75 of 1909 - Ordinance 75 of 1909 – Paving Extension No. 18, First Partial Estimate. AZ O R D I N A N C E . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein- after described on State Street between North Temple and Second North Streets; West Canyon Street from the east side of State Street to the south side of Second North Street; Hillside Avenue from the east side) o2tate Street to the jest side of West Canyon Street, and First P' North Street bet.veen daIn and State Streets, in Laving Districts Nos. S 22,and 30, for the-purpose oi' providing for the grading and"guttering and;;curbing thereof. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, ,Wtiah: SECTION 1. That•the assessment list made by the City Treasurer '.as-corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalisation an. Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur- pope, of the property in Lots 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 93, Plat "A"; 1 to 5, inclusive, Block 2; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, Plat "E"; 3, Block 1; and 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 2, Plat "K", Salt Lake Cit Survey, abutting on both sides of First North Street between Main an State Streets, and on both sides of State Street between North Templ and Second Borth Streets, in Paving Districts Nos. 22 and 30, of Sal Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the grading and gutterin and curbing thereof, is hereby confirmed, and the asse:;sments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Paving Extension No. 18. Birst Partial Estimate. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, June 1st, 11909, and referred to the Mayor for his a xoval. ity Recorder. Approved this day of June, 1909. l II, ....,,.__ _ ..-.__: --,-,.17:.J I, , j•..:', .: ..-.•..-' ''',(....,./..1 lifit-t ....,,-..e.r,i---..,4 c.4,"2- .1{....-r Jo:, F.9.)l'..-TL •-,0 cLA , ',.‘. .. ..... '2-1.^....) .- :1,if•'. -..1i.LP1.7.7. ft-roT7 111913...iFhi j''.7,:..-.!..- 7.4.i.i'L i'(.. 150.j.t'1029., 1 r.-41:: '4,1-1,:ti.. ",;) eLin t:.:.4e. o..-J T;',.:;•17 torrAtC, 7,urrev.i, ,:,.5te.1..71.Li ;leo-At.' ,r1.1,.... iffooE,1 10 J- .A i'..rf• , too.s.,,,,-, .-ro•rzivAD ILal7 `J.0 ail, J'.. a , ,',J• ol• .1.6:-.,.J-i. J \a., ..- •,... _ : v-,.1-,..: L;,..:133}: .,..: '971.§:aj e,41.•,: -.1%-i-.' ji-ilfaiv.: \ .‘,....'". _;:z...,..:\i, c, fit -10'.4 ..?..c.k.\'''\1,-1. ,...--, k . Z 'a. • v ' s .''. ' Er.10„-,i,i3 ;,11:cr,1-,3 kL!i ; '''ii\ , - I .)•1 7-...,,,-. 4 • . , 1.. •:-.' : 8 qjzjc_"?. .,.., .\,,,, ,..,+"--1 . :-. 1 L. ,trigg, F.itit$01 9 '...t.42/.,,TT .1 4.',,i_ -•>'‘i ,r1:\ (\%: _ • ., •otli ,71 -,:ci L€ . ' --; •. J. -.:;',.':': I::,,s-T;00 x,•!•1.',2: oi';- %.,,J°I)sk-Tio.,., ,,, 1FL t‘,••fc'. ;"..." J ;7. .:7',,? je•ol.- ,8 firt.a 7 ,;!-'3 .3 .i oto.... fil N;t-ro,,o17 --,.i... i :,01:,:-.' ,;., rdi , 7, -. ..._-,,, ,1 -.1,-..o.E.,-: .;,.v.: rrof.i :...., , : ... L .:L., ,",/.." J Jr. ,•:,' ,fr,o1r] .,-,-,rim-119, i ,;" L.; 3 ..-ii' :I .too.r,-... .,,,, r,,,.,„ ,•_:: :Li '.,'')I.i l'f-1,-te. 14...4.'n-}.7 t,ili-t lc. ,,,,.. ..1);:;.2 :.",1-0,( rto jrfi:-(1..L., ,-,,,,-...iiliji,i ' ri,„...: ,: ''''. :.: :;01-..+:-,r d-93.ite, eJ•iti "'ro afLi,-,. 'Ioff rro tr.i.o .at .i•i'L; -.: ;-i..;; .„ ' •::,,.. 'Ir., , ;"7, 1,,,..... L'',:.'; .,;()-... .3.JotaztufG ,,.,-,1•.,..3-i at ,EltezvvI'L.. .1.17,1-vo-itii. In .,,,•-,,r,, op:',1 ',.:,7 ,',i;;JVa '..N.',... 'it"ITO 0 ),..CSO'l.,' i , 9t.) , ro., ,v-...3 ,,t-.11 br.triit.,.o8 .r. Ad fri i;,,,. .i.,•-:3:.-P.f ,..1-,3 . i .. .,,,.. f,,LI t•-,011e 0,;-„; is , :4`,li..,.11.til 0 ...141W . .8.L .;.-:::: ,ro.i,n-.5-.1':..;;' ,Ti‘ ,... . f7.1t7;a. .1.._;.N'..'..,.. 1; .r.:%[ • , . . . . . - ,z • t