78 of 1907 - Ordinance 78 of 1907 – Sewer Extension No. 180. x [ ,-' . . AN ORDINAN (iE . An arixance levying a tax and providing f.:r the asectIsmost of the keoperty hereintfter docribed within the district bowllea on the north by Fifth South Street, on the west by the Gravity Sewer, on the south by Ninth South Street, and on the east by Ninth East Streot, in Sewer Distxlets Ile. i and 2, for the censtItaction of sewers. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SEOIICE I. That the Cltey '.; 1i leer hereby levy the tee and prov-ide for the assesszient tf the se., e apan.the property herahafter d described in SewLr rdstriotL Nos. 1 and e:, ar the corattien of sawers, t -:,-It; In Lots 4 and 5, Block 36, lint "A"; in Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 -,r)3 37,,. Block 22, Plat "B", and II., Lots 4 and 5, Block 23, Plat"B", abutting on Second Sect Street between Fifth :;.:uth and 61eTth South Streets; on Third East Street between Fifth .Sth and ...-.hyth Culp Streets; en Fourth Sant Street -between i?tfth S,.,:th an Sixth South Streets; end on 31n South Street between Third. East and Sourth East Streets. This tox ic levied to defray the e ,pol.se of constroti:a yltri- 2ied. pipe sowers eight (a) icohes in dixLiet.xc u.pon the par of sold streets opposite the property heroixheA..,e and herely,aftar des- cribed to be especially affect.A. ',Jul benefited by aald improvewent, and it is hereby adjudged, d,,,t,:ened an eblinhA tint said prap- erty will be especially bsneflte,f', thereby to tha fell aalauh, .J2 V.I'n tax hereby levied, and said pE,rcels of land are hereby f-,,likia at an , uT.iferlu rata in. nJov .1.th 1:-:u _in Pout upon said portins ....,2 64:.:3 61, -ut.; ff':Wt... open a t e LtJvt Jf i ! ttEiii4a-f; Cti) f!set 1: o1 ereL'ru., !,..s4 the Sex herel::,' 1. 1(Jd sad t4 I be o.6862A, 4)(,:, saiL prc;e1:-. of Ofli 1.:J sic, thcuud eini. atxdred 1 seve-:';ty-two ant 75,1.2.. ie,372.7.e) dell .,• or two arid 152.7./1e000 I (0-152.5) doll.as pf::r front Jr ii. .. f,.1,0 :,r !J4:mttirg property for sewer o.1 'oth. !:1.1 of 4.71,, Ctr-:ot :,: ':.,!!:...-6 in '30 , -e 1)1A4-.1, 2 , . .. . L.. 78 , • 1 \, j 1 1 _ 1 1 , . -2- llos. i and 2, there .1>:,!_ng. 3,100 feet of abting proporty within the boundaries of the lots, blocks aad streets abo7)e alontioned i'n said districts, which is the total cost and coA per fr:int fet c,: uaii Isewer according to the contract entered into ,for the por_7.,cce of 1 , said work aneking said improvument, with /,- -e. 'ei /• i' ./' ;7 dated th;t-T -217 -day of H1.11a ti,c Treasurer is hereby aathpiisedOiL dicted to dsass in ao- i - 10,)rdv,,ce with the pl%visior26 of this ordim,nee for th..1, 1,31-ri;oe heroin 1 .. _ mcntioned: District So. 1. 1 . x•Qnting on Second Et Street 1,&twoon ilrth South and Sii.th South I 16treets: 4 The soath 305 feet of Lot 5, Block 36, plot "A'. Ifrohti-Ls on Third EaSI, Street between Fifti;. 3o'J,th and. SHth South 3 Streets: The north 140 feet of Lot,2, .,: e south 140 feet of Lot 5, and all of Lots 3 and 4, vli in Block 22, Plat "B". . 1 Fronting on P.Adrth 'Last Street between Fifth Soath and ..;Lh South 1 I 1 1 rStreets: The north 140 fe.,,A of Lot 1, all of Lots 7 and 6, ., the south 1 1 1 14 feet of Lot 3, all in Block 22, ].:b,t "B", the north 305 fat of Lot 4, er' the south 305 f.-.,A of Lot 5, all ln Block 27, Zi.,t ''.3'. iirontiLg on Sixth South Street betweon Third •:Sast 1 . "B" Al). of notei .,.:3,1; 2, 7lool- .22, L.-lat. Dist:clot ::.,.. . L. I 'or on Socda 711,.. t j1 '; 1.,24,-;• .n Z'f.l• '..,.. -11. a S.. ..,, ::,-.AL. iStfeets: oo the '6' ':: :',:'':. L.hyl c,;,,..,.. t'lo . =0.1 .:. 1.1LY:: ,r : :.:,.d City. to ) 1 . , i . 3 is depth of twenty-five (25) feet bscs. therefrom. SECTIONS 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent if five Aqua installments, as follows, to-wit; One-fifth thereof one year after the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax for the payment for s-.,.ch improvement; one►fifth thereof in two years after such epprov�-l.;- one-fifth thereof in three years after sa xiap rival; one-fifth thereof in' four,yeere after such approve ; and ,,,ne-fifth thereof in five years after such eppr t. One or wore fl sz:i,.:7 in- , stallments ui` the whole tax may be paid on or before ten ei6ye after I the approvs;. of the ordinance confirming the levy of the t-�x. One on mare instllnents or the whole special tax may be paid on `,`<o day anal ixetalimert beoore8i due by payirg the amount thereof aed intere:,t to date of pea of. Each of said inetall .nts s! ll beer interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the date of the :il:proval of the ordinance coonfirming the levy of a tax until date of Jelin-I queen;,-, .:nd ci;:ht (C i per cea.t r:)s° ..rmum from delinquency until paid. SECTION 3. This ordlri nce >heli take effect upon :zpi,r,.^.u.l. i7:ie .i ,:htr"qiNi :':u. ..Lii;. / /�(a7%l/-14- Passed by the City Council of Salt L h e City,Uteh, lovenher 25,1907, and referred to the ::a -or or s aye oval. { // z_______— ity recorder. Approved this~ 2) day of '`o e ber,1907, P'9 or.. 'i l • 1 , .,.r cs:, t ; tr y $f�ks 0 �'S�. -, i.t. , a ....E di k ''0 1 io:f:f0. .: . ,,t,' . t5-0,n,, 15.21:, 1