76 of 1956 - Ordinance 76 of 1956, Adding Chapter 2 PINBALL MACHINES and other similar devices, to Title 32 of Re jI ROLLG LALL Aye Nay ( VOTIN Salt Lake l ty,Utah, lya JJJ I move that the ordinance be pas CBurbidge . , , , NV0163. Romney , . . , • Mr.Chairt2{an . AN ORDINANCE Result . . AN ORDINANCE ADDING Chapter 2 headed PINBALL MACHINED AND OTHE SIMILAR DEVICES to Title 32 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, dealing with public offenses and particularly concerning the pro- hibition of pinball machines and other similar devices. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of 'Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 32 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, dealing with public offenses and particularly concerning the prohibition of pinball machines and other similar devices be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding to said Title 32 a new chapter to be known as Chapter 2, as follows: "Section 32-2-1. PROHIBITION OF BAGATELLE, PINBALL AND MARBLE MACHINES, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation or any other group or association of individuals how- ever styled or designated, to keep, use, maintain, possess, permit, allow, or have under control, or make available in any store or place of business or establishment in which the public may enter or be upon, or in any other place of public resort, or in any place of business, club, association, or establishment where without warrant the right of direct police inspection exists within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, either as owner, bailee, lessee, agent, employee, mortgagee or otherwise, any of the follow- ing where the operation, use or play of which is controlled or set in operation by the deposit of any coin, plate, disk, plug, key or other subject or by the payment of any fee or charge: - (a) Any game of bagatelle, pigeonhole or device or contrivance commonly known as pin game, pin ball game, marble, one shot marble game; (b) Any game, device, contrivance or machine which contains a pay-off or award device or mechanism for the return of money, coins, slugs, checks, credit, tokens or for the delivery of anything of value or representing or exchangeable or re- deemable for anything of value; provided, that this section shall not cover the items included in Section 3 of this ordinance." "Section 32-2-2. EXCLUSIONS. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to machines, devices, or contrivances which are used, operated or maintained exclusively for the purpose of dis- pensing and sale of merchandise or producing music or providing rides or showing of pictures." �1( ) I i -2- "Section 32-2-3. PENALTY. Any person violating any provisions of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not more than Two Hundred Ninety Nine and 00/100 Dollars ($299.00) or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment." "Section 32-2-4. LICENSE NO DEFENSE. The fact that any machine, table, device, game or contrivance mentioned in this ordinance may have been licensed under the licensing authorities or that a tax for the operation thereof may have been paid, shall constitute no defense to any action or prosecution brought under the provisions of this ordinance." "Section 32-2-5. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City that each separate pro- vision of each section of this ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions of said sections and of each of them and it is further the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City that if any provision of said sections or any of them be declared invalid for any purpose or application, all other provisions thereof shall remain valid and enforceable." "Section 32-2-6. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City may revoke any type of `license of any licensee issued by Salt Lake City for any violation of,thitordinance by such licensee." "Section 32-2-7. All or dinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed:" SECTION 2. This ordinance shall become effective and in force on the 10th day of January, A.D. 1957, whicn is more than thirty (30) days after its final passage and approval and more than twenty (20) days after its publication and posting. