77 of 1947 - Levying a tax for Sewer Extention No. 539 VOTING AYE NAY r Salt Lake City, Utah, "r ~'t � }/I, , 194 Affleck Matheson . . , , I move that the ordinance be passed. Romney Tedesco Mr.Chairman . . . Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE LEVYTA-A TAX and for the assessment of property (Sewer Extension'id0. 1539) for the purpose of constructing a sewer. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described (Sewer Extension No. 539) for the purpose of constructing a sewer, to-wit: Lots 2-14 inclusive of Block 1 and Lots 1 and 17-30 in- clusive of Block 2 of Holland Sub. of Block 10, and Lot 2 of Block 7, 5 Acre Plat "A", Lots 1-6 inclusive of Laurelhurst Sub. of Block 5., Lots 90 and 91 of Block 1 and Lots 11, 12, 32, 33, 53 and 54 of Block 2 of Bonneville Garden Sub. and Lots 1 and 20 of block 6, Lots 8, 9, 14 and 15 of Block 7, Lots 2, 3 and 4 of Block 2.6, 5 Acre Plat ',Cu, Lots 2-6 inclusive and 8 of Block 1, Lots 6-16 inclusive and vacated alley in Block 2, Lots 1-5 inclusive of Block 3 and Lots 1 and 2 of Block 6 of Fairway Sub., Lots 1-9 inclusive of Blocks 1 and 2 of Fairway Sub. No. 2, Lots 1 and 2 of block 3 of Yale Heights Sub., and Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 14-17 inclusive and 20 of Block 27, 5 Acre Plat "C", Lots 5-26 inclusive and vacated alley in Block 3, Lots 5-56 inclusive and vacated alley in Block 4, and Lots 33-54 inclusive and vacated allay in Block 5 of Colonial Heights Sub. of Block 28, 5 Acre Plat ”Cl!, Lot 10 of Block 46, 10 Acre Plat "A", big Field Survey, part of NE 1/4 of Section 20, Lots 480-486 inclusive and 2482-2488 inclusive of Highland Park Plat "A" of part of SE 1/4 of Section 21, Lot 1 of block -2- HA", Lots 1 and 36 of Block "B" and Lots 1 and 19-36 inclu- sive of Block "C" of Colonial View Sub., Lots 1-10 inclusive and 29T44 inclusive of Block 1, Lots 1-10 inclusive of Block 2, and Lots 1, 2 and 32-44 inclusive of Block 3 of Fairmont Sub., Lots 1 and 15 of Block 1 and Lots 5-8 inclusive of block 2 of Country C'ub Villa, Lots 24-28 inclusive of Block 1, Lots 37-42 inclusive of Block 3 and Lots 3-10 inclusive and 28-35 inclusive of Block 4 of Country Club Heights, and part of Country Club Heights Plat "Al' of NE 1/4 and part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. & M., Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Blocks 5 and 6 of Country Club Acres, Lots 18-20 inclusive of Clock 15 of Amended Plat of Country Club Acres of part of NW 1/4 of Section 22, 1. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. b. & M. Abutting on and adjacent to both sides of the following: Jefferson Street --13th South Street to Albermarle Avenue; 13th East Street --South 284 feet from 21st South Street; 18th East Street --Princeton to Laird Avenues; Princeton and Laird Avenues --18th to 19th East Streets; 20th East Street --Yale to Princeton Avenues and Wilson to Garfield Avenues; Princeton drive --20th East Street to Herbert Avenue; 21st East Street --Laird Drive to 13th South Street; 23rd East Street --118.1 feet north of Westminster Avenue to Country Club Drive; Stratford Avenue --19th East Street to Preston Street; National Avenue --23rd East Street to Wyoming Street Abutting on and adjacent to one side of the following: 21st South Street (north side)--lst to 2nd West Streets; Foothill Drive (Westerly side)--Michigan Avenue to 21st East Street; Parley's Pay (westerly side)--Southeasterly 1569.4 feet from 23rd East Street; This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing sewer laterals of first class sewer pipe eigk}t (8) inches in diame- ter a distance of 14,497 feet, including manholes, flush tanks and Ys for house connections, all complete, under the portions of said streets opposite the property hereinafter and hereinbefore describ- ed to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at a -3- uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceed- ing 330 feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is _Forty-two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty- eight and 34/100 (042,858.34) Dollars; Thirty-one Thousand, Seven Hundred Seventeen and 04/100 ($31,717.04) Dollars or Two and 04/100 (02.04) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for half rate, there being 15,547.57 feet abutting said improvement; Eleven Thousand, One Hundred Forty-one and 30/10.0 (011,141.30) Dol- lars or. Four and 08/100 (04.08) Dollars per front or linear foot of abutting property for full rate, there being 2,730.71 feet abutting said improvement; which is the total abutters_ cost and cost per front foot of said sewer, according to the contract entered into for the performance of said work and making said improvement with Contracting Corporation dated the 10th day of September, 1946, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to assess in accord- ance with the provisions of this ordinance for the purposes