77 of 1972 - Amending Section 25-17-2, changing the amount of the City Treasurer's bond from $150,000.00 to $300, VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 19 19 72
Barke I move that t dinance be passed.
Harmsen 4/1-(42///
Harrison d . iL// %Z
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 25-17-2, of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the oath and bond of the
City Treasurer.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Section 25-17-2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the oath and bond of the
City Treasurer, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as
"Sec. 25-17-2. Oath. Bond. The city treasurer,
before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall
take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office
and shall execute a bond with good and sufficient
sureties to be approved by the board of commissioners,
payable to the city in the sum of three hundred thousand
dollars. Said bond shall be conditioned for the faithful
performance of the duties of his office, the observance
of all laws pertaining to his office, and for the payment
of all moneys received by him as city treasurer, according
to law and the ordinances of said city."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary
to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shalltake effect upon its first pub-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
19th day of July, 1972.
BILL NO. 77 of 1972
Published July 26, 1972
7 B
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
i Section 25-17-2,of the Revised Or. tistng clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
dihances of Solt Lake City.Utah, newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
1965,relating to the oath and bond
bt the City Treasurer. culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
r 01 the
Be it ed Sy the Board of
rcommisslonar6rorsall Lake City, County,in the State of Utah.
$he ioN Revise That Sectionans Salt
1tt 17-2
of the ReVlsgd Ordinances of Salt
Lake CItY,'Utah,1965,relating to That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
tt the oath d bond of the City
Treasurer�be;and the same here-
'by Is,amendegd to read as follow,S 25.1M.9 th Bond.The An Ordinance relating to the oath and bond of the
city treasurer,before he enters
`dpon the duties of his office,shall
!take f and
subscribe i and shallsexe- Cittt,y Treasurer. Bill No. 77 of 1972,
I.Sute a bond with goad and sofh•
'tient sureties to be approved by
the board of commissioners,
payable tq,thC city In the sure of _
three hundred thousand dollars.1
Said bond shall be conditioned for
the faithful performance of the
duties of his office,the obserVonce -
of all laws pertaining to his office,
l and for the payment of all moneys
�received by hire as city treasurer,ac
cording to low and the'ordinances,
of sold city:'
SECTION 2.'.n the opinion of the'
Board of Commissioners it Is Sec; was published in said newspaper on
essay to the peace,health and
welfare of the Inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance be -- T l�_��,_ C 72_
come effective Immediately. _ -L. b
SECTION].This ordinance shall
lake effect upon:its first publica-
Passedby theBoard of Commis.
slop of Sall Lake City. Utah. \
this 19th day I July,1972.
Mayor '7���1 _/".�---
CERMAN J.HOGENSCNCity Recorder Legal Ad ertising Clerk
(SEAL) '
BILL tied 77 of 1972
publishedJuly 26;1972 (C-dg):_
Subscribed and sworn to befare, me this
28th_ day of
_July A.D. 19__72_.
Notary Public
i My Commission Expires
February 12, 197k
tt i.