75 of 1908 - Ordinance 75 of 1908 – Creating Board of Examiners to examine into fitness of persons following tr AN ORDINANCE CREATING A BOARD OF EXAMINERS TO EXAMINE INTO THE FITNESS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS FOLLOWING THE TRADE OF PLUMBING; PROVIDING WHAT Q.UALIFICATIINS ARE NECESSARY FOR PERSONS • FOLLOWING SAID TRAft; AHD PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT AND GOVERN- MENT OF THE SAID BOARD OF EXAMINERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH; Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to follow the occupation of a plumber within Salt Lake City, State of Utah, unless he shall have first obtained a certificate of registration as pro- vided in this ordinance; Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinunccj contained shall apply to or effect any person who is now actually engaged in such occupation within said city, except that such persons shall be required to file the affidavit hereinafter mentioned and procure a certificate of registration within the time hereinafter designated. Section 2. Plupbing Defined. Plumbing as reared to in this ordinance is hereby defined to consist of sewerage, drainage and ventilation installed in or in conneotion with all public and private buildings. Section 3. Joard of E4amtners. A >osrd of Examiners to con- sist of five persons is hereby created to carry out the purposes and enforce the provisions of this ordinance. The said Board of Examiners shall consist of two journeyman plumbers and two employ- ing plumbers and the duly appointed Plumbing Inspector of said city. The Mayor shall within thirty days after the approval of this or- dinance appoint the members of the said Board. The said Board shall at all times be composed of pratical plumbers and the members therof shall serve throughout the term of each city administration unless removed for good cause. In case of any vacancy arising from removal or resignatio of any member, or otherwise, the Mayor shall at once fill the vacancy by appointment. I Section 4. Bonds of Membor . Each member of sadd Board shall give a bond in the sum of Three Dollars (33OO.) w4,0t dnretiss to be approved by the Mayor, 40-4to faithNiol kr-faas k. of his is, duties, and shall take the ,r AT taw for puDlia +' ''' officers. ,f ` , xI Section 5. The said Board shall elect a President and a Secretary, both of whom shall be at all times members oQ said Board, shall have its headquarters at such place within said city as the Board may determine, and shall have and use a common seal. A majority of the members of the said Board may in meeting duly assembled perform the duties and exercise the powers devolving upon the said Board under the provisions of this ordinance. Section 8. Gomnanaation. Bach member of the said Board, except the Plumbing Inspector, shall receive as full compensation for his services the sum for services actually rendered, said compensation to be paid monthly as are the Salaries of the other City Officers. Ssotion 7. Board to Report. The said Board shall report annually to the Mayor a full statement of its receipts and disburse- ments during the year, a full statement of its actions and proceedings, and such recommendations as it may deem proper, looking to the better carrying out the intents and purposes of this ordinance. Seotion 8. ) juliB4g1oa! to be bald. ItalitiaeMeaselleffir AT Ls said Board shall hold once in each month at suoh time and plane as the said Board may designate one examination for the purpose of testing the fitness and qualificatioBs of persons desiring to follow the trade of plumbing within said city, and shall notify each applicant by mail of the time and place where such examinations will be held. All examinations shall be a test both in the theoretical and in the pratical knowledge and fitness of the applicant in the trade of plumbing. At the time of making an application for such examination each applicant saall be reqired to pay to the said Board, or to the designated officer therof, the sum of Three ($3.) Upon successfully passing such examination a certificate entitling th e applicant to follow the trade of plumbing within the said city shall be issued under the seal of the Board. Any person, firm or corporation who shall hereihafter engage in the business of employing or contracting plumbers, but who shall not engage in aotual or practical plumbing as herein defined, other than through his or its employees, upon filing an affidavit to that affect, which affidavit shall also designate his or its mame,residenoe and place of business, and who shall pay to the Secretary of the Board the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00 ) shell thereupon receive a certificate • of registration without submitting to said sxamination,provided, however, that if such person or the members of any such firm or corporation shall engage personally in actual or practical plumbing as herein defined, without first having complied with the provisions of this ordinance, such person or persons shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter desoribed. Section 9. AFFIDAVIT.CONTENTS..CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION. Every person who shall on the date of the passage of this ordinance be actually engaged in the occupation of plumbing within the said city either as a journeyman or an employing plumber, shall within thirty days after the approval of this ordinance, file with the Secretary of the said Board an affidavit setting forth his name, residence, place of business and how long he has been engaged in the business or occupation of plumbing, and shall pay to the Secretary of the said Boar the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and thereupon a certificate of regis• tration shall be issued to such person entitling him to engage in such occupation without examination. / Section 10.. TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES. It shall be the duty of the said Board to issue to any applicant a certificate which shall entitle such applicant to engage in the business of $lumbidg until the next regular examination of applicants. Thereafter and prior to the next regular examination such persons shall be notified to appear before the said Board and take the examination as provided by it, and upon satisfaatorily passing such examination shall be en- titled to,receive the certificate in Seotion 7 of this ordinance provided. Section 11. APPRENTICES. DUTIES. Nothing in this act shall prohibit any person from sieving as a plumber's apprentice, but in no case shall an apprentice be allowed or permitted to perform the work or duties of a journeyman or employing plumber, until he shall have appeared before the said Board, taken the examination by them provid- ed and received the proper certificate. Section 12. The said Board shall keep a register in which shall be entered the names of all persons to whom any of the certifie cates in this ordinance shall have been issued, and the said register.'; , shall be at all times open to publio inspection. Section 13. FEES. Any and all fees derived under the provisions of this ordinance shall be turned into the treasury of the oity.monthiy by the Seoretary of the said Board who shall take and receive from the City Treasurer a receipt therefor. Section 14. CSRTIFICATES TO BE RENEWED. All certificates provided to be issued by the said Board by this ordinance, excepting temporary certificates, must be renewed every twelve months after the issuance thereof, and the holder of such certificates shall pay to the Secretary of said Board the sum of One Dollar (31.00) as fee for such renewal. Engaging in the business or occupation of plumbing beyond the said period of twelve months from this date of the issuance of the original certificate or of the last renewal thereof without first having procured the said renewal thereof shall he deemed an infraction of this ordinance. Section 15. CERTIFICATES MAY BE RENEWED. The said Board shall have the power to revoke any certificates by it issued under this ordinance upon a conviction of a violation of this ordinance of of the plumbing ordinances of this city by the person holding such certificate. Any person whose certificate shall have been revoked pursuant to this ordinance may,at any time after the expiration of sixty days, apply to,said Board to have such certificate re0ssued, and upon making satisfactory showing before the said Board may procure a reissuance of the said certificate upon the payment of the sum of One Dollar (41.00) to the Secretary of said Board. Section 18. EQUIPMENT OF BOARD. The sum of ----Dollars or so much thereof as may he necessary, is hereby appro- priated from the funds of the city for the purchase of such supplies, stationery and ec;uipment for the condicting of examinations as may be necessary. Said property when so acquired to be held by-sect-d as the property of the city and accounted for annually in the annual report. Section 17. VIOLATION A MISDEMEANOR. Any person who shall, either as a journeyman or an employing plumber, practice or engage in the business or occupation of plumbing without having first procured the certificates provided in this ordinance, or who shall as an employing plumber, employ a person who shall has not such certificate, . or who shall falsely pretend to be qualified to engage in such occupation or trade under this act, or who shall vi)Late any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollard, or by imprison- ment for not less than ten days nor more than Ninety days. • f � 1 { x A '1 ¢f t '' 1i i 1 4 §: _ - �� ' ' c- 14 r ,, 1 t T tittEst-. ;! 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