herein mentioned: HALF RATE. Fronting on the west side of 20th East Street. Ail of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Fairway Sub. of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat "C"; the southerly 199.76 feet of Lot 5 and the north- erly 73.37 feet of Lot 4, of Lots 4 and 5 of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat "C"; the east 38.33 feet of Lot 2 and the west 22.0 feet of Lot 1, of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 3, Yale Heights Sub. of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat "C"; big field Survey. Fronting on the east side of 20th East Street. All of Lots 12 to 16 incl. of Block 2, and all of vacat- ed alley beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 12, block 2, Fair- of block 27, way Sub.,,thence southwesterly 20.47 feet, block 2, Fairway Sub., of Block 2y,and all of Lots 7 to 9 incl. of Block 1, fairway Sub. No. 2 of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat "C", big field Survey. Fronting on the North and west side of Princeton Drive. All of Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Block 1, Fairway Sub. No. 2 • -4- of Block 27; all of vacated alley beginning at southeast corner of - Lot 11, Block 2, Fairway Sub.,, thence southerly 20.58 feet, Block 2, and all of Lots 6 to 11 incl. of Block 2, airway Sub. of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South and East Side: of Princeton Drive. Ali of Lots 1 to 9 incl. of Block 2, Fairway Sub. No. 2 of Block 27, and ail of Lots 2 to 6 incl. and Lot 8 of Block 1, fairway Sub. of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the West side of list East Street. Lot 1 and the south 263.89 feet of Lot 20ofLots 1 and 20 of Block 27, 5-Acre Plat "C", Dig Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 21st East Street. Lots 2 and 3 and the south 202.1 feet of Lot 4ofLots 2 to 4 incl. of Block 26, 5-Acre Plat "C", big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 18th Fast Street. All of Lots 29 to 34 incl. of Block 4, Colonial Heights Sub. of Block 28, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North Side of Princeton Avenue. All Qf Lots 5 to 26 incl. of Block 3, and all of vacated alley beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 25, Block 3, Colo- nial Heights Sub., thence east 12 feet, Block 3, Colonial Heights Sub. of Block 28, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the South side of Princeton Avenue. All of Lots 31 to 56 incl. of Block 4, and all of vacated alley beginning at northeast corner of Lot 34, dock 4, Colonial Heights Sub., thence east 12 feet, Block 4, Colonial Heights Sub. of Block 28, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Laird Avenue. All of Lots 5 to 28 incl. of block 4, and all of vacated alley beginning at southeast corner of Lot 25, Block 4, Colonial Heights Sub., thence east 12 feet, Block 4, Colonial Heights Sub. of block 28, 5-Acre Plat iTC", Big Iield Survey. Fronting on the South side of Laird Avenue. All of Lots 33 to 54 incl. of Block 5, and all of vacated alley beginning at northeast corner of Lot 34, Block 5, Colonial -5- Heights Sub., thence east 12 feet, Block 5, Colonial Heights Sub. of block 28, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the West side of 20th East Street. All of Lots 8 and 9 of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 20th East Street. All of Lots 14 and15 of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat "C", big Field Survey. Fronting on the North side of Stratford Avenue. All of Lots 480 to 486 incl. of Highland Park Plat "A" of part of SE 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. b. & M. Fronting on the South side of Stratford Avenue. All of Lots 2482 to 2488 incl. of Highland Park Plat "A" of part of SE 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. . & M. Fronting on the 'Pest side of Jefferson Street. All of Lots 17 to 24 incl. of Block 2 and Lots 1, 26 to 30 incl. and the south 21.5 feet of Lot 254 of Lots 1 and 25 to 30 incl. of Block 2, of Holland Sub. of block 10, 5-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of Jefferson Street. All of Lots 3 to 14 incl. of Block 1, and the west 82.0 feet of Lot 2 of Block 1, Holland Sub. of Block 10, 5-Acre Plat "A", big Field Survey. Fronting on the West side of 13th East Street. The north 284.0 feet of Lot 10 of Block 46, 10-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the East side of 13th East Street. Beginning at the intersection of the south line of 21st South Street and the east line of 13th east Street, thence south 264.0 feet, in part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 20, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. N. & M. Fronting on the west side of 23rd East Street. Ali of Lots 90 and 91 of Block 1, and all of Lots 11, 12, 32, 33, 53 and 54, of Block 2, Bonneville Garden Sub. of Block 6, -6- 5-Acre Plat "C"; the south 30.16 feet of Lot 20 and the north 187.84 Field feet of Lot lofyots 1 and 20 of Block 6, 5-Acre Plat "C";bigASurvey; Lots 1 and 6 and the south 120.47 feet of Lot 5, of Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Block 5, and all of Lots 1, 5 and 6 of Block 6, of Country Club Acres of part of NW 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., 5, 1 E., S. L. d. and MUM.; and all of Lots 10 to 20 incl. of Block 15, Amended Plat of Country Club Acres of part of NW 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting pn the East side of 23rd East Street. All. of Lots 1 to 6 incl. of Laurelhurst Sub. of Block 5, 5-Acre Plat "C", Big "field Survey; beginning at a point 338.88 feet south of the south line of 21st South Street, thence south 304.62 ft. of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; all of Lots 1 and 15 of Block 1, and all of Lots 5 to 8 incl. of Block 2, Country Club Villa, of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., H. 1 E., S. L. B. & M.; all of Lot 1 of Block "A", all of Lots 1 and 36 of Block "B", and all of Lots 1 and 36 of Block "C", Colonial View Sub. of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. a. & M.; all of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Block 1, and all of Lots 1 to 10 incl. of Block 2, :Fairmont Sub, of part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. b. & M. Fronting on the North side of National Avenue. All of Lots 19 to 36 incl. of Block "C" of Colonial View Sub. of part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., S. L. B. & M. Fronting on the South side of National Avenue. All of Lots 1 to 4 incl and 29 to 44 incl. of Block 1, and Lots 1, 2, 33 to 44 incl. and the west 30.0 feet of Lot 32, of Lots 1, 2 and 32 to 44 incl. of Block 3, Fairmont Sub. of part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., h. 1 E., S. L. E. & M. FULL RATE. Fronting on the Westerly side of Foothill Drive. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 3, Fair- way Sub., thence.northwesterly 235.0 feet along the westerly line of Foothill Drive, of Lots 14 and 15 of Block 27; all of Lots 1 to -7- 5 incl. of Block 3, Fairway Sub. of Block 27, and beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Fairway Sub., thence southeast- erly 387.54 feet along the westerly line of Foothill Drive of Lots 16 and 17 of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat "C", Big Feld Survey. Fronting on the North side of 21st South Street. The west 489.5 feet and the east 224.5 feet of Lot 2 of Block 7, 5-Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey. Fronting on the westerly side of Parley's ;ay. Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Parley's Nay and the west line of Block 1, Country Club Heights, thence northwesterly 498.91 feet along the westerly line of Parley's Way, of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., 8. L. b. & M.; all of Lots 24 to 28 incl. of Block 1, all of Lots 3 to 10 incl. and 28 to 35 incl. of Block 4, and all of Lots 37 to 42 incl. of Block 3, of Country Club Heights, of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., L. 1 E., b. L. B. & M.; and beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Parley's ;jay and the south line of Country Club Heights Plat "A", thence northwesterly 345.0 feet along the westerly line of Parley's Way, of Country Club Heights Plat "A", of part of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, T. 1 S., B. 1 E., S. L. b. & M.; as the same are shown upon the official plats of said city to the entire depth of the same ownership back from said streets, not ex- ceeding 330 feet, and to collect said tax. SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance (Sewer Extension No. 539) of Salt bake City, for the purpose of constructing a sewer upon said portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in five equal yearly installments as provided by law and ordinance, with interest on the I -8- I whole sum unpaid at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due; provided, however, that one or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax, may be paid without interest within fifteen (15) days from the dat this ordinance becomes effective. One or more installments in the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax, may be paid after said fifteen days and before the first installmant be- comes due by baying the same with interest from the date of levy t the date such first installment is due. One or more installments I in the order in.which--they ;are payable', or the whole special tax, may be paid on the, date ary, installment; becomes:due by paying the � amount thereof and intertss.t to the date of payment. befault in th 1.N payment of any $ucir ins1ta11'Inent of principal or interest when due shall cause the*hole of the unpaid principal and interest to be- come due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the unpaid principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past Cue with interest at the rate of ten per cent pe annum to date of payment on the delinquent installments, and all 1 accrued costs, and shall thereupon be restored to the right there- after to pay in installments in the same manner as if default bad not occurred. