75 of 1971 - Amending Sections 25-4-5 and -6, implementing new job classifications, salary ranges and schedules f J ROLL CALL ]1 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah .............. lI 1_ ,197 Barker . . . . .. I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . j e-�i. Gam . . . . ,/ n%% G Harrison . Mr.Chairman . J Result . AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 25-4-5 and 25-4-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to job classifications, salary ranges and salary schedules. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 25-4-5 and 25-4-6 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to job classifications, salary ranges and salary schedules, be, and the same hereby are, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 25-4-5. Position titles and classifications and salary ranges. (a) Non-civil service officers and employees. The non-civil service position titles and classifications, as numbered, and with the salary ranges, or rate ranges, as pro- posed and recommended and shown in "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake Corporation Employees," prepared by the Salt Lake City Citizen's Advisory Committee on Wages and Salaries, dated January 7, 1971, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Recorder, are hereby adopted and declared as and for the position titles and classifications and the salary ranges for all non-civil service officers and employees of Salt Lake City, effective August 1, 1971, said position titles being grouped under the following titles: 1. Clerical & Technical 2. Operating & Maintenance 3. Managerial & Professional (b) Civil service position titles, classifications and salary ranges. The civil service position titles and classifications, as numbered, and with the salary ranges, as proposed and recommended and shown in "Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees," prepared by the Salt Lake City Citizen's Advisory Committee on Wages and Salaries, dated January 7, 1971, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Recorder, are hereby adopted and declared as and for the position titles, classification and salary ranges for all civil service positions in Salt Lake City, effective August 1, 1971, said position titles being grouped under the following heads: 1. Clerical & Technical 2. Managerial & Professional 3. Policemen &Firemen "Sec. 25-4-6. Salary schedule adopted. (a) All officers and employees of Salt Lake City in pay class numbers 1 to 35 inclusive, and pay class numbers 100 to 119 inclusive, as adopted by Sec. 25-4-5, shall be paid monthly salaries, effective August 1, 1971, in accordance with the following salary schedules and salary step increases, based on merit performance as follows: 75 -2- SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION GROUP I (MANAGERIAL, PROFESSIONAL, CLERICAL, TECHNICAL PAY GROUPS) PAY CLASS A B C D E F 1 299 314 330 347 364 382 2 314 330 347 364 382 401 3 330 347 364 382 401 421 4 347 364 382 401 421 442 5 ' 364 382 401 421 442 464 6 382 401 421 442 464 487 7 401 421 442 464 487 511 8 421 442 464 487 511 537 9 442 464 487 511 537 564 10 464 487 511 537 564 592 11 487 511 537 564 592 622 12 511 537 564 592 622 653 13 537 564 592 622 653 686 14 564 592 622 653 686 720 15 592 622 653 686 720 756 16 622 653 686 720 756 794 17 653 686 720 756 794 834 18 686 720 756 794 834 876 19 720 756 794 834 876 920 20 756 794 834 876 920 966 21 794 834 876 920 966 1014 22 834 876 920 966 1014 1065 23 876 920 966 1014 1065 1118 24 920 966 1014 1065 1118 1174 25 966 1014 1065 1118 1174 1233 26 1014 1065 1118 1174 1233 1295 27 1065 1118 1174 1233 1295 1360 28 1118 1174 1233 1295 1360 1428 29 1174 1233 1295 1360 1428 1499 30 1233 1295 1360 1428 1499 1574 31 1295 1360 1428 1499 1574 1653 32 1360 1428 1499 1574 1653 1736 33 1428 1499 1574 1653 1736 1823 34 1499 1574 1653 1736 1823 1914 35 1574 1653 1736 1823 1914 2010 73 -3- SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION GROUP II (OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE) 'PAY . CLASS