76 of 1966 - Annexation, Annexing certain property, known as Riverside Annex, in the vicinity of 17th South and 8 JI+ 'ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 28 196 6
Barker. . . .
I move that the Ordinance be pas
Catmull . . .
Harrison . . .
��//��� ��JA—(/
Holley. iu.: :i/ L.:..
Mr. Chairman
Result . . . .
BILL NO. 76 of 1966
WHEREAS, there has been filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake
City, Petition Nos. 110 and 111 of 1966, by Sabol & Rice, Inc., et al,
and Petition No. 12 of 1966, by Dhrco Distributors, Inc., requesting that
the tract of land hereinafter described be taken within the limits of Salt
Lake City; and
WHEREAS, the said petitions are signed by a majority of the owners
of the real property and the owners of more than one-third in value of
the real property, as shown by the last assessment rolls, situated in the
tract herein described; and
WHEREAS, said tract of land is contiguous to the existing boundaries
of Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, the said petitioners have caused an accurate map or plat
to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the
City Engineer and to be filed with the City Recorder; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after exam-
ing said petition of said owners of said tract of land, and considering
the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of said
Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed
that an ordinance should be passed annexing said territory and the extension
of the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly.
SECTION 1. That the city limits of Salt Lake City be, and the same
hereby are, enlarged and extended so as to include the following described
tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south line of Seventeenth South
and the east line of Eighth West (900 West) Streets, said
point being S 0°00'55" E 33.09 feet and S 89°40'42" E 16.83
feet from a City Monument in the intersection of Seventeenth
South and Eighth West (900 West) Streets; thence S 0°02'23"
E 153 feet, S 89°56'10" E 140.72 feet; N 0°03'50" E 153 feet;
S 89°56'10" E 142.20 feet to the northwest corner of the 6th
West Industrial District Annex No. 2; thence along said Annex
S 0°03'50" W 153.00 feet; S 89°56'10" E 284.46 feet; S 0°01'
19" E 401.33 feet; N 89°56'10" W 17.85 feet; S 0°02'23" E
117.90 feet and S 89°32'20" E 210.01 feet; thence S 0°01'19"
E 51.315 feet to the northeast corner of Progress Mill Annex;
thence along last mentioned Annex N 89°56'10" W 384.39 feet;
S 0°02'23" E 150.00 feet; N 89°56'10" W 100.0 feet; N 0°02'23"
W 150.0 feet; N 89°56'10"W 125.0 feet; S 0°02'23" E 150.0
feet; N 89°56'10" W 150.0 feet to the east line of Eighth West
Street; S 0°02'23" E 37.0 feet; S 89°56'10" E 276.0 feet;
S 0°02'23" E 54.50 feet and S 89°56'10" E 483.31 feet; thence
S 0°01'19" E 585.50 feet; thence N 89°56'1®'.' W 759.13 feet to
the east line of Eighth West Street; thence S 0°02'23" E
144.94 feet; thence along the south line of Jewell Avenue
S 89°54'29' W 251.26 feet; thence N 0°02'23" W 221.95 feet to
the center of a vacated alley 8 feet north of the northwest
corner of Lot 89, Block 2, Lincoln Park, Plat "A"; thence
S 89°54'29" W 75.0 feet; thence N 0°02'23" W 221.95 feet to
the southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 3, said Lincoln Park,
Plat "A"; thence N 89°54'29" E 62.50 feet; thence N 0°02"23"
W 310.20 feet to the north line of Margaret Avenue; thence
N 89°54'29" E 48.50 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 20,
Lincoln Village; thence N 0°02'23" W 102.315 feet; thence
N 89°54'29" E 149.0 feet to the west line of Eighth West
Street; thence N 0°02'23" W 177.655 feet to the southeast
corner of Lot 1, amended Plat of Cannon Subdivision; thence
S 89°54'29" W 577.50 feet to the west line of Pearl Street;
thence N 0°02'23" W 663.35 feet to the south line of seventeenth
South Street; thence N 89°54'29" E along said south line of
577.50 feet; thence S 89°40'42" E 66.26 feet to the point of
beginning, containing 34.940 acres.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that the whole of the above
described property, be, and the same hereby is, zoned as Industrial M1-A
Classification District.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND DECLARED that when this ordinance takes
effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth be within
the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Industrial Ml-A Dis-
trict as in the ordinance provided, and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules
and obligations of or pertaining to Salt Lake City are extended over and
made applicable and pertinent to the said tract of land and the streets,
blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and governed by
the ordinances, rules and regulations of said city in that behalf, and
the monuments of the City Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as
the standards of locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance, the City Recorder of
Salt Lake City shall file, and he is hereby directed to file, with the
County Recorder of Salt Lake County, a copy of the map or plat above men-
tioned, duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such cases, to-
gether with a certified copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. Within ten days after the proceedings for the annexation
of the above described tract of land to Salt Lake City have been fully
completed, the City Recorder shall give notice to the State Tax Commission
of the annexation of said tract of land to Salt Lake City, which notice
shall include a metes and bounds description of the area so annexed, and
the certification by the City Recorder that all the necessary legal re-
quirements relating to the modification of the boundaries of Salt Lake
City by said annexation have been fully completed.