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day afte its publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9 day of 11 ; e.u. 194,1 yor \z /44/, i✓7 ,(.s; : :/) City hecorder. __/ Sewer Extension No. 539, <_� First and 'Final Estimate. b �' 1 zt* r.iv t.:i..4 , ff.c3r.n. z.. ..... ., - _iz, o ... ,,,,..„ , ,,,, ...,,, , I, r , . K r..,, f... r aS g) 2.c' w 6 ette way SM.., thence southerly 20.58 at they tilmdee aho,o�taltha one feet,Bleak 2, d all of Lots 6.to due;mo prre ovided, such Install.eats to 11 Incl.of-Acre l t Fairw Sub.of or ay Field the order.payable, the w?tole Block 27:5-Acre Plat"C'-, B tax, may be pad Without Intekeet survey. oFronting.on the South and East within fisteor ordinance dsbe c from the Side v Lots 1 tc nDrive.lore date this 0ror more becomes ef- - All 0f Lots 1 . Incl. f Block, fictive. One o mo Snethey are an of hub.No.2 n Blood 2o, in the order t in if they are d all o LOW 2 to 6 tub. and Lot payable,or the hole said Lax, 8 of.A cc F e"C". Ob. l Block may be paid after 1d fifnsteen 17;5•Acre Plat'"C":BOO Field Bur days c before the first ng the meat becomes due by bathe the Eastvs/ the West Side of 21at sameywith the let from the date East Street. ('levy to the date each first in- Lot 1 and the oath 263.89 feet stallment is due. One o[ ore in- f Lot 20 of Lots 1 and 20 of Block Sur- they nts y4 the order in which 27;5-Acre Plat"C",B18 Field our- they are payable,e,or the Whole ape-. the East Side of 21st alai Lax'rimy be beco a the date Fronting any Installment becomes due by East Street. paying the em t thereof a d lots R and 3 0 1 the a th 2,011 inte[eat to th0 theta of peoyment. ofet of Lot 4-1 LOW-1 to 4 lg Default to the DoI'menit t any ofr Block 26,Survey. 5-lore Plat "C".Ell d h tnethendt 0[ Icame e - Frelntieg vey tbf Bait Side of 18th interest when due d pro came the W a on whole 0I the unpaid principal end ' -_. East Street.. interest to become due and pay- able All of Vie 29 t0 34 Incl.Of Block able immediately and the whole - • 4, Colonlel Heights Bub, f Block amount of the unpaid principal - 18.5-Acrf Plat C",Big Field Sur- shall thereafter draw interest at Fro• n She North Side of the rate. of ten per cent per nting ohnum until paid, but at any ' Princeton Avenue. time.prior to the Late 01 sale All of All o a s i incl.a of Block foreclosur, the owner may 3, andh s caned cornere begin- the amount of all unpaid In- ing at.hee these(. of Lot Pay t thence 12feetColonial Block Heights,CBub. at the tpast of ten per c interest•per thence east 11 feet,Block 3, Plot $ o es 0 ',B 8yb.0f 26,5-Acre Plat the delinauenkn inst51 meets°`and 4";Ing n td 550t. - ' all accrued'asks,and shall there: Fronting the South.Bide of upone. be dltored to the right Pd All of Lots 3 All f Lots 11 to 56 incl. of inerhe s[ to scorner as-if.default •Lot 3lne•etnortheast e n Lot 34 nce , Colonial lockh4. SECTION effect 4.This ordinance eh alb--" Cob;,al 00 l east 12 feed Block 8. take ioeet One day after Its I 6-Acre latfg C"Sub. of Block ey. publication. 11 .Fronts Plot C".Sig ield Survey. Passed the Board of Com- Lau d A u the North ejde o1 to 9thrs of Halt epte City,Utah, '-All Ave tide 9th doy-o[ September, A.D. All IlOto 3 to 28'fool.of Blank 1949;- 4,and so h Vac 0000cr valley otg2, EARL J. OLADy rang at southeast cornet of Lot 15, Mayor. pp Block 4, Colonlel Heights Bub., IRMA F.BITNER, •'F STATE OF UT thence act 19 tot HI k+.Colpnia Countycity Recorder. HglBhte Sub. of Sloth On, 5-Acre (SEAL) - PI t C' Big Field Survey. Frontingh the ath Side of BILL NO. 77, , of SaltSewer Extension N0. 539, —theirs/Avenue. Fleet and Final Estimate. lgegpl:Notices All dial o 33 t to 1 1 f Block Publlehed September 10; 1947. - 6 d all t vacated alley beg • ,ai,NA0OC 1+lA LO nine et-n to t of Lot 34, AN.•Oryrp17ANC& LEVYINQ A -Se poi t 1 He18ht eUb., Ti? N the L a ant f the dk eili et BI Ok 6-Co- lif Petty COMM Extenei -No.5391 Ionia-Heights t" "Sub.Field Stock ey 6- A Big eel Survey. for the PnrPose of constructing s Fronting on theWest Sidef IA 0°key d C-.t dglvesd-hp thr'8 aad.-of. -8-0A'I-oi L'¢W e d 9 of Bl k 7,5- Ce6lidtesf0aer ,of Salt L ke Cfty, AcrePlat C BigField Marvel.t Ptins/ theast Bid of 20th dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Cp�SON 1 That-.theD d of Est Street. p y �Selen r of Salt Lek City AB of Lots 14 and 16 of Block 7, da&icheyeby lewd thet x and pre- 5-Aare Ptet"C,Big Field;dryer. leek of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper ldD,far the222am t f thesame Fronting n-the North ids f ap0'she Dr arty he In ft de• Stratford Ave... "'II': d(6pq'(S WCr Ext":11:N g ;- AB of Loth•450 to 486 incl of for..tDe-P • 40 Oi'00a t ucHng Highland Park Plat"A'of part of n Salt L a7ce City,Salt Lake County,in the State Sawa[; to•F1t: ; SE h of SM.21,T.1 8,R.1 E., Doti:and 17.30 foi of Block 1 and S.L.B.