76 of 1957 - Ordinance 76 of 1957, Amending Section 2-1-4 of R.O. 1955, relating to Height of Flights of any air Ile,1" .Syu nay _ _ - - �c� ROLL CALL .-Salt Lake City,Utah, DIE-3 1.9 j 7_ 195 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the ordinance be passed. Burbidge . . Christensen . . F,iammiticWx ELLI Romney . . . • Mr.Chairman . AN ORDINANCE I// Result y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to the height of flight of any aircraft. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 2-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1955, relating to the height of flight of any aircraft, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: "Sec. 2-1-4. Height of Flight. It shall be unlawful for any airman, or other person, to fly or otherwise navigate any aircraft over Salt Lake City at a lower altidude than two thousand (2000) feet above ground level, except in landing or taking off from a duly established airport located within said city." c,p SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Pass d by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of December, 1957, _id AL. MM14.14 11a/ TEMPORARY C AI BILLENO.L76 of 1957 Published December 6, 1957 ` i Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake J i4 Ockey - - — Rcing finct duly sworn, deposes ore!says that he is legal advertising AN OADINANCS ac"Io°N�°zi"i fcil n°���nl�c of the PI ERE NEWS ,AND SALT )„ K 'TE E- °c Salt r c; Isis, GRAM, a(lady (except Snnda,-1 newspaper printed is the 1-;ng- ,fi"0HL1bnt°ttuenany t°r- lish language with gency,11 e.irrrrlarrrr nt Utah, and pub!?shed in CI3 s o,dained'': iii.Be"n>ny` Solt Lake City, Salt Take County in the Stale of I;tah. 7lWCIE1N I Th,;t SPcllon 2 SA the nb htl t cIl tat n S by Is end- Y A h(It- the Legal notice of CVfliClU a copy is atl`ge'l1CeJ� her eto0 t 11 r: �•'5yc 21-i,He1Hht oP If_Iit.It Pmawmlyo�IN'o't;�ne:� Lalt Lake Cit Bill No. 76 of 1t57 rson, fiat a I S t L1 llti t nt(2�OOn1 f,-LI n Ordinance amending rsec 2-1-4 _-- Ib(1111:tY�at qi(•LION the 't s relating; to hhe height of flight mn Board°I co:In Pn- slhy A nn h° of saiye of Stay 1nbllants of s'olt l,ai�y c1m th.,t imF ara;nat i rc ra f t becnn!c of fecllvn lmme�lnlely. Eli aV II Thrs°r<Imrncti¢hall tatac e[f ect uon Sts first Pubhya- ---------- ----- tiov.ssed by the H°=��of Commfs-� 51ony�'s o£ : Lake c:ty, 57, this and day of Decemer,185'l. . .... .... .... .... -.-........ Temporary Chalcma°' HI:RMAN S.ItOGENSEN. cuv Ryo°raer. ur,Es publi.,hed in said newspaper on J8 CeL2b@r 61 1��57. (9EAL1 i., NO.K6 of 19,. Szd Dee¢mbeT 6V3959 eCSU) Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed andsworn to before me this 9th day of December A.n. 19-_ 57 Notary Public My Commission Expires —Nov., 25, 1961