77 of 1962 - Repealing Section 18-4-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lkae City, Utah, 1955, as amaended, and e z ROLL CALL''' Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196 VOTING Aye Nay fT I move that the Ordinance be passed. Christensen . . !/ Harrison . . • v r 6,4 c y�ch/I Romney • • t✓' Smart • . / W. Chairman . �d AN ORDINANCE Result . . . AN ORDINANCE REPEALING Section 18-4-7 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, and ENACTING a new Section 18-4-7, defining food, potentially hazardous food, adulterated, misbranded, food-service establishment, temporary food-service establish- ment, health authority, utensils, equipment, etc.; providing for the sale of only unadulterated, wholesome, properly branded food; regulating the sources of food; establishing sanitation standards for food, food protection, food-service personnel, food-service operations, food equip- ment and utensils, sanitary facilities and controls, and other facilities; requiring permits for the operation of food-service establishments; regulating the inspection, grading, regrading, and placarding of such establishments; providing for the examination and condemnation of food; and providing for incorporation by reference of the 1962 Edition of the "United States Public Health Service Food Service Sanitation Ordinance and Code." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 18-4-7 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, as amended, be, and the same hereby is, repealed, and a new section enacted to read as follows: "Sec. 18-4-7. Food Service Sanitation. The defini- tions, the inspection of food-service establishments; the issuance, suspension and revocation of permits to operate food-service establishments; the prohibiting of the sale of adulterated food or misbranded food or drink; and the enforcement of this ordinance shall be regulated in ac- cordance with the unabridged form of the 1962 Edition of the "United States Public Health Service Food Service Sanitation Ordinance and Code", three certified copies of 77 - 2 - which shall be on file in the office of the City Recorder; provided, that the words "municipality of " in said unabridged form shall be understood to refer to Salt Lake City; provided further, that in said ordinance the paren- theses enclosing words referring to grading shall be under- stood to be deleted; provided further, that in Section A, Subsections 1, 2 and 12 shall be deleted and the following adopted in place of said subsections,: '1. ADULTERATED shall mean the condition of a food (a) if it bears or contains any poisonous or deleter- ious substance in a quantity which may render it in- jurious to health; (b) if it bears or contains any added poisonous or deleterious substance for which no safe tolerance has been established by regulations, or in excess of such tolerance if one has been estab- lished; (c) if it consists in whole or in part of filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance, or if it is otherwise unfit for human consumption; (d) if it has been processed, prepared, packed or held under in- sanitary conditions whereby there is a reasonable probability that it has become contaminated with filth or that it has been rendered injurious to health; (e) if it is in whole or in part the pro- duct of a diseased animal or an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter; of (f) if its container is composed in whole or in part of any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render the contents injurious to health. '2. APPROVED shall mean conforming to health author- ity standards and practices based upon the regulations provided herein or upon regulations issued by the health commissioner hereunder. '12. HEALTH AUTHORITY shall mean the health commis- sioner of Salt Lake City, Utah, or his designated representative. ' And provided further, that in Section B, Subsection 1 shall be deleted and the following adopted in place of said sub- section: '1. Food Supplies. All food in food-service estab- lishments shall be from sources conforming to health standards required by state and local ordinance and regulation, and shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage, free from adulteration and misbranding, and safe for human consumption. No hermetically sealed, nonacid, and low-acid food which has been processed in a place other than a commercial food-processing establishment shall be used. '" SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. 