77 of 1954 - Annexation, Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, Annexing Oak hills Annex No. 1, Petition No. 558 ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, NOV 24 654 195
I move that the ordinance be passed. / /,.
Burbidge . . . f/
►og ns ne s . .
Romney . . . . _ J
Mr.Chairman .
WHEREAS, on the 15th day of June, 195l4, there was filed with the
o City Recorder of Salt Lake City, PetitI on No. 558 by Jaren L. Jones and
m Oak Hills Co. (being a majority of a owners of real property situated
in the tract herein described), reuestAng that said tract of land be
b taken within the limits of Salt Lity; and
° a(. WHEREAS, said petitioners had an accurate plat or map made and
4.: certified to by a competent surveyor and approved by the City Engineer,
a} •
CO which plat has been filed with the City Recorder; and,
u), WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City,
and there is no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made a
o -
o part of the said city; and
o WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after examining•
ow said petition of the owners of said tract of land and considering the
w circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all members of the Board ,
in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt Lake City and directed
that an ordinance should be passed annexing such territory and extending
• If)
the city limits of Salt Lake City accordingly.
y d NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1: That the city limits of Salt Lake City be and the same -
are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following described
tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the present East City Limit Boundary Line
of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of Utah, said point
being 950.00 feet North from the South one-quarter corner of
Section 11, T1S, R1E, SLB&M; running thence North along said City -
Limit Boundary Line, a distance of 370,0 feet; thence East 585.0
feet; thence South 370.0 feet; thence West 585.0 feet to the point '
of beginning.
Said above described area contains 4.97 acres and is situated ,
- 2 -
in the Southwest l/)} of the Southeast quarter of said
Section 11, TlS, R1E, SLB&M.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above des-
cribed property be and is hereby zoned as Residential "A" District. -
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this
ordinance takes effect the said tract of land above described shall
thenceforth be within the corporate limits of said Salt Lake City , --
and zoned as Residential "A" District as in the ordinance provided, -
and all ordinances, jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or
ipertaining to said Salt Lake City are extended over and made appli-
cable and pertinent to the said tract of land, and the streets,
blocks, alleys and ways of said tract shall be controlled and
governed by the ordinances, rules and regulations of said City in
thai behalf and the mopuments o e City Engineer shall thence-
forth be taken thereinas the t dardsaaf l;poatio`ns and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon khe •}assae of , is ordinance the City
Recorder of Salt Lake Gity s411 ,ft"le a she.--is ;hereby directed to
file with the County Render.:of' Suu%yy3s Lai County, acopy of the
Tap or plat above ment ted to ,�, !}'tif d and ackni lodged, as
provided in such cases together` f%ha. ertified ,e y of this
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it ,
is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of
Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediate-
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect at once upon -
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners oft L:. e City,
Utah this 23d day of November, 19544•
ity Recorder. ✓'�
( SEAL )
Published November 26, 1954
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Bessie Judges, Deputy..., City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City"'
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 2d, c 1954
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 2d, day of December, 1954
BILL NO. 77 Deputy QCtty Recorder.
Published November 26, 31.10 954
`7 7
Recorded DEC 3 1954t 4/D/,'m.
140E 1.0 Request of SALT t91LC1 CITY
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
�Ac�o ' er, Salt e ah
Book // a Page �°?, Re • 171
1144-4,4i -,.,.c��G
AN ORDINANCE Point of beginning.
Said above described area ontains
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE 4.97 acres and is situated in the South-
LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. west ya of the Southeast Quarter of said
WHEREAS,on the 15th day of June, Section 11,T3S,R1E,SLB&M.
1954,there was filed with the City Re- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
corder of Salt Lake City,Petition No. that the whole of the above described
558 by Jaren L. Jones and Oak hills Property be and is hereby zoned as
Co.(being a majority of the o of Residential "A" District.
realproperty situated in the tract here- AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
in described), requesting that said and declared that when this Ordinance
tract of land be taken within the limits takes effect the said tract of land
of Salt Lake City;and above,described shall thenceforth be
WHEREAS, said petitioners had an within the corporate limits f said Sail
accurate plat or map made and certified Lake City and zoned as Residential"A"
to by a COmretent surveyor and ay- District as n the srdinanCe provided,
sved by the City Engineer,which Plat and all ordinances,illrisdictions, rules
has been filed with the City Recorder; and obligations of or rtaining to said
and Salt Lake City are
extended O and
WHEREAS,the said tract of land is made applicable and pertinenc to the
contiguous to Salt Lake City,and there said tract of land, and the streets.
