75 of 1962 - Dedicating a twenty-foot alley, formerly known as Clinton Avenue between East Capitol Street and Eas ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1 196 2
/ I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . !i
Harrison . . . L/
Romney .
Smart . . • t/
Mr. Chairman . % AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE DEDICATING a twenty-foot alley in what was
formerly known as Clinton Avenue in Salt Lake City, Utah.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
did on the 10th day of August, 1946, vacate Clinton Avenue between East
Capitol Street and East Capitol Boulevard, and thereafter conveyed to
each of the abutting property owners on the north and south sides of
Clinton Avenue, a twenty-three foot stip of land; and
WHEREAS, said street as vacated was 66 feet in width to
which Salt Lake City had the title in fee simple; and
WHEREAS, after said conveyances were made, a twenty foot
alley, more particularly hereinafter described, remained with the fee
title in Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, some property owners on East Capitol , Cortez and
East Capitol Boulevard have filed a petition with the Board of City
Commissioners to have said alley opened; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that Salt Lake City rededicate the
said twenty foot alley for public use and travel;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That a. street twenty feet in width and more
particularly described as follows is hereby dedicated to public use
and travel , located in the City of Salt Lake, County of Salt Lake, State
of Utah, to-wit:
"Beginning at a point 23.0 feet North of the
Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 18, Plat "J",
Salt Lake City Survey; thence North 20.0 feet; thence
East 140.0 feet; thence South 20.0 feet; thence West
140.0 feet to the point of beginning."
Said street to be known as Clinton Avenue.
- 2 -
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
1st November
Utah, this day of , 1962.
0 R D E R
BILL NO. 75 of 1962
Published November 6, 1962
1.88113i NOV 1 4 1962 at. 16336L.
e:o 1(1986 PA",f.139 itecorded
Reque51. of
F,,, Jack,
STATE OF UTAH, ..Recordom unty,Utah
ss. $ At6/4--&-e- By. ..... __Deputy
City and County of Salt Lake, Ref. C/-3 f
- -4/
Herman J. Hogensen
, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE DEDICATING a twenty-foot alley in what was formerly known
as Clinton in Salt, Lake City, Utah
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1 196 2
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
Ninth November 2
City, this day of 196
City Recorder
November 6 2
BILL NO, 7 of 1962
wash fo a
merle known as Clinton Avenue in
Salt Lake City, Utah.
sloners Kof Sailt Lake City,Utah,tlld
on tte loth day of August, 19d0
tale Clinton Avenue between East
d therreafter c Cnveyed
to each of theabutting property
of nCI,nlon tAvendeh and
twentn tldree
foWHErREAS,land,l street asvacate,
Las 00 feel in width to Salt
ake¢¢�CITY had foe lille In tee
siWHEREAS,after said conveyances
iudde,a afoot alley,
y pmacn withheatef titleei,nribed,
L WHERIEASand property own-
ers East Capitol,Cez and East
Capitol Boulevard have a Co tiled yeti-
tion with the Board of
f City
to have said alley opened:
SaWHEREAS,yif rIs dn sore that
twenty a foot alley for public Luse and
sloners of Salt Lake City.Utah:
SECTION I. That a street twenty
feet idth and m e Varticularll
_ hated�bto public use nand etraWl, Co,
Gated In the City of Salt Lake,
County of Salt Lake,State of Utah.
• to.wit:
L"Begnf g e aN oa hw c o feot
Lot 11, Black 1e, Plat " Salt
Lake City Survey: thence Nort'
thn feet;
hencetst eet:
ece South 20.0 fe thence Wv.
1d0.0 teat to the point of bnoinnlna."
SAID STREET to be known as
Clinton Avenue.
Passed by the Board of Commis-
sioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,thin
1st day of November,lots.
Clt R Recorder HOGENSEN,
ILL a Jo of tots
Published November 6.1961 (C-10)
Affidavit of Publication
Ij ss.
