75 of 1910 - Ordinance 75 of 1910 – Paving Extension No. 60, First Partial Estimate. IJe
An ordinance levying a tax and for the aesesement of the propert
hereinafter described on Ninth Eat Street between South Temple Stree
and the city limits, in Paving Districts 'Jos 27, 31 and 32, for the
purpose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing and pavin
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter
described in Paving Districts Los. 27, 31 and 32, for the purpose of
providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving of por-
tions of said districts, to-wit:
In Lots 1, 6, 7 and. S, Block 58; 4 and 5, Block 57; 2, 3, 4 end
5, Block 56; 1 and 8, Block 55; 1, 6, 7 and 6, Block 44; 4 and 5,
Block 43, abutting' on both sides of Ninth East Street between South
Temple and Third South Streets.
This tax is levied to defre y the expense of grading and paving
with asphalt (said asphalt pavement to be sixty (60) feet wide between
curbs and nine and 1/2 (9-1/2) inches thick between South Temple and
Fourrth South Streets; fifty (50)feet wide between curbs and nine and
1A(9-1/2) inches thick between Fourth South and Ninth South Streets,
and forty (40) feat wide between curbs and nine and 1/2 (9-1/2) inohe
thick between Ninth South Street and the city limits), the portions
of said Ninth last Street hereinbefore and hereinafter described to
be especially affected read benefited by acid. iieproveuent, anti it is
hereby adjudged, determined and established t::.et said property will
be especially benefited thereby to t7le full ,., ,.set o,7 te tor hereb;,
Ilevio-,d, t_.l v :i parcels of lt.nd Sfe bore'J;; ussod,
i r with v,ith foot; fro. t e.;;o ur_t, ,.,id
[porticos of said ,_.,reot fronting upon veld to a depth of twenty-five
(25) feet hack tbeeef-rom, end the tax hereby le icd ana to ee assesse�
Upon said pareela of luau is teeuty eie G el.eeud. niiif }i LC i'•t (: Y111_e
tnu ;�L L (V26,909.53) dollars, or SIX and 7r5336/l,000,UJ0
( 6.795336) dollars per front or lineer foot o6 abrciti p...-6 ,c.oty for
road.way 60 feet wide, there being 396C feet g ty
within thc boundaries of the lots, bloca0 street ,.11,ove my:timei
in said district, which is the total cost ai3 coot per front foot of
said pavement according to the contrect entered into fut the gor ior-
mt::nce of said work and makine, said improvement, with I'. J. Moran,
dated the 27th day of December, 1909, and. the Trez;sure_.•
authorized. and directed to assess in accordf,nee Liti: the precisions
of this ordinance for the purpose herein me-I-Ahmed:
3ixty :foot 7oadway
The east side of Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, 2,looli 30; the west side of
LotsLct 4 aw'. 6, 'nook 57; the 'at): t side of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1/.1eck
56; the east side of Lots 1 and 6, loak 35; the east oi0is of :sots 1,
6, 7 sod 3, 71oeli .o.; the west side of Lots 4 and 5, 13lo0k 43, all in
"B", -6alt T.e: City ;•durvey, as the sane are shoy,r, upon the
official plats of said. City to a depth of tv:ent-y-five (25i f 'eau....
CI LL sdflact said
2. iiidd M1i beau:, sad he del invent is Le-o equal
yearly instailmon , itO interest en th hoi sap urriJaid at the rate
of six per cent per annum, payziblo at the time eac'e. i'ocin 11::ant is
due, it; U .-t. iO na-ci f e app,sv; of the
ordir:Er,ce cc:Ifir:Ili-1Q the levy of the tax for at :"or such im-
p -ovc-mert; thereet in 6 v:1;
years after e rah sp„.our 1; on. hureo:C
: s vtl; e _ 0 f 0
aft e • i; eh avi;co-v al; cs:e-tc: '71 ti. n , is "! . appe.
; -tent' 0 ore ': c.1
Ihe..0001- ;jean.: 5 bt.. uch ap..).'e,,51; . in ni-e
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l..011 0Q ,rOVal. j.7 .
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stellment or the interest aforesaid, not beia, paid on the date Lie
1r, of ti,o special tux unpaid at the
time said installment and interest are due, beconc due : ("t pay-
able, and shall draw interest at the rate of eiLht per cent per annum
until sale of the property assessed; provided, one or more install-
ments, in the order in which they are peymble, or the whole special
tax unpaid may be paid on the day any installment becomes due, by
• paying the a�e)ount thereof and interest to said date.
SECTI0P 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon. approval.
Paving Extension ivo..60.
First Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Gity Council bf'Salt Luke City,Utah, June 9th
1910, and referred to the Mayor for his appr4
't"y order
Approved this day of June, 1910.
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