78 of 1902 - Ordinance 78 of 1902 – Prescribing certain duties for the Auditor and Heads of city departments. BELL NO/ Y 0 11 AN ORDINANCE PRSSCRIBING'. CERTAIN DUTIES FOG THE AUDITOR AND Tial ILIIPDS OF CIT.t I]CPART BETS. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAYS CITY, STATE; OF UTAH: Section 1: No department City tment of. the Government shall incur any indebtedness of any nature, except for labor, unless it be u_ion a requisition approved by a majority of said department's committee of the City Council. Section 2: Where MY one item in a requisition calls for the ex- penditure of more than one hundred MO) dollars, such requisition must be passed upon by the City Council. Section 3: The Haeds of Departments must, as far so ossinle, have their requisitions in the hands of their several corn- mittees so that they nay be acted. upon at the first regular meeting in each month. Section 4: All requisitions shall be made in duplicate; the original to be retained by the department mal-.ind; sane; the duplicate to be filed with the City Auditor. Section 5: The Auditor shall audit no claims against the City un- less they were authorized as provided for in Sections one and two of this Ordinance. Section G: Where the Council may 1na�ce a ,special_'� a7proPriat _on for any pur ose, the head of the department to which such special appropriation may be made shall, when tlicpur- i pose for which such special appropriation was made. has been carried out, so advise the Auditor. And shall further furnish the Auditor a detailed stateme,t,show- ing what mount of such special appropriation has been expended. Section 7: The Auditor shall not approve any vouchers c, ens or pay-rolls that may over-draw any special allowance of any d.e,art- ment. Section 8: Each Department '.na3_1 attach a distribution sheet to its pay-roll, showin:• for what surnose the total anount^ l 78 L i -2- of such pay-roll was emended. ...._cy oh all aa.00 make a memorandum on each voucher certified to by themshow- ing the account or accc:unto the amount of ouch voucher is to be char ed to. Section 9: Each department shall mn3oe a full report to the Auditor not later than the tenth of each month of its precehi_n.; month's business ouch report to he sworn to by the heal of he department. � r 1 4S ti. 1 i }Iea•'. of bepartmean e ohal • use eery effort to have ihpir vo . .e in slu moohey may he passed' i5( .1 f ? ounc il fi - � c,uln : i 1 /i, ,r meetin in the . '''; eCt2� l: `ai�/P 4 `.Z. d,:w • '�1 car: e d.e ibnN did -Went n,;;ainst another )1111 to any • !e rua !; ' ertif , -fo by the head. o, v ea : d 4-1 p ep;.�-. ., I so cha"-` aii:!. to. ,the same cotzr:;e �,., '§§ 4an oth indebtedne,o contracted by a depart-lent. Section 12: All ordinances or Darts of ordinances in confl.ictaere- with are ,00creby repealed. �,� Cry I cf ij. ! i. i; I" i 1 to ti ;r 7 for hi a• ^1.i: r{ ..1s. '"t`. gay...... or. 1 1 • • (r- \) -2- o-,..off... oP,.r..o, .ij.. ,-','. Jr..... .. .n: l' _ , ..f., '‘''./ j:. .,'I—'1,' ...,,,,,w,E1 I.,:01 - -•:.(,, 0;-!, ,.,.-•Li..!.-..1-ro:, --1.or:..-, . .. .:O.PO ("A) 'r..,;.'.:- ' ',lc' •inif05101T 1 f 0;N0 T-LO :.Niff() 13 pf...; r.:Zh-ff I): ,', --ir- 11'..iP •••. f.,i i I ,:oz .LF:grA :.-) "i o;1- 3-"io, or. H...,..1't :,-; o ,..,,r, ,,, V. ..1",(if:!`:*".f. 1,3'.' ,H,r1:'': :C •,,"3'I`.:' i J.ct:10,' .,',.),,,:,3 :." ,,,,.-Jos,t o,..-,, A,.. .:',- 1 .3.,:.,-i- -.;-„-.-',' •.,", ....,-“.;'-,-::. od -:' l':.-..-... r.:-[ ',,:n.:-. ,,,.,-:,(1,,,ii..-.1.;(-1 ,-' '.i.,!o_ 1,j-751-;02.fz-.1,--.,,,,,. or. 'I-o , ,,..,1 ,z:_„,. „:„,._, ., „,, f-„- ,,, „...„--,,, 5), „-,....,-st,,,i ,,,,,,,,i,, , \ , Mt- •,_lii:;-eon -1-•fri;1,c,Icy.-.p. ,,A , ,,,,_,,, ,!.9,. c.:, ,- 7, • t; 1 - -:;.or 1 00 i .,:- fs •0r[..1.011.0 zl-no_i-J;; . - • Joo o--..-rr, .e..[J- - roli,1-t: '..-,i,..i-,,: . i i-tioE.,:Inclok, r, rzc., .1:o ... -1s..01: P.00111.1)3" !=1 '.t ,.. • t 0 ,:fi.f3 ' ' fit neorLoillb-to 'to nt.t...no- -tc.) 6:30i1.:,.-::•-•,,C.` ;,.::,w . I 1 11 fi— A)14r -i'' . , • „ ‘ ,,, , • , \ I 1 I 1 1 , I I I . I I ' 1 i / 1 I 1 I I . I 1 I I I