&M. Lgte'1 and 17:30 inclusive of Block Fronting n the South side of 9 Of Holland•Sub. of Block 10, Stratford Avenue, and Lot 2 01 Tek•:7.•Shore,Plat All of Lots 2482 to 2488 Incl..of A",Lots 1.8 elusive of Laurel- highland Park Plat A"of pat I into(.Bub.,of B Mk 5,-Lots 90 a d BE/ f Sec.21,T.1 S.,R.1 E., 91- f.Sleek 1'and Lots 11, 12, S.L,B.&M. the advertisement 32,'00 133 and'64-Of Dldak-2.of Fronting on the Meet side of $OM Mhle Garden Sub.and Lots 1 Jefferson Street, aid o or,Slonk•.6,Lots 8, 9, 14 All Of Lots 17 to 24 Incl,of Block and 15.of Black'7,Lets 2,3 and /2 and Lots 1,26 to 30 incl.and 'lance Bill 77 4 ot,Block 26 6:Acre Plat C", •the south 21.6 feet of Lot 25,of Late,28 1 1 ci dd,8 of Block Lots 1 and 25 to-30 Incl.of Block a. 1,Lots 446 Mohair.etya E vacated- 2, of•Holland Bub, of Block 10, Lake Cis, • alley 1d 18Block R-.Dot-1 5 f lei- 5-Acre Plat 'A', Big Field Sur- Y Syp Of`BI k 3 and-Lots 1 and 2 of Stock 6 of Fairway Sub., Lots Jsefesing the East aide of FSt•Incase of Stooks I d R f &Mersta Street.'angle S b N le:'L i 1 u.2 All o1 Lots 3 to 14 Incl.of Block f 31 e(e 3 f Yale'' algid 6 ire 1 d the west 82.0 feet of Lot 2 • J.a4e 1 S 4 5,14 7-I 1 I e' f Block 3 Holland Sub.of Block An',.20•of Block 27.5 neluelYeB d Plat 10,6•Acre Plat"A•,Big Field Sur- eat- veY• •d ally In B10 k. 3 Lot 5 56 Frontier theWest sideof 18th y,ed in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 1Ve and vacsted alley Bast St t-' Sot 1n ti,1210.k A and': Into 33-84 TIM north 284.0 feet of Lot 10 of '4 2 end Vote 11 iqy l 1- Block 46 15-Acre.Pia4o.Anr 51ec1t-2 plgt�L t 19 t g7i 4ESTO5 T590a d1 lgW_ ,ay of A.D. 19 el t9ll)tdpp 40 10 A re;Flat iA Big S t 9t t Fyel1'�Bsq ey(nova'NE/ of Sew He01llpe g't the intersection of tl 90,L1qets.480-454 1tt 1 1 e and to south lineof 21st South Street blished Sept-.10-.1947 p489=24887II luhlve or gg ghland Park d Streets.t eat tine o1 13t9f Epin tjon 21 of dart.e1:DE Y 1 Bea• andte east south .2 0 feat,1 t Glad 21 tat 1 of.'B' 'ate 1 ?eel 1..1. f NE L of tie¢20,Ti 1 " And`194 Beet H"..1"-,Late 1 F:1 in B L.H. M. blication thereof being in the issue dated the • And em..i In Lew f Block C•• Eitel St on the West side of 28rd f usige al View 4 n inn00ts.1,10of l Street. 171 la 1- and S9-1 'inclusive 1 of All of LOt L and BI ofBlock Bl k ,. nd" to 1 inclusive 1 f 1, and oil f Lots 1L 1 Bonneville 33, A,,,,, Who've • $a d Lot 1; a 32 94 O and 64.Sub. f l k 6, 5-Ar (L of A.D. 19 Sn ., o 1a-Block 3 [ cFairmont platen .t s Block 1i set of y Sub.,5-8 1 and of Block 1 ofd Lot C the south 3018 teat eoft Loh 5 B Inclusive- t BI Ok 2 of Lot 20 d the oath 187.84 lock 6onnt[y.Club Villa,Lots 24 2 inclu- /Lot 1 Of Lot"1 and 20 el Block sive of Block 1,and,Lots 3 Inch- 6,6Acre Plat C".Bigand t Field u �r elusive Block 3 and,etO 3.10 in-ck y;Lotet d 8 and the south Advertising Clerk ' elu"lV0 and 25.35 lncluefi is Hand and_6'feet of eck 5 5, t Lots l s )1 4 el Countryn Chid Heights. d apd_6 f Block a;.and o11 t LOW 'A' of Country Club art of Plat I-6 and 6 of Hiock 8 f Co Vs f A"Of lI T•and,D t 1E. 8.L. 800. Acres- a pert j.,S L of of-Boo,RR T,1 B.,Ii 1 of B.L. Sec.M,T.I S,.of 1 a.,S.L 20 B. B. 6n 1Zbf4 d;a' 4 6 f'Acme M M sold all f Lot 10 t. 20 0, and B of luidve ya Club'Acme, foal.•un Block la reed-E dme-10ed f finite fBlock 15 1• } CountryV Club(dr Amended 55 t of Country Club 5. y of 8e 21,T.1 S, E., 1 1 tL O f 22,T.• of part f NW / [S (ion 8,L.B &M 11 Ll 2S,T.1.S,R:1 Ea S,:L.8.Be M. Pkoatl4g the East dde of RS Abutting on and. djaoent to both Haat Street. aldo.of the,ft110Wlhg: All of Loto-1 to 6 incl.of Laurel- Jefferson Street —0 13th South buret Sub.of Block 5,5-Acre Plat' • S treet-to Alberrdarle Avenue: "C",Dig Field Survey; beginning - Thirteenth Eaet 9tgoet--South 984 at A point 33858 legit south of the Met from 21 t'Bedth Street; ter )1 f 21st South Street, Eighto th Illet•Stre t--Prf Caton thence Muth 304.62 ft., of the to Laird A NE%of Sec.22 T.1 E.R.1 E., ` Pelmet and Lid Avenues— S.L.8 &M 11 of Lots 1 and Istll to 19th p F Str t 13 f Block l d all o1 Lot 6 `IitQk/ $$ o n TWeadeth meet"BErO t—Y le-it: o0 8 jn 1 S Hip,2 Country Club ,P rl Jilt v es,and W Il n to T.-• f 0. NE '/L. .00 2.; 0 Princeton -A e T-•1-S -R, 1 E:,S.L.B. &M.: P'moert vertu-1otn.SestBereei B of:and 3 a1 Block "", all f- Notary Public b Twenty-tint Avenue; &f .1'-s 1.36 of Block"B and oil Twenty-13th Solt street; Laird 1 Lute 1 and of Block 'C". Ida to third Stash street: 1 Colonial 2 View Sub. f the,ES L. Twenty-third hof East StreetWestminster Avenue f Sec..' T 1 6..R. to 0 S.L. feet worth 1 ' rve; Avenue &..M.;all of Lots 1 10 incl. •to Country of Delve; of I. .of Land all of Lots 1 to 10 b. See .toed AVonue e ; EseE fp .