77 of 1911 - Ordinance 77 of 1911 – Franchise, Utah Light & Railway Co., for l5th East street line. U i AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance amending "An Ordinance Amending and Confirm- ing an Ordinance of Salt Lake City, entitled 'An Ordinance Ratify- ing and Confirming the Transfer of Franchies to Utah Light & Rail- way Company, a corporation, extending the life of said Franchises,• and amending the same, including the franchise to Utah Power Com• pally', approved August 4, 1905", approved the 3rd day of December. 1907. BB IT ORDAINED by the City Council of Salt Lake City. Utah. that "An Ordinance amending and confirming an ordinance of Salt Lake City, entitled 'An ordinance ratifying and confirming the transfer of franchises to Utah Light & Railway Company, a cor- poration, extending the life of said franchise, and amending the same, including the franchise to Utah Power Company', approved August 4, 1905", approved December 3, 1907, be and the same is hereby amended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION I. That Section 4 of said Ordinance be, and the same is, hereby amended by inserting after subdivision twenty-fifth the following: "Twenty-sixth. A single or double track on Ninth South street from Thirteenth Bast street, through Doug- las Park Sub Division, to Michigan Avenue, thence southwesterly on said Michigan Avenue to Fifteenth East street, and thence south on Fifteenth Bast street to the intersection of said Fifteenth Bast street with Twelfth South street, also known as Sugar Avenue, thence west on said street to a con- nection with its existing track at the State prison, as shown in yellow on the blueprint attached to the petition for this franchise, and made a part of this franchise." SECTION II. That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall con- struct, complete and have in operation at least one railway track, with the necessary switches, on all portions of the streets covered by this ordinance on or before the 31st day of December, 1912; and ' --2-- in the event of failure of said grantee to have completed and in operation at least one track on each of said streets within the time mentioned, then as to the portion of said streets not so oc- cupied at the expiration of said period herein provided this fran- c chine and all the provisions thereof shall be null and void. SECTION III. This Franchise shall extend until the expiration of the 1 C franchise of which this is an amendment, to-wit: untiL. the let day of tuly; 19Sb; and the rights hereby granted shall be-Subject to the, conditions of said--ordinance to which it is an aasehdment, the :, same as though the grants herein contained had been inserted in. ` and' eonaatituted a part Of, the said ordinance. SECTION IV. Said grantee shall within thirty days after the approval of this ordinance file its acceptance in writing thereof with the City Recorder of said City; otherwise the same shall be null and void. SECTION V. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval and ac- ceptance. j I. r� Passed by the City Council o: ,a . La..: ,Ei •ust 24th 1911, and referred to the Mayor for h - ap,•. — 44:7 fir gppraved this e -' day of August 1911, ay r. .. ---,,-- n1 i -u; b.)s:.•.f,i..,,.:., :..,\.,J .,.! .. ;:rit.C,'I'Li bik:Z .1t.) “.•'t...., 161 ..).1L.t f.C.:11:.i I ra F.•;:.,:),.111:.• ,E., ,,.:'. ...,...• 1::-..i.OL, /IC: :.:..t.)121...i WIC, ..'1,..:W1.4. ..1.; il.....3 Ut:/(... --.)c, 06 „TOO EiJos%tio bi.om .7io nu13io4 ,I1J oj L!..i, I E.1113 1,.....,,r1 1:) ,i'll.C.)Cf ,.';.Er- 1,.., tft...1.J.W.t 1,•_.H., .t:ti j ;•.- 1.,:,'tt,,,;•;.: Dflki I J:...., -.,c!, '. L.:in u '..i o:..'.:.-,11 J. (--,,,to,v; IC! 4,1S 11.6 i•t',13 .•,.1.itt.: . : i..ifisJ, i,,;K, (......1....ri , ;.,:1 I , ,,..,•"".-..:l, „,',..`• .',.1"2).1 .1.,i.,,-,, ,,,it.. . ,,' .•., l1 t,, ..t. , '‘, ,... , • .. ,•• ,.4-',. -;,-.-JT, ' 7, , _. . ...•-•,_„..,:,... '_, / ,Li , • t 1.1 'S•kt)f'c_ifi,,r , .6:,..-..'Si 1.-,'.1 v.,.:L.::t I':i'l,.it,.,:k. ' ,:i::::::;i -fi.'4;i,,; ...tt.1 t t' • 4' '•• ,, Y i .k. i ''''''':'-.' 1:C7.; •J OLIO: i ';'.;t•'''-'7- '=.::' •'L.:2'c" . ..--C2'1‘'C' ,, L':, ,• •'.A P,.' ,,,:, ...1 1 N i P ?..' ,i\,,,...,;:; ;.. , ..11.;;• 1.i,t,,:":‘ 10,:rtt;11;.' ..n ':: 1'1 i Jo r, ,)i .rit.i,... ,.1q,:,1,...-• :.,;.1. . 1.'. :. . ..i.,: .1;._ t.Iii 56 i"Jr1'..,ii J-0 :y,.,1i3 ::.,.i.:3% .1C ai....,ifl,,, t,,,i -,,,,s;I.') ,i -:.;!.., i,...8 IzyGlC!C:.:5 flit!III ;!."ttt'l'I -......t0.? 1,ki i ii: 1”:111k;:i I.l.r.,t; (,' ..:-..-... :.. . ,,!.., . . . . ., . . . . . . , . . !. ,•.,., . - - . . ..... . cl(-.k