E Commissioners of The
gage in l bor or usiness
or of coin-operated r Lake C t shall have t right to
t amusement devices.as the tonna revoke license Issuedo.
mo h d 3 ic re t h one
cdeo f tl ati t I ro£
then b. Althe nr pet license
10,rt Penalts'1 fAlny distributor
therefor. Alll license fees sayaDUo Or rop'1 tor,o employee f
hercunticr shall Ile imposed y d Permutes o[an i.tor,who
each business a herein defined o!atesprovisionio of this ordi-
tl rho Con,association or ra corporation.
-ice shad b ill f isd-
p t g �i both businesses _ o d separate,offense
h defined shall y the li- h 11 h t d o 'tt d on
fees applicable to both h day d `Ingo or o which a vio-
lation o continues."bu3, (Distributor'sst SECTION s2 or
the ooinicn of
3. efor License Fee) sire Hoard of Contmissionei's of
The licnnrc fee for each Uisti tbu- Salt Lake City,Utah.t
Io=shall be�$290 00 per year. All sale to the,peace.health Isla ec^_s-
dlsytlibutor license tees shall be so or 0 peace.he of Salt Lake j
vded.l 1hci uvl.cre 00nlientlod l ('it.o,♦Utah. that his ordinance
1 beome. r rnedlatcly.
made after the expiration Year,
aav .SECTI ON`t3_`iTins mdln'.mce
portion of any license the shall lake effect upon its first
license tot be Issued Payment
vebhcoPon, p
uremainder thereofn Pnf e t Passed b- the Hoard f Comm.,.
t nu rc. I as li agars of m the _
nalptec. In to ease shall a Sell Lake City. Utah
apron of itl license fee oe this`27th day £August.1950
pe[unded tp ilia liccnseo after the ADIFL F.STEWART.
lichen r.Pron'ias etorii'ss issued.
Feel HE'0,00 1.HOGCNSRN,
The license fee for each Proreteter. City Recorder.
.s herein defined,shall be;S20.00 cd EALi
nor r for each device used or RILL NO.76 of 1,139
redo exhibited for Published Sept.3rd,1959 (A-291
l y. The. license issued sshall
show onface the numberbeer of
dcyieee t 1 be used,p ex-
h ibitcd to
teller. All o�e ie
toi'Poen,fees shall be par ble
annually i ads-mice, provided
that where n application is mede
after July 1 it v year,a license
be ld do for the unnalnder
rot t e cash
sfallhcevice.c no case shall
said device. In n ice se fe any
repaid lion t the said seeltaf fee be
to the licensee after the
i . has neap issued.
5. lAtrt,hitrmn for Lionse01
5ir0unde Anohole cation for
lapin hcrcu Cher hall be license
sessor mid
idthColle te ry in aform
ins be provided by the City. and
shall sircify: and address of
fa, 1,11c
the applicanhe t.aging
daif a Linn.cor'-
rat'Iinn. p rtncrship. : tip t
th club. the principal officers
thlbl fIf tIn- ,,,litliaeadtcss'sos-pro
e ietm'. the ddress of theaprem:
lasts where the drooled device
er vice's the cha to racter of theobullt
carried o t such mace
be lcln The general description of
the device or devices to be li-
censed,and,If ll,e applicant is a
.n.tr he number f devices
loubelli`re ,1.