[ Block n oc.rmont Bub, Street Preston Street; 4 parlor NE y of-sec.22,T.1 S., 1Nationalto Avenue Street 23rd Eaat Fronts t e N. Street do Wyoming ot)a National on the North aide of • ApUtting On and ndjaaent to.one National' s.19't t ide;'s,the0y.fl•following;• All of Lots 39 to 361de1.of Block Talent tAe:t South Streit (north "O"of.Colonial View Sub.of part dde[-0011 D Snd-West Btteedof NE'y f Sec,22,T. 1 S.,R. •Feo5h111''D[lve (Weeterly.side)— E.:S.L.B.&M. MOM..!,venue t0 2/et East Street; Fronting`-do the.South''Bide of 'e Way (westerly side) — National'Avenue. Boot Otree ly 1569.4 feet from 23rd to 414'ofpol Wd11 to oe4 1,ca d Loth Bait'Street; This the de-levied to-ddoffsytthe 30.0 feet of Le 44 t'32 ofath d Lots 1,Wet *theme of op t ocdng sewer 1 • act'.of flint 1 -sewer pipe•eight pd.•32 to a44 inei of Block 3, f8) inch in dia'meter a ei(pace of Fairmont t on22,Sub. of part T.1 B,It. of E NS.L. et 44,497 feet,fnoludohg•Manholes, th k s.Rt}.x.s.tor house - FN.L BATE na one ill ld otreryo 00 r the oby ny f rei ethe gt d➢Oahe•the FronauHag the W to ly tld of Ffaner f bnf toter a sp h, d-af- "l3egiq Delve r- Te•dba y,b to the abo i id f- Be',of8n1 8 B1•the o 3 t o Roveu•h..benefited.)- said 1 • .nee'O1 enc 1 Block 3, F 1 way 0 fyudged,00 ao000d an-awed Mad- • feetSub thence -northwesterly Westerly 2e f f112t s,determined ewil ode•she- feet along the•WLsts 1 ,Imo 15 Meltsaid fpropet thereby "be•a lull •Bloc D27Vb, of LOW 14 and 15 Melly.benefited x1000the00.fad of•Bleak 27; all 3f Lots 1 to f amount ofne she tax dherebyare leveed and -loc. oI lend Fairway'Bub.of • ¢egg parcels n lrm a in hereby as- south 27,t Bad begginning at the gassed- t uniform rate 1 word- .southeast- her of Let Su Block - / a 0 with thehe 0•ib t41 toga_ co Fd 7.y f b thence so 00g000t- Glbjqi-'eAd t0 She iq..-a keb5tlet'i line-oil F thjh Drinvgo`nf Lptse 16 t e ohm pndfdng-, b !toll+tot eXn1104 I gg'93 Mgt, and C'.B of Stock one 5-Acre Plat Wee•.thx 0greby ley!d ttd W'be eba nee 05 le survey. Is Fosd tyoe 00 tell-- i on- F 'tins/ w the N th Side of fe.d 9oy t-e Thouund Eight.Hurt- -g1The west 48t9.5 YeeC d theeast 85dyed ifD 11; 0 ty'one fY4ll. nod,• Dollars' nd td one 'ntee Ares feat of Lot 2•F i Block 7,a6- andd,• 100 1fund041 Seventeen Acre lPIMog 'Ath Big Field sidevey.. add 0and 4-10 (2. Dollars or Fronting's the westerly side Two and 04 100 /32 of Dollars of Parley's y War - pee•Mont, linear foot of but a westerly Beginning at the intersection of Gl g neon tp for half at (rare the ce IY lineof P 1 y e Way . . M1 7,,-7 te¢E' ppt9�sf&AA A} t etue f 1t heuo= GS u� � w'�ea" Er-outing on theNorthbyteor soltr9th'day of September,A.D. Laird Avenue. All of Lots 1S to 28 i l f Block 1941. _ dtlrg cb.Ildtltlpa E feed l YL0t.16r • .EAAY J. f51•Gr)$+olt'- STATE OF UT tilerrle.4 t 41top1t 1H1H k84 tC 18utt IRMACFty Recorder.TEt MSy ROlghte Sub 1 Block 28 5 Acre (BEAU Plat C Big Field Survey. BILL NO 77, .y EfzUnty of Saba Frontingd theSouth Sideof Ftrwer Extensiond F!al No. 539te, `•—""v'-`--= —• All 1 gnue.33'to 64 incl.of Block Publthed September 10; 1947. "' Legal Notices 5,All o all of vacated.ley begin- ' ..AN ORDINANCE ning at northeast corner•of Lot 34,' AN.ORDINANCE LEVYING A Block 5 Colonial Heights Sub., TAX nd tor. th a nt f thence t 12 feet, Block 5,,1- li^H try(SOIose, to 1 No.5381 Ionia'.Heights Bug of dBlock el'.S- ,Acre in t C Big FJtdM e , . ;�y���trtti,e tiuFDva.ot�o t wpg • e gpnitg tbr.;wat BM I. M CCkey y.---'.*'t O dit,ne5 by theBoard of '10,(71f Lttttte 8 and 9 f Block 7,5- CmY eilon ei`.'of Salt Lake City Acre Plat C,Big Field Survey. �gg� Fronting the East Sid of 20th dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Iufsil N. 5 That It Hurd.of Ea l Street. p .doe mtreby a of Bet.Lake City All of Lot C and 15'Field Black 7, lerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper • does hereby levy the tax andthe• same Front Plat t Hug FielddeSurvey. upon.o1'file aeeeaement of the same Stratford Op the North Bide / upon (Sewer Ex hereinsion No. de- BtAll of Avenue0 for ,(Sewer Extension All of Lot 48o to"-o Incl. of for the OWpOae t co4attu0tlOg.a Highland Park Plat"A"-of pert of n Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State [ewer, to!ait: SE Ve of Sec.21,T.1 S.,R.1 E., -Lot.1-14;Incluelve of Block land S.L.H.&M. Lots.1 end 17-30 inclusive Of Block Fronting on the South side of 1 of Rolland•Sub. of Block 10. Stratford Avenue. and Lot 2 of Block 7,5-90re.Plat All of Lot 2482 to 2488 Incl.of "A1,Lote 1.6 Dneluelve of Laurel- Highland Park Plat"A'of part of horst Sub.:of Block'5,Lots 90.and SE V4 of Sec.21,T.1.S.,R.•1 E„ e advertasement 91 f-Block 1 and Lots 11, 12, S.L.B.