77 of 1908 - Ordinance 77 of 1908 – Repealing portion of levy ordinance on Sidewalk Extension No. 86. {'W- AN ORDII• AN CE . An ordinance repealing a portion of en ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on the east side of State Street from Hillside Avenue to Second North Street, in Sidewalk District No. 19, on the south side of Second North Street from State Street east ninety-nine (99) feet, and. on the east side of East Capitol Street from Second North Street to the north line of Lot 10, Block 4, Flat "J", in Sidewalk District No• 28, for the construction of cement sidewalks, passed by the City Council July 5, 1905, and ap- proved by the Mayor July 7, 1905; and also repealing an ordinance confirming the assessment under said levy, passed by the City Coin- Heil August 3, 1905, and approved by the Mayor August 5, 1905. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah; SECTION 1. That that part of an ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property on the east side of State Street from Hillside Avenue to Second North Street, in Sidewalk District No. 19, on the south side of Second North Street from State Street east nine- ty, nine (99) feet, and on the east side of East Capitol Street from Second North Street to the north line of Lot 10, Block 4, flat "J", in Sidewalk District No. 28, for the construction of cement side- walks, passed by the City Council July 5, 1905, and approved by the • Mayor July 7, 1905, be, and the same is hereby repealed so fax as the same applies to the property in the following lots, blocks and plats fronting on the south side of Second. horth Street between State and :'est Canyon Streets, _. .d on the east side of East Capitol Street between North Capitol (nee Fourth North Gt;rent) and South Capitol (now Second +forth Street) Avenues: The west 99 feet of the north side of Lot 8, Block. 2, Plot "K"; the west side of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 1, and the west side of Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, Block 4, Plat "J" Bolt Lake City Servcy. SECTION 2. That; on ordinance confirming the asserw;ent upon the property described in Section 1 of this ordi.nenec, 4, ;ssed by the City Council August 3, 1905, and approved by the Mayor August 5, I li -2- 1905, be, and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same applies. to the property described in Section 1 hereof. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall yt�ake effect upon approval. 7a4-%j Paps(fi�hJ the 244, i;ounci1 o ' . :�1t �:ri'co, ,;t;, 0 ,t'`u 1, 7n t_-* 1Fith,190t;, � �y n reerred to the :E eor for his , ,)rova1. �� r�7- , ' .r ecorOor ir'4pi iy,ovod ij c eta) n{' ;Jn] , 190£ 'tom'., N - =!-='----i- -, , I "--7--_=---1,-- 1 -- — - , - : Liti.t:qq.e, KliW f,)fij Cti 1 i.i'2 0 r: h 9....919C1:3.1 X dc,7 art a t efait-i of-4 brio ,od ,a.o .r. * *a.ao.ri I aolJ'ooE at b9dIaoa9b Oacgol ,f-rf., oJ :.. ac co.; Jog'i'- sa olio 1 Ilsrfa o-JaRatt,dro a irfT .C ?IOU:MC ,,, \ ) \' i SL r,, ,‘,, ..:, •-, ?\•••,, •, mili r ,::If: j ,' ' :\ = ''',:‘,.'' , \Fir „ >,N?•. •1 '•- •' 3Q6--;-• --.....: N ci.P • - ,'-•-• \ \•- >,-,-,.- \‘,,...+I\A .1 ,. .- %, , ri- 0 Z ' ‘ • e-t• . ..':' ,sz V•i7 ", iii: :- — ``-`-,----; -- '• ' N 4 i-!,„ • ---,_ ;,.. i \ '', .41-:•.'1 \(----,:• • \ k:..,_SAI . g 41 c? ' ....g.= ‘!"---:Srik:1!'"1-=.'-:''. , - •7\''-;.''''' . 1 ....) •4 0 , e . z 0 1., 0- . 1 • ‘ : .. , ' I 1 c I [ , I 1 1 • , , : 1