A B C 100 425 446 468 101 437 459 481 102 449 471 494 103 461 484 507 104 474 498 521 105 487 511 536 106 500 525 550 107 514 540 565 108 528 554 581 109 543 570 597 110 558 586 614 111 573 602 630 112 589 618 648 , 113 605 635 666 114 622 653 684 115 639 671 703 116 657 690 723 117 675 709 743 118 694 728 763 119 713 748 784 75 -4- SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION GROUP III POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS PATROLMAN (7080), FIREMAN (8060), POLICEWOMAN (7090) Salary Pay Range Class Grade A B C D E F 592-834 15 4th Grade 592 --- --- --- --- 16 3rd Grade 622 --- --- --- --- --- 17 2nd Grade 653 --- --- --- --- 17 1st Grade --- --- 720 --- 794 834 SERGEANT-POLICE (7015) LIEUTENANT-FIRE (8050) 20 --- --- --- --- 920 966 LIEUTENANT-POLICE (7014) CAPTAIN-FIRE (8040) 22 --- --- --- --- 1014 1065 CAPTAIN - POLICE (7013) BATTALION CHIEF - FIRE (8030) MASTER MECHANIC - FIRE (8072) 24 --- --- --- --- 1118 1174 ASSISTANT CHIEF - FIRE (8020) ASSISTANT CHIEF - POLICE (7011) 26 --- --- --- --- 1233 1295 CHIEF OF POLICE (7010) FIRE CHIEF (8010) 29 --- --- --- --- 1428 1499 (b) Merit increases. Employees who are hired into permanent positions or receive promotions into higher salary classifications on or after January 1, 1969, shall become eligible for their first merit increase beginning with the first pay period after completion of one year's continuous employment thereafter and shall be eligible for future merit increases on that anniversary date in accordance with the salary schedules herein provided. All employees who are presently eligible for merit increases on July 1st of each year shall continue to be eligible for merit increases on that date in accord- ance with the salary schedules herein provided. (c) Uniform allowance. In addition to the salaries herein provided the members of the fire department, police clerical per- sonnel and the chief security guard and each security guard assigned to the Salt Lake City International Airport, who are required to wear a uniform, shall receive the sum of $15.00 per month as a uniform allowance, and all other members of the police department who are required to wear a uniform shall receive the sum of $26.50 per month as a uniform allowance. The uniform allowance herein provided shall become effective as of August 1, 1970. 75 5 (b) Appointment to any position in any class shall normally be made at the minimum rate or first step, and advancement to rates greater than the minimum rate shall be successive steps in the salary range for this class. In excdptional cases, after reasonable effort has been made to obtain employees for a par- ticular class at the first step, employment at the second or third step may, upon recommendation of the personnel director, be authorized by the Board of City Commissioners. Employment of individuals who possess special qualifications higher than the minimum qualifications prescribed for the particular class may also be authorized, upon recommendation of the personnel director, by the Board of City Commissioners at the second or third step of the salary range for that class. (e) Effective January 1, 1969, the salaries of the Mayor, City Commissioners, City Auditor and City Judges are hereby designated and determined as follows: Mayor $1,184.00 per month Commissioners 1,076.00 per month Auditor 1,076.00 per month Judges 1,240.00 per month Effective January 1, 1972, the salaries of the Mayor, City Commissioners and City Auditor shall be as follows: Mayor 1,459.00 per month Commissioners 1,334.00 per month Auditor 1,250.00 per month SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, it is necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect August 1, 1971. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llith day of August, 1971. Ma r 4"cdtilNicD I 14 1 1 4 (SEAL) BILL NO, 75 of 1971 Published Augis t 17, 1971 wy �h�� f5 A1.1•00A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jr ss. County of Salt Lake I AN ORDINANCE •— Batty Phelps AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 2565 and 05-4-6 06 the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to lob classifications, salary ranges and salary schedules. 