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 6th day of November, 1956. cor j1A ] AteAk Tay — ( SEA L BILL NO. 76 of 1956 Published November 8th, 1956 I j Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake i AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADDING Ehanter 2 - a Y. OCkey headed I MNk1ALL VISES to -AND eirtivRoomed Ordinances tSell Lake. i the Revised Ordinances of Salt cad,isss•ularly once ning the offenses Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he s legal advertising and b• ar of pinball concerning and°`I1C1 clerk of the DESE,RET NE\VS AND SALT LAKE TELE- i ilea drdaine ➢c It ordained by the➢aarIees- tl of Oom� missloners of soh Lake city.titan: GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Sag- SLC1'IOIJ 1.The:Tltte 32 of tnc Re visea Dram,wet of sell Lake card Ia language with genera/ circulation in Utah, and published in •10bnr dealing cen'ug public fnlohibitloal particularly c nl /'� /'� T t nrnnall machines and otherrebvtlor Sat Lake City, Salt Lake C07Ant11, in the State of Utah. devices 1-t x d the s s •d DY ddi k to n as Title er en,n 1 ter to be known as Chanter 2, as foloNE: That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto .coon 32-2.1. PRONIRITION OF RAQ 111%', rTNDALi.AND MARRLG MACI1!,per n,f IE she 11 rp ra awful' fora person,arm matlont f or• ;a] , 1 1,''<-o City Bill 1uo, '76 Of 1956. any Daherh groupoweve o craw fed,to k• eenly however tailed or designated, M keen,use,maintain,Post control. o r C I allow. ailabie I under c r 7 ,nuke sso r establishment In sh store i or vile¢of An Ordinance era , , ith .11.li c o Pens(�s. business or enter or he in wr in mc ------------ ---------- ------ -- - - -- -or 1n ally .-..- ----- ..-_.. -------._ publi otherPinar enter 'Ill ono r 1n a�I, o f public association.n place of'brain.,� where 1U1�• r. labrigh t of there without ogled' 'tlestablishment e right f Airee4 rwll`te rllmits of uts i it the ras owner.bailee. less Lakc agent, employee.oo'taagee , lessee,se.a cafe the following hers" to opera n which tontrolledtior Bete in play alto°br the, controlled T of arty otn,I,Inle,disk.nT„t of or other r char:or nY the DaYtnent of any cc or 10 chars,: (e de S E contrivance bagatelle.Pigeon-. hole or device or conh'Ivanee commonly i knoblo,os o lhogeme.bininl ball Serve. a1a S'published in said newspaper On m,o,Ans•a ,device,contrivance or machine which e contains a ay-ff or J.I OV ember i i d ,1.9'JOe • and cchautsm Lor the e creel of device tit m eauas. checks, crelit to'ens rTrsthe dellllfla o ' an lionaexchangeableredeemable fo. I / ythl f t mine of 1 provided,that this ton rl Il not tilet I d d --in 5e I 3 of this 1 I /9 Set 32-2-2, EXCLUSIONS.nll The t �, (((/////C/ nrovIt •of this d �/ Poly to hives, sev operated con. /'� r ti�t- maintccs which see used, Lfgal Advertising Clerk maintained g exclusively for the'nhrno:. of d oducinub' and sole of c rw providinaa�des' o producing f pictures.'' [� or :12.2.3. PENALTY. Any ner.soh win_lin -n s v row of ordinance 1s guilty of a misdemeanor and no conviction thereof hall be m1550111,0 0t Sine not n101'e then rwo lam (S2 01,1oty Nino 000 00/000 Dnl, tart ( nn.do) r by hnmiee m nt the months, County oail not to eaC d Ole t51 monfns,or both such fine and imnnleto- 9tih Inert'• afore me this lay of "SECTION 32-2A. at any acO me. table., the fact that a ochre, table. inthdevice,game n contrivanceo men- 1956 boned in th'..s ordinance.nta.s•have been A D diets t widen r ale ir h thetio,reof !i r that a tax for theasoperation tell, may n b ,load. 1 11 tit. 1 elf tl hidO'ht a he P 1 � f tl r Sr0r10N 322 SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. It 1n the t f the . Braid of Commissioners f Salt Lake �.,.,:_.,' /'/1-._,- r (.. -% City ant each f separate ordinancevi-n f each dindependent P all provision of Notary Public Islonx f,aid sections and of each of them and it 1 .•rmnr the intention f theBoard of C:ommissi0 cry o0 saidalt Lakc City that if nr0 .m t ¢ebony or of themr,rbe d7lare 1 altcl fo:'010iSIurnoth or nnllcatin- all o.har nr0vls-rnns mcrcOE snail rc- -litl/1 . REVOCATION OF LICENSE.L. e C Board Ni vomminy ners_type F �-' 57 of Salt Lake City may rcvo,te any f Ii CCnse li y I/cen,00 rss c_type Salt La Y.e City for 10 vto.ationuo[this ordq'CTI by h keens o p "SECTION 32,2ces All conflict h o- parLs of with are hereby reP le conflict here- with SECTION 2. This ordinance shall 0th be- come-elective and- feria.on the loth 'fleesof January A.D. ll_Lo uhiclr than thirty 0101 days attar ire final twenty and v4 d m caaw twenh• 00 a>st niter and publi- cation cater d❑ostlnk. Passed by Si➢on i Commis- sioners f Salt Board of GhdyoNAIEIr. TEWART Marna ISI/Ott NF.IIMAN J.]IOGCNSEN A-!.„ City llecm'dcr Pill No'Ir of 1550. r (nhlinced November 8,19.50.