75 of 1912 - regulating buildings for clothes cleaning establishments. AN ORDINANCE .
An ordinance to regulate the construction of buildings used for
clothes cleaning establishments and the use of gasoline, naphtha, ben-
zine, and other light petroleum and coal products in clothes cleaning
establishments in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. (a) The term "benzine" or "gasolene",
wherever used herein shall mean any product of petroleum, or any hydro
carbon liquid that will flash or emit an inflammable vapor below the
temperature of one hundred and ten (110) degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) "Chief of*Fire Department" moans Chief of Fire Department
of Salt Lake City, Utah.
1 (c) "Approved" shall mean approved by Chief of Fire Department.
(d) "Clothes Cleaning Establishment" shall mean any building or
promises where more than one quart of benzine or gasoline is kept or
stored to be used for cleaning or renovating any clothing or articles
of wearing apparel or fabric of any kind, including dye works and
tailor shops.
(e) "Tests". The Chief of Fire Department shall test and decide
the flashing point.
shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation hereafter to
establish or maintain a clothes cleaning establishment where more than
one (1) quart of benzine or gasoline is kept or stored, without first
obtaining a permit therefor from the Chief of Fire Department, speci-
fying the came of the permittee and the location of the premises to
be used es such clothes cleaning establishment, and the amount of
benzine or gasoline desired; provided, that all persons, firms or
corporations now conducting the business of clothes cleaning shall
after the passage of this ordinance comply with all the requirements
hereafter specified in this ordinance governing the storage and use
of gasoline or benzine. No permit shall be granted by Chief of Fire •
Department where any portion of building is used or occupied as a
hotel, apartment house or lodging, house. •
SECTION 3. A.PPLICATION FOR PERMITS. All applications for per-
mits to store benzine or gasoline to be used in clothes cleaning es-
tablisiiments shall be made to the Chief of lire Department, who shall ;
determine the conditions under which any privilege granted shall be
exercised, and shall furnish each applicant with a written or printed •
copy of all requirements imposed by this ordinance for their informa-
tion and guidance as to the manner in which benzine or gasoline shall
be stored for the cleaning or renovating of clothes or any articles of
wearing apparel or fabric of any kind.
When application is mode to conduct and maintain a clothes clean-.
ing establishment, the applicant shall, immediately after filing the
application, cause to be posted conspicuously on the premises a notice
that such application has been made, said notice to be kept posted
until said application is granted or denied.
SECTION 4. DRY CLE NIN ROOM. The dry cleaning room of a clothes
cleaning establishment shall be a fire proof building not more than
1 one story high, with no basement beneath; building must be of brick,
laid in cement mortar, stone or concrete construction with cement
(a) The doors of such room must be of the most improved pattern
of automatic fire doors; the windows shall be of fire glass with metal
frames and sashes. •
(b) The walls of said room shall have vent holes at the floor
line not less than 6 x 8" in area, two such openings in each outside
wall of the room, the openings properly protected by iron bars. The
Chief of Fire Department may require, when deemed advisable for proper
ventilation, that an exhaust blower be located in an air conduit who,
inlet openings shall be at or near the floor lino, and the discha,
end of such conduit shall be carried four feet above the roof of the
building. The exhaust blower and conduit shall be of size sufficient
to change the air of the building every three minutes, and such blower
shall be in operation at all times during working hours.
(c) The dry cleaning room shall be equipped with fire buckets
filled with sand for use in extinguishin_; fires, the number of buckets
and quantity of sand to be determined by the Chief of Eire Department.
(d) Where steam is available, the dry cleaning room of a clothes
cleaning establishment shall have installed in same an approved steam
fire extinguishing system, the supply valve for which shall be placed
on the outside of the room with one valve so arranged that same can
be turned on from the outside of the building.
(e) There shall be no coneiec!ion from the said clothes cleaning
establishments to public or private sewers, drain, catch basin or pit,
and all such establishments shall be heated by hot water or steam heat.
(f) The lighting must be done by electricity in the most improver
manner, the wires to be run in conduits; all lamps must be approved •
vapor proof lamps with keyless sockets; and all switches must 4- feet
above the floors of such establishments, located near door so as not •
to allow opportunity for vapor to collect near them.
(g) It shall be unlawful to locate, have, use or maintain steam
II! generating boiler, dynamo or motor within the walls of any clothes
cleaning establishment except in a room entirely separated from the •
cleaning and dyeing rooms.
gallon of gasoline or benzine shall be kept or stored for use above
ground, and in any clothes cleaning establishment except in closed
machines. All quantities of benzine or gasoline in excess of one
gallon shall be stored in underground tanks of the following specifi-
(a) All storage tanks shall be constructed of not less than/]u
gauge galvanized steel, carefully riveted and soldered and coated on
the outside with asphaltum or other rust proof material. There shall
be no openings or pipe connections except on top thereof, and no tank
shall be connected 'either directly or indirectly with any drain, catch
basin or sewer.