Is no
roper a why it should not blocks, alleys and w said tract
be annexed to and made a part of the shall be controlled m orned by
_ said city;
d the ordinances, rules and regulations
yl�f WHEREAS.the Board of Commission- of said City in that behalf and the
e a of Salt Lake City,after examining monuments of the City Engineer ahall
/ said petition of the owner of said tract thenceforth be taken therein as the
of land and considering the c standards of locations and distances.
stances thereof,, voted by u SECTION 2.Upon the P of this
/ /d_ vote of all members f the unanimous ordinance the City Recorder of f Salt
avor of annexing said tract of land Lake City shall file and she is hereby
to Salt Laken City and directed that an directed to file with the County Re-
ordinance should be passed exing corder of Salt Lake County,a Copy of
such territory and extending the city the map or plat above mentioned dub
limits of Salt Lake City accordingly. rtified and acknowledged, as NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained vided i such eases, together withro
by the Board f Commissioners of Salt certified copy of this ordinance.
Lake City,Utah: SECTION 3 In the opinion of the
SECTION 1: That the cite limits Of Board of Commissioners,it is necessary
Salt Lake City be and the same are to the peace,health and safety of the
• include theefollowing descrid and bed ded so as to tract of inhabitants
of shall become Lake effective thisat m
land in Salt Lake County,to-wit: mediately.
Beginning at a point in the present SECTION 4.This ordinance hall take
East City Limit Boundary Line of Salt effect at once upon its firsts habilea-
Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Lion.
Utah,said point being 950.00 feet North Passed by the Board of Commissioners
from the South -quarter of of Salt Lake City,Utah this 23rd day
• Section 11,T1S,R1E.SLB&MCOrunning of November. 1954.
Boundary Line,along
distance of 370.0 feet City ; (Seal)
J. GLADE, Mayor
• thence East 585.0 feet; thence South Bill No.77
370.0 feet;thence West 585.0 feet to the B-721 Published November 26,1954
City and County of Salt Lake, ,
I Bessie Judges, Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance extending the Limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 23d, Ni
x 1954
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 2nd day of December, 1954 24 X
BILL NO. 77 L [k��
Deputy city
Published...Nay..ember...26, zx 1954
3 /,7-
Recorded DEC 2 1954at j i er m.
Request of g5TT LAV..F CITY
Fes Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
14014f,)6 Recorder, Salt ty, Utah
BY_ leputY
Book rage ef Ala
AN ORDINANCE point of beginning.
Said above described area contains
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE 4.97 acres and is situated in the South.
LIMITS OF SALT LAKE CITY. vest It of the Southeast Quarter of said
WHEREAS,on the 15th day of June, Section 11,TIS,R1E,SLB&M.
1954,there was filed with the Clty Re. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED
corder of Salt Lake City.Petition No. that tile whole of the above described
558 by Jaren L. Jones and Oak Hills Property be and is hereby zoned as
Co.(being a majority of the owners of Residential "A" District.
real property situated In the tract here. AND BE IT FURTFIER ORDAINED
in described). requesting that said and declared that when this ordinance
tract of land be taken within the limits takes effect the said tract of land
of Salt Lake City;and above described shall thenceforth be
WHEREAS, said petitioners had an within the corporate limits of said Salt
accurate plat ormade and certified Lake City and zoned as Residential"A"
to by a competent surveyor and a District a n the ordinance Provided,
Proved by the City Engineer,which plat and all o jurisdictions, rules
has been filed with the City Recorder; and obligations Of orrtaining to said
and Salt Lake City a extended over
WHEREAS,the said tract of land is made applicable and pertinent to the
contiguous to Salt Lake City,and there said tract of land, and the streets.
is O Dageer reason why it should not blocks, alleys and w said tract
be annexed to and made a part of the shall be controlled and eoverned by
said city:and the ordinances, rules and regulations
WHEREAS,the Board of Commission- of said City in that behalf and the
of Salt Lake City,after examining monuments f the City Engineer shall
said petition of the owner of said tract thenceforth be taken therein as the
of land and considering the c standards of locations and distances.
stances thereof voted by a animous SECTION 2.Upon the passage of this
vote of all members of the Board in ordinance the City Recorder of Salt
favor of annexing said tract of land Lake City shall file and she Is hereby
to Salt Lake City and directed that an directed to file with the County Re.
ordinance should he passed corder of Salt Lake County,a copy of
such territory d extending the city the map orales above mentioned duly
imits of Salt Lake City accordingly. certified and acknowledged, as
by theBoard R fFCom ni Commissioners ordainedf Sl cent fied coPrt ofs this together
ordinance.rthr a
Lake City,Utah: SECTION 3 In the opinion of the
SECTION 1: That the alto limits of Board of Commissioners,It is necessary
Salt Lake City be and the same
the peace,health and safety of the
hereby tended and enlarged so a aret inhabitants of Sall Lake City that this
include the following described tract of ordinance shall become effective im.
land in Salt Lake Comity,to•wit: m diatelr. •
egin ingi at a Point in the tt Boundary Line Salt a Present
SECTION 4.This ordinance hall take
a once upon its first publlca'
Lake City.Salt Lake County,State of tiny.
