77 of 1950 - Amending Section 6708 and Section 6727 as amended, re: zoning, appeals, how taken, stays proceedings RVLL I.H L.L -
Salt Lake City,Utah, JUL 261950 ,195
Affleck ___ I move that the ordinance be passed. (/I )
Christensen . . .
Romney . .
Mr. Chairman . (AN ORD ANCE
7 7 7, as
amended, of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944,
relating to zoning.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake .
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 6708 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to zoning, be and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any person
aggrieved or any officer, department, board or bureau of the
municipality affected by any decision of the administrative
officer. Such appeal shall be taken within a reasonable time
as provided by the rules of the board by filing with the offi-
cer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjust-
ment a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and
paying to the city treasurer a fee of ten dollars (?s10.00) with
each notice of appeal where the relief sought is a variance
from terms of the ordinance. The officer from whom the appeal
is taken shall forthwith transmit to the board of adjustment
all the papers constituting the record upon which the action
appealed from was taken.
(b) An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the
action appPaladfrom, unless the officer from whom the appeal is
taken certified to the board of adjustment after the notice of
appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts
stated in the certificate a stay would in his opinion cause
imminent peril to life or property. In such case proceedings
shall not be stayed otherwise than by restraining order which
may be granted by the board of adjustment or by a court of
record on application on notice to the officer from whom the
appeal is taken and on due cause shown.
(c) The board of adjustment shall fix a reasonable time
for the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof by
publication of notice at least five days prior to the date of
" hearing, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, an
decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing an
c,,: �•
party ma3 appearUerson or'�byagent Clr by attorney."
sECR§I N 2., 'I'h Section 72 of the', Revised Ordinances o i
Salt Lake CitT, Utah', 1 445 as amdea`,bY a,,,,14 ordinance passed by t e
, ` ,I oard of Comrritsgio4r o",;aSa1t Lar 'y on,,xct
rr Ci ober 8, 19L<6, be an•
the same is h �jhy -1z},� ?amende `hby: mend ga;paragraph (g) thereof
relating to zning, willybaragrap* (g) sha 3 ead as follows:
"(gl Where the garage is attached to or located within a
dwelling and provided that no accessory building is located
within the rear yard, the total sideyard requirement may be
reduced, provided the minimum sideyard is maintained on both
sides of such dwellings."
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately
SECTION 4.This ordinance shall take effect upon its firs.
publication. / /
Passed by the Board of Commisg-oneTs of'fSalt Lake City,
Utah, this YG Ik, day of i /, A. n. 1950. )
_ � �' v'-
,May r.
City Recorder.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
TION 6700 d Section 6R'27 z
,nt the Rev,.Ordinance,
f Salt Lake Cit,v Utah,10h4,reln.t-
InN to eonleg� i). l).0 Tie
rdalned by the lloorcl of
ICobnnbts.tionel a of Selt Le e Cll t.
SECTION e rho) Srctlon O'Ip0 ' Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
t the P7vlM , 1747.to of ;-r
Lake e"he 7.1een'''th"aa it hegre. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
amended t ad e=tonne• �:
,,;Kr-`'aT,Va "OCENDl'2�" published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
rat h Ii,,.6.t dP Wre'at'''"
of 00- -
rrpo „ J d7ath 1 nIIic of Utah.
the 4i 008o dl°Lrt{ an,
eaklkvb dhiel It ratl a 1-
fltgt A N/k ad* II.h taken
,tn ti esah.tl as pen- That the advertisement
whbided—byy--tgnet iuleb>t tile hoard
dMlinWdae161(d t((((��8 act, from
hd4k1 o NlsyFtk n and with
the b 6FiE'1'oC dJWRn t notice � "� '77
',1f ,p�p I tl d gonna/ °In Orli n n ce iiI1 'Floe (1
, • 1-,, ,r to tits
ten. 61 a 01 Tara
loll whore e I i of I
Veal where-tbip,,e RII}FC 15 1s a
aaanoe na'', i cnolr°;h
Decal hall forth-
withtrans/dirt FK and of ad-
lo4 atftu-
ol tiie � d '-y `Ic the a-
f • Pared we ��'k
'b' ps "�i; g n'n- was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
ae,.lings h, 1 the
ction am'.ale 8,runless the
nmcer fr Ag b-tae-nmbeal ie
taken ctrtlHed n the
board of day of A.D.19
nd!usdnnnt -after tin tier Of
anneal.shall hasr been idea with
him that by re nr was.Stated
ill the certificate inli mid In
and was published 5
his Icert taue inuri�c-d O Cl Ju Jul7_.V 31 k 1 )0
to tltc br property. Ir micb case
proceedings tall not be10¢ayed
lharudse than by reslralning
Err hick y be grartit-nrthe the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
boats QQiij,"me t b t
l 01e I�from who otl"NMlca
to i�t f from
1 taken and dn@+4d'pilae day of A.D.19
sh(e)-.The board"-of ad)ilatment ,/
shall fix a aoonable (line for / /
the hearing rt the anneal glue /
onIlle notice thorn ,' public,- /-/
tlm /
t of nate at Iraq floe dove
l c .
the date hearing Advertising Cleric
Neil et der n t the parties
In Int,,, Anti deride the same
Ithln a r nails tun(- Upon
the he lore part n
y b appear 'he, et,
In person or Iry agent or by at-
SECTION y. Thal Section 6n27
hta peyltrd Orrllnz.pers nt ,r It to before me this -:� day of
Lake Cllv, Ul rth, 1'144, n snared
he DIdlnancn naasoil a
Cemmla.vlonert of Salt I..0
Cltvr o October R.1046,be and n
t. Is the
further amended by A.D.19__'2-_
1viendlnn pa,agraph Ig1 thereof r
)nK manioc, which par agranh
I g 1 shall rearls follows: 1
"Ig) Where the garage It at.
tanced to or tocated within a ` I
dnr111nR and provided that noan- 1
spry building Is located within
the r yard, the total aieleyerd \ �`--1'^ ���Qom_
viduiremcnt may ho reduced,pro- -
ed the minimum sldeyard Is Notary Public o
malntalned on both sides I such
SECTION 2. In the opinion of
the Board of Comml,slonm0.s, 1t 1s
to the prune, health and
safety of Ihe. fnhdhitonts-*if Salt
Lake Clty Ihai, Ihl: o.d hanre be-
cam, rflerth, Immediately.
SECTION 4 Th, nrdl,in rr shall
take refer(once ht,rut onbheaunn,
Pan'.led by the So.(i of Cmnmis-
.sloner,of Salt Lake City:that.,this
p(0h day of July. A.I). 1150.
Ihty recorder
81L1.,Ni). 79
Published July 318I. 1950.