75 of 1920 - Section 1376, Chapter LXI, relating to water rates ROLL CALL --- -------- VO'1`ING AYE NAY June 21 192..Q.a. Salt Lake City,Utah, s Burton - Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green — Neslen “ed-1.I/ Mr. Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE amending Section 1676 of Chapter LXI of the revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, as amended Aug. 11, 1914, May 22, 1917, 1.:arch 7, 1918, and Dec. 24, 1918, relating to water rated. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Date City, Utah: • SECTION I. That Sec. 1076 of Chapter TJ(T of the re- vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1913, relating to water rates be amended so as to read as follows: :SP . 1376. WATER RATES. PAID IN ADV1.NCE. The annual rates for a supply of water from Salt Lake City waterworks to be paid annually in advance, are hereby fixed and established as follows, to-wit: Churches not using hydraulic power--for toilets, urinals and lawn same as dwelling rates. Hose connections for sprinkling garden, lawns and other purposes, 50 square yards or less, }1.50 and for each additional square yard, 3 cents. for washing each private vehicle 0..00 for each animal on premises 1.00 Private dwelling occupied by one family - t5 rooms or less) 4.00 Eor each additional room .75 Each additional family 3.00 Each bath tub #a4 Each toilet 2+(10 75 i i I j I i i I II , for all other put o ., ,,.. ca shall be measured by iI meter and paid for at meter rates, except that 50 per cent of the public schools shall pay a flat rate of 5Q.00 per h school for the year ending 4une40, 1921, and thereafter all public schools shall pay for the water used at meter rates-less twenty-five ner cent, From and after July 1st, 1920, whenever a new Iji service pipe is installed connecting any premises with the 1 water mains of Salt Lake City, or whenever any new premises; are connected to a private line which is supplied by water from the water system of Salt Lake City, a water meter shall be installed for which a charge of S0.00 shall be made for 1 Ij sixes up to and including 1 inch; where installed at the 1 curb line, and 12.00 where ouch meter can be conveniently I placed in a basement. . Any contractor or -person engaged in construction j work or repairs of any nature requiring the use of water, I 1 shall apply to the department of water supply and water I i works for a meter to be placed, for either temporary or I, I j permanent consumption of water, mad deposit a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost incident to the -placing of such meter. I where a building is to be erected, application i++ I shell be made for service pipe in the regular manner, and alll 1 water consumed in the construction of such building shall be; i paid for at regular meter rates. It shall be unlawful for I any contractor or other person engaged in construction work I 11 t• use water from the city mains, except through a meter, as. 1 provided in this section. It shall be unlawful for any person to deface, in-1 •i jure or destroy any drinking fountain, water trough, pipe, ; i1 valve or appurtenance connected with the water system of Sal Lake City. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, -2 I i it is necessary to the peace, health sad safety of the city that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. 2his ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissiohers of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 29th day of June, A. D. 1920. • Eallaff• 7: Temporary Chairthan II -3- , I I I ,1.1.• , I M-- ...,10'-'ile• I '.', ,,,, • ' , -- • . . , .., .., . , I . T 1 .. . . e . • . . ,... ,)... , t •....-r..1 . , . . . rt ' It' ,. . ,..., E. ,......„ 1 . a . . • . r , G •, . I 1 A ... .. 'It '.r -4'