County of Salt Lake
D N Ockey
AN ORS N Ila t inrCATING a! Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
Sat'IV known (nllnfan AvenOe I
As GRAM. a daily (excepty) newspaper p g
I I c l Sunda news n er rimed in the Ln -
(S II Ly k C v l/fatm dil
°nll 01 A 6t' 946- fish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
�L,.`,; ana meprb=° yin Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
�oa e:,nndGnnorllb�ndn °r°° r
nc��On vven°e. - twe;i°-iri:ec
1r/-1EI,E�s.lali a,vae,e; That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
wasw a e reel wmih 1° mor s.,n
Lartv has me nne In lae
I"`''' Salt Lake City Bill No 75 of 1962
we,W Ht_RoLASa ;ter s o <o ve,'more
d., after
loot dl'°y. Y9
ReiX4',rly nerelna lfer g"icp'�•.I
a Ilh the tee Bile i salt
`a� '" and An Ordinance dedicating a 20 ft alley
CvoiE E;Z Capitol,Cortezed tin t�sr
aniibl :o leVo nave Nlctl a en-
an preen Ise have said Of Cnv
=lnn 161a have eaia alley eR�°�;�I Clinton Ave.
WHEREAS, It Is necessary no,
afoot alley for tliubifc'Use and
lravnl a public
NOIfJ, THE EFORE, BE IT OR .............. .... .............. ..................
DAINEIJ by Ewa,Of Commis
Sion. f b It Lake.Clly, Viah:
rr5 a a
i feel lni"ICON I. That d slra,. Ivrenly
As bon more naCtJ'Y r,
de,o-mna as t°uow Is heaby _._. -
can�n 1°m n< l0-
Cavnlon m ihd U° ; sun Lake, ! November 6, 1962.
y of Solt Lake,bfalc of UIOh-
° was published in said newspaper on
NOrR12,llnc °Inw°st c1a0°reaf G t
L01 11, Mork I8, Plat •'J,n"salt
Lake Clry S,7T'. thence NorrF
tIr 1 Ili eaee f el, en tees;
Ili-ncn esaurh 20.0 feet; Ibence W-- -
lAnO'cl to the pon (bevin 4I":,,
5,\I�STREET lo'he knov,ll a
cr,.. Abyn th s
Pas^.ad by the Board of(`emmlze - )'
Ica-rs o�Salt Lake Cifv.Utah,inis�
l6f day Ot November,1961. -//
I. BRACKEN LEE ( L L /�,r/
1a Ver 6
MERMAN J. MOGENSEN, r;l 'L (._--
E l Ra`°rd°' cLegal Advertising Clerk
BII-I.ee, ]o al 1,'2
_h;i�hen November 6,19R2 J
Subscribed and sworn to before me this /t' day of
Nov A.D. 19 62
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov 25, 1965.
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Nov ' 6 ,196 2
VOTING Ave 1 Nay I move that the City Commission action of November 1, 1962,
Christensen . . /'i
adopting an Ordikanc43 BM NO. 76 of 1962, providing for a $10,000.0(
Harrison . . .
surety bond for the Chief cashier of the City Treasurer's Office,
Romney . . . I i
be rescinded inaemuat:4m:,this position is already covered by a
Smart . . . . p/
Mr. Chairman �. $15,000.00 bond Under the blanket bond covering City employees; and
Result I that the'City Recorder be directed to no publish said BTT,L NO. 76
of 1962.
—Consnieaioner of Pubic Afe and Finance
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City/Utah,;> November 6, 1962'�
i y ecorder gypr
ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, YVVCO' ' y 196
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Christensen . .
Harrison . . r' l /
Romney . . r '/__-
Smart . . . r
Mr. Chairman . / AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-9-2(a) of the Revised Ordin-
ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 133 of 1960,
relating to bonds of appointed officers and employees of Salt Lake City.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah: /
SECTION 1. That Section 25-9-2(a) of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended by Bill No. 133 of 1960,
relating to bonds of appointed officers and employees of Salt Lake City,
be, and the same hereby is, amended-by adding thereto the following at
the end of said paragraph:
"(19) Chief Cashier, City Treasurer's
Office $10,000.00."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 1st day of November, 1962.
J j
(S E A L)
BITS. NO. 76 of 1962
Published November 6, 1962