SECTION 4. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
28th day of June, 1966. /J
(S E A L)
BILL NO, 76 of 1966
Published July 1, 1966
(A certified copy given to the City Auditor's Office 7-11-66 for recording in the office
of the County Recorder, also to the County Surveyor, County Clerk, Utah State Tax Commission
and Salt Lake City postmaster.)
IV _ ,
AN ORDINANCE corner f Lot 89/BIock 2, Lincoln
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING Hark,that"A". hence S.89 deg 54
WHE ETTS OF AS, there LT has LAKE Cfiled des 02 sec
n 23 5ckeel;then feel fo
City Petition Nos. 110of dall111 of the id Lincoln Parlk,Plat"All;thence
1966, by Salwl 8, Rice, Inc., 1 f, N b9 deg 5C 1 29 sec E 62,;O tent;
d Petition No. 12 or 1966• by thence N 0 Cep 02 23 W
Distributors, Inc., repuestln9 310.20 feet to the north lineoleMar-
that the tract f land hereinafter ye- moral Avenue; thence N.B9 deB 554
' Sot,bed be taken thin the limbs of 29 sec E 48.Sp feet to the south-
alt Lake City;andnest corner of Lot 20, Lincoln VII-
WHEREAS, the id petitions are lane;thence N O,den 02 23 s
signed by a majority of the owners W,102.315 fe¢t;thence N. dew 54
N of the real prooert d the owner min 29 sec E 149.0 feet O the
f morethan One-laird in value f line of Eighth West Street;thencBeN
the r property, shown be file 0 deg 02 In 3 se W 177.655 feet
ast assessment rolls,situated inthe am the southeast corner ofLot 1,
tract herein described;and ended Plat 1 Cannon Subdivi-
.l • VtHEHIA$, said tract f land Is Ion;thence S 89 deg 54 min 29 s
ConlaptLus to te existing boundaries W 577.50 feet to thewest line of
t1 it Lake City;and Pearl Street;thence N 0 eg 02 in
WHEREAS, the said uetitioners 23 sec W.663.35 feet to the south line
nave caused an accurate.map r f seventeenth south Street; thence
Mat to he made and cerfifiad to by N 89 deg 54 min 29 sec E along said
pe,en surveyor and Proved uih line of 577.50 feet; hence 5.89
by[the City Engineer an to be filed Cep 40 min 42 T E 66,26 feet 10 Me
' with the City Recorder;and point of beginning,containing 34.940
'.,I WHEREAS,the Board f Commis r¢
sloanso Salt Lake City, after ANDD BE IT FURTHER OR.
examining said petition of lit own- DAINEDO AND DECLARED that the
ers of said tract of d,and con.- hale f the above described per-
voieE the
pcircumstan es thereof, tv^be, a d the same hereby is,
members of unanimous
Board i0 favor of
°ed nndustrial M1.A IMIACI ss ifica,
said said
of land to San lion District.