&M. th Bono1e,.53 and'54 of Block 2,of Fronting the West side of - ' HOnuevllle Garden Sub,and Lots 1 Jeffereon Street, ' and 20 of Block,0,Lot 8, 9, 14 All of Lots 17 to 24 incl.of Block sod 15 Of Block 7,Lots 2,3 and /2 and Lots 1,26 to 30 Incl. end 'lance Bill 77 4 of Block 26, 5-Acre Plat 'C the south 21.5 feet of Lot 25, of Lots 2.6 inclusive and 8 of Block Lots 1 and 25 to 30 Incl.of Block Lake City 1,-'LOtel 8.16 Inclusive and vacated 2, of Holland Sub, of Block 10, Clay in Block 2, Lots 1-5 lulu- 5-Acre Plat "A", B16'Field Sur- the 1f Block 3 and e 1 and 2 Vey. of Block 6 of Fairwayteei5Y Sub., Lots ' Fronting on the East side of 1.9 inclusive of Slacks I and 2 of Jeffereon Street, Fairway Sub.No.2;Lots 1 and 2 All of Lots 3 to 14 Incl.of Block N. et'Biopic 3 Yale Heights Sub., 1,and the West 82.0 feet of Lot 2 • rid.,Lot 1,2,,4 6,14-17 Inclusive -f Block 1;Holland Sub.of Block and.20•of Block 77,-5•Acre-Flat 10,5-Acre Plat"A",Big Field Sur- . C",4Lots 5-26.inclusive d vacat- ed ey. ley 3n Block.'3, and 56 Fronting on the Weet ride of lath hod in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the - Inclusive and vacated alley tut Street. MA,Block .4, and Lots .33-54 The north 284.0 feet of Lot 10 of llc Slack^16r..lOvlcre Plbt A-I.::Mt Bllo k`�t°5-Acre k:-es2"c" x 6 n6 ing on A.D. 19 Of Block 28,6,Acre-Plat 't" Lot Bigg Lust$ie on the East Bide of 10th fay of t -Ot Vey 10-rt f Plat of c- Eat inoiog tuna20,-.Lots part t-486 rinolusive and the south linel 21..Intersection .bushed `'6�1t 1.0--J.n47 2482-24b81nclusiVe ef•Highland Park d'the east line of 13th East Plat."A"of past of SE of Sec- Street,thence south 284.0 feet,in (n 21,'LOt'1 of Block"A",Lot I pp rt Of NE A of Sec.20,T.-1 S.,. and'36 f Block'H' and Lote 1 R. 1 E., M. i' and 1946 lneluelva of Block C•• Fronting en.the West'aide of 28rd blication thereof being i'n the issue dated the ' of Colonial View Sub., Lots-1.10 Earl Street. 1nc1ushie•and 29-44 inclusive of All of Lots 90 and•91 of Block • Block 1, Lots 1-10•'inclusive of 1.slid all of Lote 11, 12,32,33, ' A.D.19 Bleak 2;.,and Lots 1;2 end 32-44 53 and 54,of Block 2,Bonneville inclusive of•-Block 3. f Fairmont Garden Sub, of Block 6,. 5-Acre a.7 of Sub.,Lots 1 and 15 oI Block 1 and Plat, C"; the south 30.16 feet of �C� � Lobe 5-0 lnolueive of Block 2 of Lot 20 and the north 181.84 feet ( C l, Country Club Villa,Lots 24.28 inclu• f Lot 1 of Lots and 20 of Block i. slve of Block 1,Lpte 37.42 inch,- es 5-Acre Plat"C";Big Field Bur-- slve of Blank 3 and Lot 3.10 in- y; Lots,1 d 6 and the south Clerk olutve and 28-35 4ncluelve of Block 120.47 feet of Lot 6n f,LOt 1,6 _ Advertising { f Country Clash Heights, d and.6 f Block 5, d all Y-Lots part of Country Club Reigghte Plat 1 b and 6 of Black 8 f Country "A"of NE A.and part of NE A Club Acre, of.pert of NW A of • B.So M., T 1 5 R 1.O B.L Bed M T 1 all to B, S & LOtso 5 4.6 I Block and M and t,I m0'154e td 20 6-and 6 of Country Club Acre Incl. of Block Ill A ed Plat Lot de 20 1'luajve f 81o0k:'gig • ot, Vs v y filim p .,P.1 Eot • l l sill Amended Pitt of- Ceyntfy Section SW Y'old Sec.22;T 1 8 R Of tyres of S., of.E., '/L. B.do 1 B.L.B.&M. East side of 28rd E$T.01 8.,B.3 EB 5,. H.&M. .Fronting on Lbe Abutting onand. dlsoent to both Eat Street- sides of the following: All Of Lots 1 to 6 Incl.of Laurel- Jefferson Street — 13th South burst Sub. a Block 5,5-Acre Plat- • Street to Alb Sect 08 Avenue: "C", Big Field Butner; beginning Thirteenth East Street—South 284 ate point 338,88 feet south of the feet from 21st South Street; th line of 21st South Street, Eighteenth East•Street—Princeton thence [oath 304.62 fa., of the to Laird on and - s. .,of Bec.22,T.Of L 1 E. Princeton a d Laird Avenues B.-L.B. c M.: all of Lots 1 and ieth'to 39th East Streets; 16`of Block 1, and all.of Lots 5 Twentieth,East Street—Yale to to e.Dial,of'Block 2,Country Club t Princeton Avenues.and Wilson to Villa, of the NE A of Sec. 22, Garfield Avenues: 8, Notary Public • Princeton Drive--20th Eaet Street all of Lot 1 of Block "A", all 1 to Herbert Avenue; Lots 3 and 36 of Block"H",and all Twenty-first East Street•—Laird of Lots 1 and 36 of Block C", Drive to 13th.Bouth Street; Colonial'View Sub- of the NE A. ' Twenty-third East Street—118:1 of Sec,22,T.1 S.,R.1'E..S.L. feet-worth of Westminster Avenue .&.M.;all of Lot 1 to 10 Incl. to Country Club Drive; of Block 1,and all of Fairmont s 1 to o 1 Stratford Avenue — 1Dth But Incl. of Block 2, T.18., b. Street to Preston Street; • Of part of NE V.of Sec.22, National Avenue—23rd East R.1_E.,8.L.H.&M. ,_,.,.{feet to Wyoming Street Fronting n the North side of `Abutting. and adjacent to.one National Avenue. side• o18 uthg Street (north •CAI]oft Colonial to (Sub.nf ofHSu t side-1st'to 2nd West Streets; of NE A f Sec.-22, T. 1 S.,R. Foothill Drive (Westerly side)— 1 E.,S.L.B.&M. Hllchigan Avenue to 21et East Street; Fronting on the South side of i Parley's Way (westerly aide) National Avenue. Southeasterly 1589.4-feet from 23rd to All ofnLot 1 tcl. of oc4-.l nti E Lots • d 29 East tax33 to 44 Incl, and the. eat Thisaos tax is]trued to defray the 1, 2, of Lots 1, 2 515 upon.of constructing ewe sewer Tet' 30.0 fast of Lot incl.. ale of.hest let sewer pipe eightc air 32 to 44 Inept of Block NE 3, t 0. Inches et diameter a., dmanholes, e. of Sec.22,Sub,1 S.,R.1 E.,B.L. f eh Ato•feet tnoe dingfor• h0010 II eh Atoka d Ye fti•hqus_.cone _H.