76 of 1973 - Amending Section 51-12-2, rezoning certain property in the Oak Hills area from Business 'B-3' and Re ✓VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 12 19 73 Mr.Chairman I move tha(th Ordinance be p sped. Barker Harmsen /; Harrison ` r' Phillips �� / / AN ORDINANCE Result t, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances A� of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and fixing the boundaries of Use Districts. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the "use district map" as adopted by Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to fixing the boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: "The following described real property in a Residential 'R-2' classification,as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby zoned as a Residential 'R-1' District and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: Commencing at the southeast corner of 1300 South Street and Wasatch Drive; running thence South 115 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 22, Indian Village Subdivision; thence East 600 feet; thence North 115 feet to the South line of 1300 South Street; thence East along the South line of 1300 South Street 834.53 feet; thence Easterly along a 235.2 foot radius curve to the left 109.22 feet; thence Southerly along a 25 foot radius curve to the right 34.83 feet; thence N. 53°11'57" E. 30.0 feet; thence S 36°48'03" E. 66.74 feet; thence N 535''11'57" E 30.0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, St. Mary Hills Plat 'B' Subdivision;thence N 89°58'57" E 1514.52 feet; thence N 86°37' E 380.0 feet; thence N 85°54' E 200.0 feet; thence N 81°54' E 200.0 feet; thence N 57°27'07 °E 418.99 feet; thence N 88°58'57" E 585.0 feet; thence N 0°08'46" E 370.0 feet; thence S 89°58'57" W 585.0 feet; thence N 0°08'46" E. 1309.27 feet along the city limits line to the Southeast corner of the Northwest 1/4, Section 11, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence North 1320.0 feet; thence East 765.00 feet; thence North 139.4 feet, more or less, to the South right of way line of Emigration Canyon Highway; thence westerly 2603 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Wasatch Drive and Emigration Canyon Highway; thence Southwesterly along the Easterly line of Wasatch Drive 4,943 feet to the point of beginning, excluding the following described Residential 'R-5' District: Commencing of the West 1/4 corner of Section 11, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence N 0°09'33" W 333 feet; thence S 89°40'00" E 437.6 feet along the South line of Wasatch Drive; thence S 0°20'00" W 333 feet; thence N 89°40'00" W 437.6 feet to the point of beginning." -2- "The following described real property in a Business 'B-3' classification,as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby zoned as a Residential 'R-1' district and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: Commencing at a point 380 feet East and 660 feet South of the West 1/4 corner of Section 11, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; thence East 660 feet; thence North 540 feet, more or less, to the South line of Crestview Drive; thence N 53°05' W 63 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Crestview Drive and Oak Hills Way; thence Southerly along the East line of Oak Hills Way 400.33 feet, more or less, to a point on the East line of Oak Hills Way directly East of the Northeast corner of Lot 5, Oak Hills Subdivision Plat "N"; thence S 89°50'27" W 469.61 feet, more or less, to the NW corner of Lot 2, Oak Hills Subdivision, Plat "N"; thence S 0°09'33" 7Eo° _, 226 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning." "The following described real property in a Residential 'R-2' and Business 'B-3' classification, as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby zoned as a Residential 'R-2A' district and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly: Commencing at a point 437.7 feet East of the West 1/4 corner of Section 11, T1S, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian and running thence North 333 feet; thence Southeasterly along a 25 foot radius curve to the right 15.96 feet; thence S 53° 05' E 610 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Oak Hills Way and Kennedy Drive; thence Southerly 419.13 feet along the West line of Oak Hills Way to the Northeast corner of Lot 5, Oakhills Subdivision Plat "N"; thence S 89°50'27" W 419.61 feet; thence North 436.15 feet to point of beginning." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissionrs it is neces- sary to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publi- cation. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City this 12th day of July, 1973. K TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN I CYO _ RE Q (SEAL) BILL NO. 76 of 1973 Published -July 19, 1973 • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 ss. County of Salt Lake - - AN ORDINANCE. Betsy Eble AN ORDINANCE SoltLake City, DING oh,1000,Section lading to of the Revisedand fixing e ses of boundaries of Use Districts. Be ,ordained by the'��iBoo d t Commissioners f:Salt Lake C,v, SECTION I,.Thgt t,.t2]MHCdf r r Solt naL k City.d pt$bhby1965 t s'� Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- 51122 f thetRme_}l tt 13 ended el tiOXItPlitcstlgip"boundaries of,r Districts,lots:b thnce' tisi.n�clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) same hereby I. `ttliM.drbo110 - n TI following ar,Sci ihed real p , Ina R d of e•R•2 a� ttion,as h theUse D ' newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- 't I t M p, h by n tl J , R•1• DiStrld and the Use District Mao Is amended ontl culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake C d racing accordingly: the southeast corner of 1300 South Street and We- h Drunning thence South 115 feet t theSouthwest r of County,in the State of Utah. Lot 22 1 dl Village Subdivision,thence Eat 600 feet;thence North 115 feet to the South•I f 1300 South S,r 1 thence E Yt along'th South line of.1300 South Street 03453-feet,'thence Easterly I ng o 05.2 roof roams curve to the left 10922 fee,,thence,Southerlylppg a. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 25 foot radius'curve to the right 3483 feet,thbnce N $3°11'$7 E 30.0 et thence 5 36 4A 03 E 66.74 feet,thence N 53 11$7',E 30 0 fee to a, Northwest corner f Lot 3, St. Mary Hills Plat 'B' Subdtv'son; Published an Ordinance amending Section 51-12-2 ,hence N 09.58'S1"TIE 1514.52 feet;theme N 06°37'E 1380:0'feelf,Ihence ..05 5 E 20Ic f et;.thence N 31°54 E a0I, f t ,hence�N 5]21'0 0 1899 h N 08°5A5] feet;5050 fnce th N O°08 d E73feet t th ety limit ili W 5Ahe Sou thence N r of t E.,130927 fee, relating to rezoning and fixing the .100 h I to the Base an sf co f the NO th 1}t . S 1n T':1S t 76 Solt Laket;t Base and h 1 O'f the ce'North ess,to --' !eel;o Eat 16500 feet;thence North 13Ca feet„ gh I to he South right of way lineor Emigration c van HgnWd ;thence boundaries of Use Districts. yet ly 2603.(ebtx mere or less,to the Southeast‘carnal.otONasotch e, _ D d EMI t 'Canyon n H h ,then Southwesterly along theEos -- ------ 7etly I ne line W tth Or a.4 943 feet t the.pint:pl beginning, n n9, AtKI dl g the'lbll gtl scribed Residential.R.S District,' " C rh ancing ot the West ° f Section Il -T1E RIE, Salt Lake E and M Olt thenceorNer030933 W 333 feel thence a ._._ J d000"E 4316 feet 1 g the South line of Wasatch Drive;1h S 3°2000 W.333 feet;thence N 89°4000 W.437.6 teet to the point of he• "The''folletvino described real-proberty In a BUSineS5 0 3'class f ca lion.as shown,On the Use District Mho s heYbb4 Ib ed as a Residen- tial 12.1.d tr1{wait t00U15„District M 0 is emended and Mooed 0c Commencing at a point 380-feel East and 660 feet South of the West was published in said newspaper on cornerit of Section 11,TIS,R1E,Salt Lake Base and Meridian;thence 0%st 660 feet;thence North 540 feet,m re or r less,to the South line of stview Drive;thence N 53°05'W 63 feet more of less,to the South- July 19, 1973 1 st cornerof Crestview Drive and Oak HIIi Way; thence Southerly ng,he East line of 00k HMIs Way 400.33 fee,,more or less,to onne Northeast e of Lot 5,Ook Sundiv a t he EsteH115 of 0 ok Hills Ion Plot Way directly thence 5 IY East f h8950'2]''W .169.61 beginning." t 1 to the NW corner of Lot 2 0 k HillsS ttl ----- /� h t I thence5 0 09'33 C,226 fee, s,tothe-point f b g Residential R 2 tl /L// Th following.if b d real properly in o 3 3 t 1 h to U D t st here- ky a zonedResidential a •R 2A district nd theUse District Mop Istrnended and changed accordingly:, T,egal Advertising Clerk C Ing Pt it 1,4�t3�i 7 P¢1 East e theWest f 5 11 Tfeel��1 Sat(1(0ry0 Bose,: d.Meridian and g thence Vg hi 333 f ke henee dO OS'Ey610 to I, 25 t to Is s,I th 5 00 eht 13, tot �' SY a I 44k tbf•t81s ino and,Kennedy Dve, thence st corner herly 913 f t d{Unfl htlfNubdiv Subdivision o Of o k Hills000 to the Northeast corner et,t n Ogkrlll 011fee,tq point N thence S 8935021 W 41961 f,h n ON 1.In the opinion t ebeginning...Board 2 3 rd day of SECTION the i la the opinion t the Boar) 1 t this ordinance d s nee- me this sarY-fa the inhdbitonts o 5011 LOkC City tact,his ortlinance becomC aflecrve immediately. SECTION 3,This ordinance shall lake effect upon its first publics• A.D. 73 Ion, 19 . ,.Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City this lath .41y of July,1973. CONRAD B.HARRISON TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN RMAN J HOGENSEN TY RECORDER JJ /rSEALt SI LL NO.76 of 1973 ubltshed—July 19,1973 tC-91 Notary Public My Commission Expires July 2, 1977