1 Ha It ordained by The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah: Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adeer- :of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965, eCTION 1.That Sections la411ne to lob claselficetions.5 and 25-46 of the lsedlarylnancea R f ) 1 Y �' and salary schedules,be,and the same hereby are,amended le read rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) itsmRaws: newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- �� sec.254-5.Position titles and Classifications and salary mom, g g (a) Nomclvil service officers and employees. The^ ivn service culatiorz irz Utah, and published in. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake position titles and classUlcatlons, s n Inhered,and with the salary ranges,or to fives,a6 proposed and recommended ended and shown In Coftnt i7L the State Utah. "Recommended Wage end Salary Administration Program for Salt yof Lake Corporation Emplef,"prepared by the Solt Lake City Citl. ¢ s Advisory Committeete Wages and Salaries,dated January 7, 1971,a copy of which Is on me In the office or the sly Recorder,ere That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto hereby adopted and declared as and for the cposition titles d classi- or,ieions and the.salary ranges ¢r ell or.Ivll s rvIM officers and mpl0yees not Salt Lake City,effective August 1,e1971,Old poslflen it flee.being grouped Th-nder the following titles: _Jejy BjrSlinanccLa .1.u'sasung-ta_}ob_classifieatianss. J, rlerlc-1 R,Tr�hnlcai . 2. Operating 6 Melntenanca 3. Ma:l penal&Professional (b)Civil service position 11110,etaesmcattens and salary ranges. 511g r ra)T%es and sala Schedules,_ Bill Noy The Civil e pn titles one classifications,as numbered,and y_ �_ 2�_ with the salary ranges,as proposed andrecommended and Shown in Recommended Wage and Salary Administration Progam for Self Lalca City Corporation Employees;'prepared by the Sall Lake CM CItI2eh,s Advisory C°mmillee on Wages and Salaries,dated January _ of 1971. 1.. ._ 7,1971,4 copy of whlth Is to file In the office of the City Retarder, r hereby adapted and aocler 0 a cod for the paSiti n 1111alt lass 9lileatlen and salary ranges for all civil service pbalsans In Salt Lake Clay,Belem Ve August 1,1911,said position 1111es being Or0Ped under - --- the following heads: 1. Clerical&technical 2: Managerial&Professional 5, PolIcemen&Flromen Sec. 75.4.6. Salary schedule adopted. (a)All offl ter6 and am. -' ptoy¢a of.Salt Lake City in pay class numbers 1 to 35 Inclusive,and Cam 1 pay cl numbers 100 to 119 Inclusive,its adopted by Sec. 2560, ball be pa monthly salaries,elfe<IIve August 1,1971,In accordance lun.epublished in said newspaper on uc;i'._, , 1 With the following salary schedules and salary step Increases,based -; - -9� on merit perfOr SALT as follows: SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION OROUP 1 (MANAGERIAL,TECHNICAL PAY GROUPS)CLERICAL,) PAY 'CLASS A (2 C D P r_ a 209 314 330 147 364 3653 r 2 314 330 341 364 202 401 7 S 00 347 364 382 401 471 _ \ ) 4 347 364 382 Anl 21 02 5 364 382 MI 121 442 46b ..- _ __\\58 • 1 --)\� -'' 6 382 601 411 07 ace t 44en 687 I 7 401 421 A42 Ace 11 Legal Ar ertising ,erk R 421 442 464 487 511 $37 9 442 466 487 511 537 664 la 464 487 S11 67 664 592 11 487 5 1 537 5634 592 621 12 017 537 364 627 622 653 13 537 564 5,7 6,2 653 630 14 564 592 627 653 686 790 15 592 622 653 696 720 75 C 16 622 653 686 720 266 796 m5 4 me this __ _ day of 17 653 686 720 756 794 434 18 656 770 756 794 634 876 20 755e vi 796 4 634 0ao vie I D. 19 71 , al 794 834 876 Sao 966 1014 22 834 876 926 966 1004 1065 73 876 920 966 1014 106, 7118 , 24 500 966 1015 106, 1118 1174 7 ' '75 -966" laid 1065 1118 1174 1233 7/4 76 1014 1065 11:8 WA 1233 1295 • / /, 3 27 lads 1118 1114 1733 Ins 1360 -28 1118 1174 1233 1295 1363 1428 _ _/ 4_I. 29 1174 1233 1295 1160 14I8 1412 0 1233 1295 1360 14 8 1499 1574 Notary Public 31 1295 1361 1476 1699 1544 1653 32 7160 tall 1494 1574 1653 1736 J 1499 3 . 