&al. .FULL.RATE t need a Is millet d the - `( • Dtope 9/ to.tee t opposite the Fronting the Weat ly dd of top sty he of site 'and h libel till Drive. Sure d e Hbed si b pe i id f• Beginning b thenortheast cor- 050' feted a 'benefited by id im• nee of Lot 1, Bleak 3, Fairway Sylid ement, and it fa hereby ad. Sub., thence northwesterly 235.0 fqd ode, determined and ate eroed feet long the'westerly line of . 5t id benefited O try will be a pill Foothill Drive,of Lot 14 and 15 chill.benefited thepreby to the sfull of BMA 27; 11 of Lots 1 to 5 amount of the tax hereby levied and ncl. of Bock 3,Fairway Sub.of saki parcel.of land hereby. - Block 17, and beginning at the seed at a uniform rate In record- southeast corner of Lot 5, Block ante with the linear, foot frontage' 3,Fairway Sub.,thence wes0ast- st- thensa e ownership he tlre depth 120012 there line 37.54 feet Foothill Drive f Lots 16 from not exceeding 330 feet, and and of7 of Block 27; 5-Acre Plat the tax hereby levied d to•be "C"„Big Field Survey. - te road poi:said parcels f land Fronting n the North Side of As Fortyy-two Thousand Eight Hun- .21st Street09.5 feet and the e t aced Fifty-eight d 34-100 ($42; " t 558.34) evenDollars: Thirty-one Thou- 224'.5 feet f ig FofflBlockd 7,5_ sand, 'Seven Hundred Seventeen Acre Plat"A", tf end 04.100 (a31,717.04) Dollar.or Fronting e thewesterly side nd 04.100 ($2.04) Dollars of Parley's Way yDero 4 front or M. foot of but- Beginningg t the Intersection of tint:property for half rate,.theta the westerly line of Parley's Way t being 15,547.57 feet abutting said and the west line of Hlook 1, I improvement;Eleven Thousand,One Country Club Heights,'thence .. 'Hundred Forty-one and 30-100 westerly lies 490.91 feet tong the o-odo4tJ0) D011su_Or Forr.and fhb NEly ]Inc of Heights 1,8,R.of lt9ea 0;(a4.08)Do11105 per front Or the A of Sea 22, linear'Not Of abutting property for, '1 IL, S.L. B. &M..; all of Lots SOI hutt a e,'there being 2.730.71 feet . 24 to 28 In .. of Block 1, all f butting said Improvement; hich Lots 3 to 10 incl.and 28 to 35 incl, iv the total abutters'doat and coat of Block 4, d all of Lote 37 Per front foot of.aid ewer, e- to 42 Incl.of Block 3,of Country _ cording to the contract entered Club Heights, of the NE A of Into for the performance of said Sec-22,T. 1 R.1 E.,S.L.B. work and m king said Improvement & M.:•a➢d beginning t the in - with'Contracting Corporation dated tereectfon of the westerly linsouth el of the loth day of September, 1946, Parley's Wag d and the Treasurer Is hereby a of Country Club o the Heights Plat"A", therlsdd and directed to aeeess 1n thence- northwesterly 345.0 feet accordance with the provisions of long the westerly line,of Parley's 1 this ordinance for the purposes ilia- �{ Country Club Heights herein mentioned; plat "A", f pert I NE A_I on HALF.RATE Soc,22.T.1 S.,R. 1 E.,B.L.H. Fronting 'the weeE Bide of &M.: the mime a shown upon 20th Eat Street. the official plats of said citown- Fairway to • All of Lets 1 d 2, Block 8. the entire depth of the name Sub. of Block 27, 5-Acre ershlp back from said streets.not Plat C";the southerly 199.76 feet exceeding 330 feet, and to collect of Lot,5,and the northerly 73.37 said tax. - Seet of Lot 4,'O1 Lots 4 and 5 Of • SECTION 1. That theassess- Block 27,5-Acre Plat"C";the east meet list made by the City corrected, Treas- 3gg.33 feet f Lots 2 d the west user rr approved tetl, appred mid s 22.0 feet of Lot 1,,-of an 1 and 2- o p101ed by the Board of Equal- f'Hlock 3,Yale Helghte Sub,of Block lsatlo nil Review of the property 27, .5-Acre Plat "Ni; Big Field described In Section 1 of'this r . Surveyy. dlnanco- leewer Extension the Fronting- n the east side of 26t6 539) of Salt Lake City, for the But street. purpose f constructing a sewer All f Lot o2 a IB Incl. of port aid p4ortions f id treets. ginning g,.and all of thweettd alley be- is hereby firmed, and the sa- int , t the 0utairwa corner of eeeamenta made and returned 1n Lot 12.Block 2, Fairway Sub., of said completed Este and the . Block R,thence southwesterly 10,47 t of the Board of EquallaatiOn feet,Block 2,Fairway Sub.,of fleck end Review to the Board of C4m- 2l, d Fairway of Lots 7 toO,9 Incl.of and f Salt Lake City are Block Acr a 'C".Big Field Sur- hereby ratified,approved and con- vey. firmed. Fronting on the North and Woes SECTION 3. Said tax shall be vide•of Princeton Drive. payable In flue.equal yearly 1n- "A11 of Lots 1 to 6 incl.of Block 1 tailment As lied by law d PEahIrwat.Sub.No.2 of Block 27; 1. ordinance, with interest'on the - bf'fleeted alley beginning at south- hole a paid nn the rat f stet corner of Lot 11,Block 2,Fair-, five per cent per a ,payable