76 of 1908 - Ordinance 76 of 1908 – Repealing levy on Sidewalk Extension No. 121. AN ORDI NAN CE .
An ordinance repealing an ordinance levying a tax and for the
iassessment of property on the north side of Eighth South Street be-
tween Eighth West and Ninth West Streets, on the north side of Titusi-
ville Avenue from Ninth West Street to the east bank of the Jordan
Riv'er, and on the north side of Indiana Avenue from the Jordan River
i ' 'to-1 he nne Street, in= dew lk Districts Nos. 21 and 4, .I j the
A' trd
co traction of oemen deweaks, passed by the Cit : ci March
, W
11,/ i
'1,9..07, and approved, y th�`Mayor March 12, 1907 ,,
it ordained bxetlie City Council of Salt 14AN ' ah:
-, n ECTION 1. That ;�orEinance levying a tax a. f , hir" sees-I
m t 4f property on the' orth side bf Eighth South g9tr t bn en
Eigtrt'ei West and Ninth Weft Streets, on the north si e o' Tile ille
Ad'.eTlue from Ninth West Street to the east bars or the Jordan River,
and oh the north side of Indiana Avenue from the Jordon River to
Cheyenne Street, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 21 and 41, 'or the con-
struotiol of cement sidewalks, passed by the City Council March 11,
1907, and approved by the Mayor March 12, 1907, be, and the same is
hereby repealed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
gassed by the City Council of `>alt L k e City, Utah, July 16th,•
1908, and referred to the Ug or for his nrova.l.
4,7 Le
„ .e0rger.
Approved t . p of July 1908
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