Lake any and directed that an s o annexing
nance should tory n passed an exiof when this ordinance land takes effect the
sty im and I extension f said tract f land above escrmbed
the city limits of Salt Lake City,ac- shall thenceforth be thin he w
c0 Jingly. borate limits of Salt Lake 1 d
NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT OR- coned a,Industrial Ml-A Districts as
DAINED R THE BOARD OF CUM 1n the ordinance,orovidedi nit all
TY,UTAH OF SALT LAKE [dinaions rr0ksertas, ules nit
C Cl Nh1: alkeal ions of or edin o to and
SECTION Ii That the city limits a Cake and l extended Wnl v e
Salt Lake City be, and the made f l and pertinent Its
„e br al e, a getl and extended itl tract I land and the streets,
sa to in IoOC the ibllOwing tle said
alcons a tl ways of said inapt
rinty trawl f land Salt Lake hell de ea,rut srld governed ns
County,negin tog a: the ordinances, of and ,andIn the
Tine 1 Seventeenth South and Oleenu a 15 of the City Engineer shall
ash line i point West f900 g.00 standards
be l taken land d s the
Streets,said point being S 0 deg.80 sf SECTIO f locations and distances.
n 55 sec. E.33.09 feet 0 S.89 SECTION 2. Upon file Passage of
Jeg, cad in. 42 sec. E.and
feet This dinance.V City Rearr.tler of
from City Monument In ine inter- Sall Lake City hell fsle, tl he
coon Of Seventeenth South and hereby directed to fl le, ItM1 the
Eighth Well (900 West) Streets; County Recor tler of Salt Lak¢Coun-
ISO to.S.0 deg.CO in.i3 Sec.E. Onv of the map or plat above
153 feet,S.14 deB.56 min.10 sec.E. mentioned,
oe duly certiified and sock
e. N.o des.03'gin..5o sec. as v
E.163 Ieef;,5 89 tleg.56 i0 sec. s nether with a e tifietl copy
E.142.20 tees to the northwest Corner ct'his dinance,
AI the. 6th West Industrial District SECTION 3,Within tena annexation
nnex No, 2;q thence along said the proceedings for the bon of
553.00 feet,:5e 8*deg 5y mOns 10. c 5 It aLake Citvrhavo been olly coin°
E.284,46 feet;S.0 deg 01 min.19 sec, plated,the City Recorder shall give
ten W�17.85 teen;590 Sea D2 min 33 oft the tonihe Stone 5pT{{axaid 1 actsiof
sec.E.117.90,feet and S.89 deg.32 land to Salt Lake City,'which notice
eln.20 sec,E.210,01 feet;rhenne S.0 shall include a metes and boundss de-
deg,01 in,19 sec.E.51.315 lout to' c'pfian of the d,
the northeast Corner of Progrss MITI and the certification by the CITY annexed,
Annex; thence along last mentioned cord's that all the n ce try legal
Annex N 89 tl 56 ms 10 sec W requi remenls letlnp to the tlsf
• 150.00 feel,N deg 56 nmin Ocse City nby said
baneeceteon fhevel Penh
W.100.0 feet;N.0 deg 02 min'[3 sec fully completed.
W.150.0.feet;N.89 deg 56 min!!10 sec SECTION 4. In the opinion of the
15050 feet;N 69 deg
02 S ors's 10 sec Raked City tommissloe ersrY oho sthISlt
Eighth West tSteeeirh5 0 deg 102emin habitants Offh Salt dLakeeC City of
thata this
23 sec E 37.0 M 1;S.09 S6 min ordinance become effective Immedi'
s 10 sec E 276.0 feel;$0 degg 02 m' ately.
23 s E S4 S5D feet a She deg 56 SECTION o5, This ordinance shall
CIn e10 sec E 4ft3s31 feet;thence S 0 fake effect Its first publication.
og 01 s 19 E 585,50 feet; Passed by pthe Board of Commis-
fhCChoe N,89 tleg 56 in 10 sBc W. loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this
West feel t0 the east One Of 2 winin R8m day of J J.e,RAC.
23 West Street:Eet146.94 feet;thenceeg O al along
3ie s uth ine'df Jewell Avenue S 89 HERMAN J.HOGE Nan
tleg 54 29 set'W 203 s feet; (SEAL) City Recorder
221.95afeet to the enter ofa vacated Published July f1191965 IB•181
alley'8 feet north of the northwest
F)OOK24lb PAGE2 2 Recorded JUL 12 1966,t.11312.4--m a$l'
��, 6344 Request of SALT LAKE GET!