(b) Tanks must not exceed 300 gallons capacity each, and not
more than 6 tanks for benzine or gasoline of 300 gallons capacity each
shall be allowed in connection wih any one clothes cleaning e .tab-
be installed underground outside of building, in yard, under sidewalk
as near the curb line as possible, or under a public alley, the top of
tanks to be four (4) feet below the surface and entirely surrounded by
(b) Where more than one tank is installed, they shall be sepa-
• rated by at least twelve (12) inches of earth, all well tamped in
place. The tops of tanks must be below the level of the lowest pipe
• line in the building used in connection with the equipment.
• (c) No storage tanks shall be covered with earth until on inspec-
• tion has bean made by the Chief of 1`ire Department.
(d) All storage tanks shall be provided with one (1) inch diam-
eter galvanized iron vent pipe, same to be connected to top of tanks. •
(e) This vent pipe must be carried up at least twelve (12) feet •
Stove the ground level and terminate in a double goose neck spark pro-
tector, the openings of which must be covered by a brass or copper •
wire screen of at least 30 mesh. This vent pipe must be placed on a
dead wall as remote from windows and doors as possible, and must be
attached to wall with pipe hooks, and kept firmly in place.
(f) Filler pipes must be made of galvanized iron piping two (2)
inches or more in diameter, entering in at the top of tank, and ex-
tending to the bottom of the tank. Upper end of such filler pips(mAst
terminate in screw cap securely locked. ,(14/
(g) When filler pipe runs to sidewalk or to alley, or to other
public hihways, it must terminate in screw cap securely locked, and
be protected by cast iron filler box, same to be flush with the side-
walk or alley; cover of said filler box to be securely locked.
(h) All storage tanks shall be filled from a tank wagon in the
day time. Im no case shall any tanks or drums of gasoline, empty or
otherwise, be allowed in, upon or about any clothes cleaning estab-
lishment or dye works.
(i) Where the space under the sidewalk•is excavated for use ad
part of the basement, tanks shall rest- on or beneath the basement
floor, shall be surrounded by a brick or concrete wall not loss than
twelve (12) inches thick,=.extending from the bottom of the tank to
four (4) feet above the top thereof; the space between the top of the
tank and the top of the wall shall bd filled with earth, and the earth
covered with at least three (3) inches of concrete.
SECTION 7. PUMPS. All gasoline or benzine must be drawn from
storage tanks by automatic closing valve pumps, and no gravity-siphon,
air or water system shall be permitted; such pumps to be located above
the top of the tanks and may be placed inside of the building. Pumps
must be of an approved design having valves to close all suction pipe
SECTION 8. PIBES. All pipes must lead out of the top of all
(a) All piping shall be galvanized and be put together with
litharge and glycerine.
be so)arran;ged that all gasoline shall be pumped from tanks to washers
and return without being ex osed to the air.
SECTION 10. REGLiLI.TIOT;S. (a) No open lights of any kind shall
be allowed in any room where benzine or gasoline is used.
(b) No stove, fore, torch, boiler or other furnace, flam
14 ;
-6- ._
fire shall be allowed in any room where benzine or gasoline is used.
(c) All electric meters shall be placed at least four and one
half (42) feet above the floor.
duty of Chief of Fire Department to see that the provisions of this
`-. odine1144 ar4 complied with, and for that purpose he shall have access
fi ,y
:` t° n 'a d .a.`Al buildings 1 emi e seal as clothes clefnain ,,,estab-
5 t. li it tsd _ill
1 '
4 #v t>( ,).. IF.i any propriety ,a _ of any clothes n estab-
lishmdYi ha-1 fail or re!us ,450 i. with any of th p 'ov't ions of
t i s o;rdidna e (which ar fo �bst p c safety) , sal. bl of of Fire ,
,f u.
i Deaic�eritJshall notify e ro ri �'r or managero gpea-r before
1 th4 Board of Commissioners o Sc. t Lake City within five days after
the seice of said notice, and show erase why the permit which may
have been :;-ranted to store benzine or gasoline shall not be revoked.
SECTION 12. PENALTY. Any person, or persons, firm or company or
corporation that violates, disobeys, or refuses to comply with any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and moon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding
f- or by imprisonment in the City Jail :or not more
than imett.4161e, or by both such fine and imprisonment;
and such person or persons, firm, company or corporation shall be
deemed guilty of separate offense for every day at such violation, dis
obedience or refusal shall continue, and shall be subject to the pen-
alty imposed by this ordinance for each and every separate offense.
SECTION 13. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordi-
nances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to
the extent of such conflict.
SECTION 14. This ordinance shall take effect J aL
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Passed by the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake Cit , Utah, June 13, 1912.
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