78 of 1911 - Ordinance 78 of 1911 – Sidewalk Extension No. 129 First Partial Estimate. • • <,"";;;;' Al; An otdin•:nce confir- 1:1.0 vrr%, hero inneftor described withn iescritod • • • ( Or1! iniu}e at the intersection of te uouth line of ';ocond. lortliStreet with the west lir:, or '.hir.11 teeet. fnurin8' thence north to tho center of Fourth firth Street; thence east to the center of Third it Street; thence north to the north lire of Sixth Lorth to it; t-nerce wet to the cantcr of Twelfth u,:st Stce, t; thence north to the center of Leudville Avesue; thu ' n I tO to Jordundiver; thonce southerly. along the Jordan River to the cente of Fifth North Street; theuee eLut to L center or Fourteenth .hco I Street; thence south to the jordrn 7iver; so-t.tl•-• easterly aleme the Jord&p. River to the south line o7 "loch 1, Orkltv; thence oast to the ceutor of Eleventh JeA Str-tt; th,.soe south to the center of Secon.i rorth 5trect; thence e:,ut to t'ee corter cf • • Tenth Went Street; t' nice north to the north line of 7ourth rorth Street; tl•ence eost to the eaut line of Fourth 'feet 2treet; thence south to the south line of Second Zerth L;1;r7.0t; 1,;"'.moo to the .place of beginning, with tie exce.,tion of t'oo eut s.:de of Fourth West Street between Fourth forth and Fifth rorth 7,tecto; C“.-; we•:t side or Folic S•ost Jtrew:t tet7eon Fifth 7orth 7orth Streets; eon both sides of Thitd -forte stroc•t oat 7outh out and Eleventh West Streets. Also t7,o conter'iusSof Thirteenth ITorth and. Davis !dtreets, C•enee nort to tle: ne•.th line of Everet Avenue; thence west to the went lino 7ot s.„;eini.:: jtre t; thence northwesterly along the cvet-moJt it di f Riot Syntu Street- to tho north lino of Duluth Avenue; thence west to U center line of ... -ter 'it cot; 1:7J:•nee south to the center 'lee or 'Duluth Avenue; thence wont to U u- c . hue f thPncle L3otherl along the we::t 1.7n 1."..C -H;(1 of Thir- teenth Torth 516.1:c3ot; ot 1,o 1:1- ont lino of 71Ltli 'Tout Street thi-,0,1 south to :Grth -2- thence enct to 4:lie place of hoLinnin And Burt , the cast-most side of Hot Cprias Street between TIveret Avenue and Fifteenth Horth Street, and th,- -tost side of Fourth West .;treot beteen Hort.' Temple and first Berth Street , in Sidioalk Districte Hoe. 20, 21 and 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Le3,e City, Utob: SECTIOB 1. Thnt the assessilont list made by: the City Treasur-r as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Evaliaation and. Review, heretofore duly appointed by ths City Cornell for that purpose, of the property in Lots 1, 2 and 5, Block 78, lalat "C"; 1 and 14 to 26, inclusive, Block 1-A; 13 to 26, inolis,:ive, Block 1-3 Oakley Subdivision, Block 78, flat "C"; 1 to 51, inclusive, Tluck 2, and 21 to 51, inclusive, Block 1, Colorado Subdivision, Block 79, i'lat "0"; 1 to 34, inclusive, Bloc], 1; 1 to 50, inclusive, Blo k 6; 1 to 58, inclusive, Block 7; 1 to 56, incld,,ive, Block 13; 1 to 18, inclusive, Block 2; 1 to 58, inclusive, Block 5; 1 to 58, in- clusive, Block 8; 1 to 50, inclusive, Block 12; 1 and 58, Block 14 1 and 58, Block 15, Oakley Subdivision; part o2 tho 5cathAa,t quarier of the northwest quarter of Section 35, Tov,nehip 1 north, Bane 1 west; 15 to 30, inclusive, Block 4; 22, Block 3; 1 to 53, inclusiv: , Block 9; 1 to 36, inclusive, Block 10; 1 to 36, inclusive, Slosh 1 ; 1 to 26, inelusive, Block 26; 1 to 26, inclusive, Block 27; 1 to 1 , inclusive, Block 23, Oakley Subdivision; 1 to 22, inolosive, Block 10; 1 to inclusive, Block 9; 1 to 12, inclusive, Block 1, Wave.ly Subdivision; part of Section 35, Tcy:waship 1 north, Berko I west; part of Section 23, Tosnship 1 north, rlane, 1 :rent; 1 to 22, inclu-- ive, Block 8; 1 to 2t, 3; 1 to 22, iedu,slva, 7; 9 to IS, inolusive, Block 4; 9 to 12, inclusive, Block 3; 13 to 24, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 24, inclusive, Bloch 2, Waverly Sub- . division, Salt Bake City 8urvey, abutti: on the north side of Second. Borth Stroot bet , or Tenth Tht Blevunth Wost 3tru3ts; on the east side of hleventh Streot bot. een Sveliae -„- Psi .ail a..�. cts; on ,..,.-. .. ..:'_i ,i e::t :i treet ee Second North and Fourth North S ,.1 t'_n south side of Fouri North Street beteen Tenth ';Vest see ihi teenth 'feet teeetu; on th= north side of Fourth North Street betc:eon Eleventh Nest and Donela, Streets; on the north side of Siraonii Avenue between Tenth `lest an Eleventh West Streets; on both sides of Carey Avenue between Tenth West and eleventh ':lest Streets; on the east side af Caney Street between Second. North and Sixth North Streets; on the wet side of Oakley. Street between Clark Avenue and Sixth North Street; on the kk east side of Twelfth West Street between Clark Avenue awl Si-eth No th • Street; on the west side of Twelfth West Street between Jordan River and Leadville Avenue; on the south side of Fifth North Street between Eleventh West and Colorado Streets; and between Thirteenth West an. Fourteenth West Streets; on the north side of Fifth North Street be- tween Eleventh West and Colorado Streets, end between Thirteenth Wet Street and the Jordan River; on both sides of birth North Street be tween Eleventh West and Twelfth West Streets; on both sides of Colo- rado Street between Fourth North Street and Leadville Avenue; on the east side of Thirteenth West Street between Fourth North Street and Leedville Avenue; on the west side of Thirteenth ;Jest Street betwee Fourth North Street and Leadville Avenue; on both sidles of DouElas Street between Fourth North Street and Leadville Avenue; on that eas side of Fourteenth West Street between Fourth North Street and Lead villo Avenue; on the west side of Fourteenth Net Street between Filth Third North Street and Leadville Avenue; on both sides of kmulak North • Street bet:;een Eleventh West and Twelfth 'West Streets; on the south side of Leadville Avenue between Twelfth "Teet and Thirteenth Nest Streets, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 20, 21 arid41, of Salt La.1.&e Cit , for the purpose of constructing cei ent niuewalbe upon eeid portions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and. the assessments made and • returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approved. Sidewalk ;xtenUron No. 129. First artiel Estimate. _ • Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, August 28th 1911, and referred to the Mayor f his a., al ec r or. Approved this 6'j day of August, 1911, .C'/71A6Mayor. • .f - it