Fec Pa'd HAZEL TAG ART CHASE ���Recorder, Salt L ouniy, Utah
` ��STATE OF UTAH, $NOE.E B eputy 6�
°r City and County of Salt Lake, i ss. Rei. ca& — s9-.7 2 v �—
aa..ae- a2 39
HERMAN J. HOGENSEN eT — S IC— a ✓ ----
I, , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby „,
,I ' certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, 1
r,}I property known as Riverside Annex (17th South and 8th West Streets).
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, June 28 196 6
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 11th day ofY.�,;l= _. fly 196 6
(SEAL) ` �*
t 4 1.--; 11kM,KLANJ
1 ) i .,. City Recorder
Publishe P.,, July,--k '~ 196 6
BILL NO. 76 of 1966
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
Being first duty sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
GRAM, a daily except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Salt Lake city Bill No 76 of 1966
An ordinance Extending the Limits of Salt Lake city.
was published in said newspaper on July 1, 1966.
Lega Advertising Clem
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of
July A.D. 19.6.6....
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
hole of the above described oiler-I,
Legal Notices i nehe, aimusinei same hereby
lre silica-I.
ORDINANCE EXTENDING' when tills ordinance takes the
THE'LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. said tract of lend above described 1
WHE I4 p5;. des ceen tiles. shall thenceforth be within the ter-7
Ith the' tAd der at Salt Lake orate Iimlts of Salt Lake City and
Cllv. Petitle0 sr SIR d 111 W on d as Industrial MI-A Olstrnd
1966,by Sabel&Etna, arid
I 4n the ordinance provided,and all
a Petition No. 12 or leads bvl ordinances, Isdipertai, rules and
Ducat ufors, Inc., lingobligations of certelnln0o to Salf
Mat the track en landwith h-teen?it de ake uClir;nl extended drent v e
fIbex be taken within the limits are se tle applicable and pertinent the
ail Lake S,t and otl tract of lndd and ys f the trtc.
We by a al Itl orw blocks acontrolled
ons and ways of said tract
signed re a malprt the owners hell de a e,l rut S a governed by
of the realt Pertand theownerse 'ode ordinances,In hied C,and
f more prapen one-third o value 'a}said city In Chef bNtelt, the t
real n tv,as shown In the u fs0f the City herin a shall
last assessment re Ile, dInatea In the standards locations
nation landed s the I
IrWHERrEAS,,saidbm ad not land is siSECTIO of N 2 Uponatand passage eel f
¢ tlsu0us to the a%istlse boundaries this ordinance,the CiI Rncnoraer oo
at Sad LEA City;ana I Self Lake CIN hall}Ile, d he
WHERES, the cur petitioners hereby tTtM fo file, Ill Me,
plve caused accurate Coun Recorder of$al}Lake Coun-r
a of to mcet ode and certifiedd Ito ey fTe Opy 01 In m akan bove
tent eyor a d apProveO of toned, tlels certlfletl tl
hy`tce CiN Engineer end io be filetl 00005 dged, l provide- In a«h
iwW tEe A Recorder;a tl tpsethe/ Itl a certified copy
W HSRof the Lake of Co arms- ofsthls divan`.
f Sall Lake City, Her a pr.ced 0.Withih annexation
donn/Intlnn attl otitl0n Of Sald v the abo eedings for the lire of
t -tract f land, d he,eof- the above Cit rlbetl���cn fsand to
oct0 the nanImoas vote thereall Sall ds theh CIN hove be 7v1el com-
mem members
na ImBoa ,v all Plated, a Cityt Recorder shall Give
of tr Board favor f once to the State Tax Commission,
rx cR a Itl ec of That n Sall of the n floe lt said tract_oft
I Lake coy and beddirected' that^lie'"1I shall
to Sale-eke CRY,which notice
n setoec n the e i p shall Include a met M bounds de-
aC cityt limit and lle• ke CIion c- s IpThe of th-metes
so City Rd,
the lv.imits of Salt Leke CIIy,%ac� and the hat all
ha necessary
the CIN gall_
c NOWI TkHEREFORE,BE tT OR-1 der that ell ate n¢oe thery odifl-
rel 0r ,r ll ICtin9 to Me tt 0
RAIN Ot BY THE BOARD OF AK hop of the boundaries of Salt Lake
M 15570NER5 OF SALT LAKE City by said annexation hove been
CITY,UT H: fully completed.