Utah,said point being 950.00 feet North Passed by the Board of Commissioners
from the South onesquarter corner f of Salt Lake City, Utah this 23rd day
Section 11.T1S,RIE,SLB&M;running of November. 1954.
thence North along said City Limit EARL J.GLADE, Mayor
Bthence Eastne.a distance 585.0 thence S70.0 outh Bill INo.77
370.0 feet;thence West feet;85.0 feet to the f13-72) Published November 28,1954
roam NU.Ainm as.A.
Proof of luii1tration
3hniteb OtntrS of 1hmrrittt
WHEREAS,on the 15th day of Jline,
was with there s filed. the City.11e.
Co.beinerm sL. J neS Petition No.
558dby Jaeer of nt L. Jones and Oak Hills
a maior d of the owners of
al st the that
htaid a..�t=.9Akey
ofdescribed),andb requesting that
St of be taken within. the Rm 1lfi
of Salt Lake City;and
WHEREAS, said mafleaerd had iean
d being first dulysworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
to byata plat petent'n e`t bfor ce -an-
provedrtified g P Y P
by the Clty Engineeff'iehielf'heat•
as been,filed with the CI(y,..Recorder;
and' dd the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
contiguous to EAH Salt LaketCite,an of d there
nd le
is no proper reasonwhy it should t
be annexed to andrttadp=8 part of the Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
saWIESEAS,the Board Sc Commission.
or Salt Lake CiiY,after ez [Wing
cold petition of.the f said tract
of lend dverseconsidering- the C Um-
ayntea by nna�ir`t�o»4 That the Notice.of An OJ'dinaxice_.J:xt.end.inF the Limits
eLoans� 8herer%i ,-
tC f annexing Whets of the Roard ins
favor feyd d[stet of a�t
or inane snooty d directed.t�e4y'1t
ouch aterritoory and
the pity of Salt Lake City
limits of Salt Lake xCity a-COrdi ielk. "-
NOW, TH➢sit commissioners
be" err oainal
by thh.Board,o,(Cnniiclssioners of belt
Lake Tity ll f.
Salt La-SECTlkOeCitylbetatda4Vie sonic
cte re _-_ _.-Bill__I40.♦ 77.
hereby extended and entaeted s are
ittelude the following described tract of
land'in Salt Lake County,to-wit:
Beginning at a point In the _.._...._ _._._..
East,City Limit Renounce Lihe of Salt -- - -- ----------- -----
Lake City,Salt.Lake County,State of
Utah,said point being 850,00 feet North
Sectio h 1S9is R1E stir&ntOO corner
of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
thence'North along said Cite Limit
)heunce Eastn58.5.0lstance of feet: thence OSouth 26th
370.0 feet;thence West 585.0 feet to the issue dated the
Dohit of beginning.
Sxd above described area contains
4,91 stereo a s situated in the South. November 19 54
west t 'fine is
Quarter of said day of
Section IL,T1S,RUE,SLB&M.
that the whole of the above described
property be•andDistr esictreby.zoned as and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
d declared that when this ordinance-,
takes effect the said trod of land ,
above described shall thenceforth.be ' .._._... for
wants,the corporate limits of said Salt '
Lake City and zoned'az Residential••A"
District as In the ordinance provided,
and all ordinances,Jurisdictions,rules and obligations of or pertaining to said , thereafter,the full period of....one-time .............
Salt Lake City a extended r d •
made applicable are
pertinent over
id tract of land, and the streets,
blocks, alleys and ways of said tract I
shall.be controlled and Quern d by the last publication thereof
the ordinances, rules regulations
of said City in that behalf
alf and the
nt'1 'f the City Engineer shall 26th
thenceforth be taken therein as the
standards of locations and distances. being in the issue dated the day of
SECTION 2.Upon the passage of this
Ladinance•the City Recorder of Salt
ke city shall file nd she I shereby November 54
dir ted to tilt with the County Re•
rder of Salt Lake coouny,a p f ,A.D.19
the map o plat dove mentioned duly /�'
certified and acknowledged, as -
vided such cases, together with a certified
SECTION p3 In y of t the his ordinance.
Board of commissioners it necessaryis
to the peace,health and safety oflhsInhabitan
ordinance of shallSalt
me City
ffective this
or c tm•
media tely. - .__ 18t
anon a.shall take';o before me this -_. _... _. day of
SECTION 4.This and inane
elms[ at once its first numlea
ti Passed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City,Utah this 23rd day
of November,1954.
EARL J. GLADE,Mayor ....,A.D. 19..54 .
O.HI is 77
03-77] Pablishe0.November 26,1054
Notary Public.
Nov. 25, 1957
My commission expires
Advertising fee $