7d - 3 - SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Sixth day of November, 1962. I 7 -��i :%� MAYOR� CIT CORDER (S E A L) BILL NO. 77 of 1962 Published November 9, 1962 77 legal Notices AN ORDINANCE AN O SDIif ANC ECi1REPEAL'955,� Affidavit of Publication eerl°n tl-', of ,he RCvisetl Oro,, <,as'amenee- a e ENAC'-INO a cw Section tl-n.1,"defining load, Vote'. rinTg Hazardous food• "fake rate, -❑ a d, fond service t bl r , ea afmd scry t s,' o e, r:>,4 n lbornr -is- 1 Cic.0 P=ov,dln9 1 the I er advlleraled h,e: AH, Vv r0Qto loos $$ Iafl:,y me sC c 1 load; lanl'..sn • - rora'ion ,aneard3 fore g,°,I,Lake toad a cllm, l0°d�seNi<e p r d- f a.s t 1 dI 'I'fland t tl for D M Ockey r'On cool food-scry ce's establish-sl,e tg eqular nv Jln I n, d' a fad ne, d PI d- r n anggre.nts;mo d - i r 1n In ron d ,d rear. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising la 1 � antl prOv 10 ne 10 - p "°"by`Terence i me 1961 Edit clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- s-ron I the United stares Public s-Health Service Fo00 SC,lce Sa ndn., s.lion Ordinance d Code." Be ,t ordained by he snare or GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed to the Eng- a, Utah,a_°per or soli LAKE ode, lisp language with general circulation in Utah, and publisher.[ in o Clan: SECTION 1.,hat section III-+-' Salt Lake City, Salt Lake o,he Revised o94ra<es of saldLab3 County, in the State of Utah. s Chr,tnC Utah, 195hrbY an e, Ccald, and new section eroded io read "ow" That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto as follow,: I't4 Food 3 Ice Sanlia; ,ion. The deco ions. € •sec f Issuance, rvsn sionesta /. nrscatlon to Sn<e,1ns°o Mr enohlnd.aeo�ia e- Salt Lake pity Bill No 77 of 1962, tabllshmend[I the dnbillnJ of the d bale , ad''''Vtedr 1°od mis randed notl r dodin and lnc m=cement of thisordinance CA55 tin ordinance relating to defining food, idled In <rdan<c 'VT the N U`a brideetl 1°rm air the 1962 E,fltion '1 f the rood sPr°me Sancta"°" or"I potentially hazardous food, etc.dad Cod,' three c ifree' yie Ple°Ol 'itch hall bee n ilia o. d lice f the City Recorded iiv vfded, that the in daid unabridged form hall be understood to refer to Salt Lake City, molded further,that in said ordinance the parenme- SES ncl°sing words referring to' :; grading shall b u dersio°d to big defaced; ibeaO understood rwr m Sechon A,r Stoll l0ns I, 2 and..12 3 shah be de'a'ed aid ,he '.see n9 adasted in place of saltl svbsellOns: { '1 ADOLTERATEO man the p, 9$ 1962 condone'of a moo cal ifit°`bears was published in said newspaper on__NO-. n,ains a0Y VOa roan r tlech 'iv aOUs; sra it in a u0alto which der it m° to reaan; addedl Lit bears"'s or emirs Y for°vs die l C ' rious sub• i,as�n eoestablished0so by regulation or eo <h toerance r,one ots' in lenterenr0 a d it t-flli c'e, Urrl*17r°dccrl=?,part ,lr Ali //i • l•• Ir M1 o If If consumption;ed,paced or S whereby A Insanitary d'I s - e there ,oa d Legal Advertising Clerk 'cd•li luimUr lo'rt�lti cl' It°t or awalslea irti rame°Prod-, Ucl welch has doe Ibewdse than by slap emler^ r Itt If its 0c il or ta',ners is o.sed°in ri„ art of a ° P rwm:mteri°es It- sun Canon'renew!nou a der the aY ten ol, contents inlOVE to nit health. '2. APPROVED shall mean12th +lit, fo"'"",n<nsaln4 ag',' it"4`'-/ to before me this day of pen ee as clot no Pr.°vided heron .n g UlallOns rs�Ued by Ina Iieallb era 62 fa. mi Ion Ae•n ly, ea the head AUTHORITY shall A.D.alth commission°,.of - 1 C� n And provided!whet-,that in 5 . r. B Subsection 1 I I shall b d o 1, pltd ace ids the following . I F d e P Ii All 5 od Ly / /. ; f I foo'liZv e .rabl shi,„% hell it �fv__ /'• Est sources a'forming m neallil fcal ordinance rs r°nuii a slate and �� Notary Public local rd ileac, d rase,free, and shalt clean, l T',T.Ulfarationf anal ml"'"`"''''' LT',af° for hU 1e n Clio' No hermetically 5e 0, .o cona<'d, 'ntl low-ac1U f0tl w�,ich befn pro<Vr in lac° a+her hap c min ci shall 1°od c cslablishmenr= shall be • u0SECTION 2.In the ooln lon of fitegreS • Boa'd Of Commissioners, it n c G l0 he P a - health rt.,,.... , esleoY of Ire inhabits ats r L LNective.Yhnnmedlalelvdidince become C ke effect p This i rt nubl0 mall ,- rake eder upon its first uCommi- Passed by the Lake 1 lob, 5,- roners of or0rm CO,Cll Utah,this Sixth day Of November,196f. S. J. 'RAC Y,EN LEE, MaYYE HERMAN J. HOGNSEN, ,I e,tYALI Recorder SE PILL No.11 0l',962 bee P C'lis'etl November 9,1962 IC-261 i