SECTION 1.That the city limits of SECTION 4.In the opinion M the
half Lae City be,and the< Board of Commissioners of Salt
hereby largttland tended Lake City t Is n cry }0 the
fo Inclo a the Oail tle- p lea lid d eehC f the -
cunty,tract f lead hall Lake netl lsiance becalms ekHe<ti a t�mmaCib
County,fa-wit:at l er
Beg fning at a point of i3 south rely.
Ilse t Seventeenth could etl the SECTION 5. This ordinance (kaki
si Ilea of coleth West f900 W-stf take effect Upon Its first Opublicetlon.
Streets, C.',
d nolnt being S.0 deg.00 Passed by the Beard f Commis
in 55 sec E.3309 tees d S.89 s of Salt Lake CiN,Utah,this
O..40 IMn. 42 sec, E. 1603 feet, 2B1h day Of June,1966.
section f Seventeenth mSouih inter, J.BRACKEN LIEtY,,Or
Eighth West (900 West) :streets; HERMAN J.HOOENSEeed
thence S.0 deg.02 min.93 sec.E. sSF_AL5 City Recorder
140.22 53 feet;N.O Cep,56 03t min to sec. Pulblished Julvf 1966ad 18-151I
E.153 feet;S.89 des.56 min.10 sec. -------
'E.141.10 feet to the northwest corner
the West industrial
No. 2thceaong sae
300 flit°dd oe 5A mnl0sieIC E.184.46 reef;5.0 der Ot min.19 sec.
E ZOLS3 feet;N.Se deg.56 mlp,10I
W 12.85 teat;h e die 01 then 13
m20 os,0 feet and n; h deP.32I
in.10 sec.E.110.01 feet;thence 5.o
the northeast leaner C.Progress¢Mill
Anne%;thence eeaalplone last mentioned
15Dno feet;al 899'dec 56 mete 10 n O Sec
l W.100.0 Peet;N.a deP 02 min 13 see
W.tte.o tort;N.be deg 56 min 10 sec
E.150o tonal N.et N¢q re mIn i0 sec
W 150.0 feet to the east line of
Elohlh West Street;S 0 deg 01 min
10 ec E 3OnCe feo15 S 0 des 002 min
min 1p sec E0dee.31 feel Sthenc rSSU
des 01 in t9 m E 585.50 ttp�feet;
WhetStet N thh-e cif I0nleaf fed htnt l
West 81re¢t;thence S 0 der 01 min
tth 5 c E ine an few; thence along 1
Eel south lino Ot sJrecwell yot,to 5 89
iheese N i0 deee 02 dIn11916 ecn W
221.9S feet to the center of a vfadcated
caulaalrteterSoffnLofend,bllocka Sl Llemmlit,
deS 02 sec W s.O feet;l ec fee,1 U I
the southwest corner of min 23 sec W�Lot911,feet
3,sold Lincoln nark,Plat"A":lltence w
N e9 der sd min On sec E 69.50 feet;U
them o N e den 02 In 13 secW Si
310.10 tent to the northline of Me,"6-
main 19Asee E eSOnfeetNib to south-
lesicorner of Lot 20,Lincoln Oil-p
oge;hence N 0 dEog 01 min 23 nod-
mie1oh OEScfthh h/e 0PStreet;theses N e
line of Elrhth West Street;thence N
r tleg 0l min 13 sec W tat L tee,a
amend ds elafasot Cannon f Subdlvl.F
cloy,-hence S 89 deo 54 m1n 29 sec I
W 519.50 feet to toe west line or h
Fear(Street,thence N 0 deg 02 min t
21 sec W.663.35 feet to the south Rro -
of Seventeenth South Street;then.
N 69 deg 54 min 19 sec E along said 1
uth line_Of 592.Sp hat;thence S.09 1
den do mm d2 sec E 66.26 feet to the I
rein of boelnnlcO,ecetalnlne 9a.910 1