75 of 1914 - Franchise to Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, spur track 5th West ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No •Salt Lake City,Utah, June 1, 191 4 Shearman I I move that the ordinance he passed. Wells Lawrence Xi :,:",./',.'',1 Mr.Chairman Result --------- — .,iSE U1UJ 11.L VL`• n ordinance granting^, to The Denver and Rio Grande railroad. Company, and to its aneceseors and acsigns, a franchise and right of way to construct and operate single c-cur railroad tr_.ck on fifth 7est Street between Sixth en& aeventh South Streets, in Salt Lake City, Utah. I:e it ordained by the hoard of Commissioners of Salt hake City,Utah: Aection 1. franchise and right of way is hereby given an granted to The Denver and Rio Grande SS.ilroad Comnan;', its successors and .assigns, to lay, Construct and operate a standard gauge spur ail- road track on Fifth ';lest ..treet, between Sixth and Seventh `South Streets, in r5alt Lake City, Utah, on a. route the center like of which is described as follows: • bcgtnning at a point on the center line of the present track of The gave r .::aid Rio C'rande :ail o<.(. Co ;any, between >_isth and Seventh oath Streets, on w'n.ai was formerly the west hailof Fifth `:o':t Street, • 7 feet 'Jest from the monument line of Fifth heat Street and 465 feet from the monument line of `seventh South `.treet; thence e::tendin.g souther- ly intersecting the center line of Fifth ',Scat Street at a point 238 feet north from the Monument line of Seventh iouth Street; thence continuing southeasterly on a 30° curve to the left 117 feet, intersecting the east aide 1`_ e of Fifth 'jest ;-street, at a point 146 feet north from the monu- ment lido of Jevent1 south Street. `size location of said center line over end -,cross Fifth ,rest Street is ;_horn by a yellow line on the blue print attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. Durinr: the term of this franchise the grantee shall be subject to the following conditions: (el ;paid tr-ch s hall be laid noon end con_orm to the establish- ed grade of 2,Ad. street, and if said grade is a fteryards chanced by ordinence of the Board of Commissioners the grantee shall at its own expense change the elevation of the track to conform thereto. (b) hhencver the said. street where such tract: is constructed shall be paved, then said grantee, i.ts successors and essigns, shall pave between the nails and for v ace of two feet outside of each rail, with the ealre material as that used in the street pavement, and all ties shall be laid upon a concrete wee of ouch thickness as shall be directed by the city engineer. (c) Said ,pr.'ntce shall put in and maintain such crossings over :;aid spur track as shall from time to time be reeuired by the Board of Commissioners, and cars and engine.: shall not be - e emitted to stand on thetrack across Fifth `:ect Street. (d) Said tr.err shall be laid end the road operated eo as to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common and ordinary use of said Street upon which it is laid. (e) Good end- sufficient conduits to convey water shall be laid .and meinta:ined in rood condition at the enpenae of said grantee, in all the water ditches creased by said spur track, so as to admit of free passage of water. (f) Salt Take City reserves the right to regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and cars operated by the grantee, its euece0s02ra or essigns, within the city. (g) Said grentee, its successors and assigns shall er_:vel and maintain in good condition, at the ee tablishedi1r Rde, the street along ..which the trci•_ rams, to within one and one-half inches of the top of the • • rails and between said ratio an(- on o:..ch side of the outer rails, for a distance of t.:enty-five feet, subject to the ..pprovul of the Superintendent of Streets. eqrt , -2- ieetion 3. Tlothin; in thi :rant ,hall 1 e construed co as to prevent felt Lake City or it: authorized t_.o'ento., contractors., person or corporation to whom a franchise may L_hve been or cry hereafter be granted, from raving, cowering, laying =as or .water mains, or Cipes, altering, y e'pairin,^,,, or in any manner roving sail street, but till such improvements shall be „lade with asi little injury as =rticticable to said s 0ur track and the operation thereof. Section 4. the raid ^rantee herein, its successors and _-signs, shall, and by the acceptance of the •ivilecc and franchises herein gr_mtea, and in consideration of the same, does bind itself, its successors and assignE, u-i,on its acceptance of this franchise, to save said city harmless from all snits, cl.ius, demands and judgments whatsoever, whether in lie or in efuity, which shall be n .erted, found or rendeaod in :my m,Inner whatsoever, against said city for injury or d:imh-;e to abutting pro,orty or otherwise, by reason of the granting of this franchise or by reason of the operation of said spur track; and that the grantee herein, it: successors and assigns, will pay tile amount of :any judgment, determination or adjudication which, in any suit or croceedins, may be or ...__ill be found p'.ainst ialt lake City, provided,ho,::ever, that said 3rentee, its successors and assigns, shall hmmve h.:d- notice of such suite, and an opportunity to :appear and defend the same; and said. grantee, Ito successors and assigns, shall appear in and defend all :motions brought - g:iinst "_'alt _eke City for any injury or SE.1R]-i:;e by reason of the construction, o-peration or mainten- ance of caid sur track. Uection 5. Cho franchise to granted fora Period of t2eefy- five ye..lrs, fro:. ,and Lifter the approval of- this ordinance. °ection 6. Unless this :;.ant and all the toms and. conditions thereof shall l;e accented in :;riling 1: the grantee within thirty days and the track constructed within ninety Sys,from the passage of this ordinance, the same shall 'ee null Land void. ection 7. Chic ordinance shall trio of_ect upon it2 first ahblication. • Paseed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah, June 3rd, 1914. , - C City Recorder Mayors 1 �_J a KPL/`JH'F' ; I, i 7 T7 f!h' I , Z. 1� .1 f 6 fh V`O afh ;V .5,.'f•r 1 i& JS i_/f. g ..tea.. ...-. _ 7a k I . ry ,��` T � d" { IT 1 Y Jj f �a7L1J.> i ,E5,,3-,--f/tom w _ 1 4J , Pr_3 to .f tfr / /1 a , 5-a/t Zer/re it�o I • j 1 r 1,, I , A z a f r, rnnPhci¢ • Y ,2( ' I TM i. ', c, /, -Wo . 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