78 of 1912 - Amending Section 20, Park ordinance. CALL b Salt Lake City, Utah, . __ June 1%, .,.191. VOTING - Yea No I move that the ordinance be passed. r,. Korns -�`•" V Morris . , . . . . ._�. if Mr.Chairman . . I RESULT - AN 01, S i. ,I. Cl An ordinnco an.( d6id ' ,n;7; i'c-en;_eti'aL SceLion 20 of an ordi- nance J.,,0-1 : .0,11::.ufL1 00]lriq Pol.; f). publleach., : .-a laf. ;r-unds, passed by the Soara o- 0o-Tilauiners of' ,; 11 La;cc, City heron 19, 191.2. Be It ordairod by the Board of Commfcsi-niere of S:lt 1.cke City Utah: SECTION 1. That OectiOn 20 04' in ordinarce docloring ralfa-f1,1 cortaln acts in public parks" end play c,Tounds, passed by the Board. oT Commls,;lovers of Salt Bake City, ?;1.:rch 1:1, 1912, be, and. L'Ae same is bc,roby encoded; and ro-enactcd so cc to read as fullcvr: 2ECI24 20. To conduct or carry on any celebration, parade, service, speech maa:ing or exerclae, ,7itbot)t first ob- taini permisisn from the Commistioner o7 2:.).r and Public Property; ot to take part in any celebration, parade, speech- malcing or exercise held or conducted contrary to tie provoion.J hereof. SECTIO.0 2. Thia ordinance shall take effec'6 upon rabicatise. Passed by the Board of Commissifters of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1 June 17th, 1912 ..--- -- Chairman Li: ---- tiutoiv . ty Recorder 78 i Ei . • - IP' .� � � i '' � . . � _ O z ' CS' = s . 5 ' ` � o a, f m P r N � K 1i , fe 1 c Ley z c; ,-414if c-47-,- . , • acse y a J CZ • , 1Ck