1428 1574 1653 1736 1114 ' 34 • 1A99 1571 1653 1736 11,29 1y14 3,5 '1574 1653 1736 1823 104 5010 SALT LAKE CITY CORP0RATICII • GROUP II (t1PERATI0NS AND MAINTENANCE) PAY ' CLASS A R C 100 45 446 468 701 437 459 40 102 449 471 494 103 A61 466 507 104 414 An 571 105 497 511 536 106 500 525 550 107 514 540 565 108 52g 554 501 109 643 570 597 110 558 586 614 111 573 607 030 117 689 618 640 113 605 635 665 114 622 653 684 115 639 671 703 116 657 690 723 III 67.5 70e 743 118 696 728 763 117 . 713 748 784 SALT LAKE'CITY CORPORATION GROUP III POLICE AND FIRE OEPARTMENTS PATROLMAN{/A0),FIREMAN(626O),POLICEWOMAN i1093) 5eOMy Pny Donut Clots Grade A S C V C F 592A7/ 15 Alt Grade 592 --- -- -- - 1 16 3rd Grade 622 --- -- 11 Tied Gr.Je 653 -- — 17 1st Grade -- 720 194 034 SERGEANT-POLICE 17015) —LIEUTENANT-FIRE(1050) 20 920 964 LIEUTENANT-POLICE(131A) CAPtAIN-FIRE 110401 21 1014 1065 CAPTAIN-POLICE(7013) BATTALION CHIEF-FIRE(00301 MASTER MECHANIC_F IRE(90721 9! 1116 1174 ASSISTANT CHIEF-FIRE 19020) ASSISTANT CHIEF-POLICE 1)011) ffi — 1233 1290 CHIEF OF POLICE I7010) FIRE CHIEF IA010) TI 1426 1490 It olns orrle Y ceiveases.promotions Employees higher salary clas50ollcollonsne61 ea ors deceive promo,ohs g or otter se January nnin 1,1h I shall become ri1 06 for theimph Ion mane year's Increase tm0070s a with the WO pay period,d bllAb completion for o/one merit ncreas n05 Shot mniv tryadal and Shall be eligible for salary eed let herei on that anniversaryAllemployees loye a whaccordance eh the salary bie for ineris herein provided.n All of hes who are mend00presently e e eli- gible mfor Increases ra July 1tr of each seer orda 55 with tit be art Sate for merit Increases on that dare In accordance wlih the salary Schedules harem lod lc/Uniform of theallowance.fire an addition, tothec yotel p hereirsonne provided the members of the ad department,police clerical to then l End the City I toos,el guard and each osecurityr guard assigned 0 the Salt C5Lake 0,11 receive a the slum Airport, re areits u to o vnllo,a dh all other the sum f to col per epa monthr es unl lore requiredeto and all Omer members ce vet pollee department 2.50nl m arered to wear a uniform u frormve the sum ce of rein per month al)become eslivt o.The uniform allowance herein provided shall become alleclivb atcof)App oI netot 1970, (bl She minimum ate or!010 0 in any class advancement anellce eorrrtelly be es meat at the mini mote re shall estep,and ve sept in to alley torusgreater than the minimum Item rate shall be s c erlve asons In the salary let range for Ito Nesn In oyeesl for cases,culler reasonable effort hew been made to oaten000d employees for a particular hsr at the drat SUP, the 90 0007 at the second or third step by may,slotrecommendation of the personnel director,bl authorised sthe to op of City Commis• s.Employment in al Individuals who possess specie)huepartic particular clas than the eurhm 02,upon rep prescribed for the personnel class may also be Ord a/CII upon recommendation St on of the personnel step.of, aby,hesalary Board e r l Commti�ioners er}he second or third step of the salary range for that class. (m Eoopr, tynuudi t, ndY, the salaries of the Mayor,City end determine,.City Auditor fol and City Judges are hereby designated and determined to be es follows: 'Mayo/ E1,076,00 per month Commissioners 1,075.00 per month Auditor 1,740.00 per month JRJanu rles of per month e rlda January o shall the'Merles of the Mayor,City Commit aleners and City Auditor shall be as follows: Mayor 11,334,00 per month Auditor 1onera 1,0Sd.00 per month Auditor Ottopmon2. y to the of the Board of welfare of Sal} Lakeels City,It Is celoy l t9 his peace,ordinance b00 and wtectle ofithe Intety. lanl of SN Lake City Met ce hallnroke become August metllntely. POS,edSECTION 3. This dl00 Co shall take effect It Lee i,1911. Pos of A the Board of Commistloners of SSIt Lake City,Utah,this lllh day August,1911. d.BRACKEN LEE Moyer j -HERMAN J.0IDGENSEN (SEClfy Recortler SILL N BILL hed 75 OF t971. Published August t1,1911. fC-171 75