78 of 1916 - Amending Chapter 5, relating to Board of Health -.e.c Lake City,Utah, "">.- ;ivi
Green In the matter of Ordinance #78 (1916)
Newman amending Chapter 5 relative to the Board of
Health, I move the ordinance be filed as the
Scheid provisions in it have been since separated and
separate ordinances prepared covering,
Chairman Committee of the thole,
Passed by the Board of Commisisoners of Salt Lake City,Utah,G Q I j ,191
City Recorderor
„o,,,zoo DE=ERETNE.=
27 1916,
VOTING Nit 'i hAl Salt Lake City, Utah, August 7, 191$
I move that the ordinance be passed.
An ordinance amending Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City of 1913, relating to the Board of Health, by
inserting in said chapter seven new sections to be known as Sections
214x, 214x1, 214z2, 214x3, 214z4,,t214z5 and--234k6..
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter 5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City of 1913, relating to the Board of Health, be amended so
as to include seven new seotions to be inserted after Section 214,
and to be known as Sections 214z, 21421, 214x2, 214z3, 214x4, 214x5
ltftw31466, which seotions shall read as follows:
SECTION 214x. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to keep or cause to be kept any horse, cow, mule
or other animal in any barn, stable, covered structure or
enclosure upon any premises within Salt Lake City without first
having obtained a permit therefor from the Board of Health of
Salt Lake City; and no such permit shall be issued unless the
barn, stable, covered structure or enclosure wherein such
animals are to be kept shall be located, constructed and main-
tained in conformity with the ordinances of Salt Lake City
with relation thereto. )(
SECTION 214z1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to keep or maintain, or permit to be kept or
maintained upon any premises owned, kept or controlled by suoh
person, firm or corporation, any barn, stable, covered structure
or enclosure within which any cow, horse, mule or other animal
shall be housed or kept, unless such barn, stable or structure
shall be located, constructed and maintained so as to conform
to the following requirements:
(a) No such barn, stable, structure or enclosure, or any
part thereof, shall be built, kept or maintained within forty
feet of any building used as a dwelling for human habitation.
(b) The floors of any stable or barn shall be water tights.
The floors of stalls
shall be of concrete or other water tight non-absorbent
material so graded and drained as to discharge all liquid
matter into properly trapped sewer or cesspool. All floor
ranks provided in stalls shall be removable.
(o) Every stable or barn shall be oonnected with a public
sewer if sewer is accessible; and where no sewer is accessible,
shall be connected with a drain into a properly constructed
sees-pool outside of the stable or barn, which 640k cess-pool
shall be built and maintained according to the requirements of
the Board of Health.
(d) Every stable or barn shall be adequately ventilated
by either natural or mechanical means, and provide for not less
than one thousand cubic feet of air space in the clear for each
animal kept therein.
(e) Walls, ceilings, exposed woodwork, floors, stalls and
drains shall be maintained in a Olean condition at all times,
and the walls, ceilings and exposed woodwork whitewashed when-
ever required by the Board of Health.
(f) All manure and stable refuse shall be kept within the
stable in a non-leakable, fly-proof reoeptaole, as provided for
in section 447 of the city ordinances, and such manure and
stable refuse shall be removed at least twice a week. Loading
of manure for removal shall be done within the stable without
causing a nuisance.
(g) The stable yard shall be maintained in a clean condi-
tion, and the surface thereof so graded as to prevent the
accumulation of liquids thereon.
(h) Every place where animals are kept or allowed to
stand shall be maintained in such a manner as not to create a
nuisance or permit the breeding of flies.
SECTION 214r2. It shall be unlawful for any person to
burn manure or garbage of any description in the open air
within the city limits.
SECTION 214s3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to keep or maintain any stable or other place
where flies may accumulate, without maintaining at such plane
between May first and November first of any year, one or more
fly traps •onstruoted and maintained in a manner satisfactory
to the Board of Health.
SECTION 214x4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation to house, keep, run or feed any chickens, iueks,
geese, turkeys or other fowls within twenty-five feet of any
house used for human habitation.
All oopps or buildings where chickens or other fowls are
housed shall be whitewashed or sprayed with some standard die-
infeotant at least three times yearly, once in each of the
following months: March, July, October. All droppings under
roosts shall be cleaned out at least once every two weeks. All
coops, run-ways and surroundings shall be kept and maintained
in olean and sanitary condition, and meet the requirements of
the Board of Health.
SECTION 214x5. It shall be unlawful for ;any pars, "firm
or so oration charge or control of any lavatO t or wash-
room in a hotel, restaurant, faat,;ory, stores, office building,
school building, public hei.l4,,,ra� ilway,,atation or any other
public building or' .ace,. i 8alt ce City, to keep, furnish
or maintain for oommon e,, or to expoee, for common use, or allow
to be used by tki public, ny`tgeel oommonit own as a "roller
towel", or»any Oxcapt lndividuil tow`elet• and no xindlvidual
towel shall be 'u sheik,for nae for more th ,,one jpersorla,, The
term "common usa"shall be oonatrued to mean use by fibre than, '
one person.
SECTION 214z ' Any person violating any of the provisions
of this ordinance, s alj. upop. oonviotion thereof, be punished
%by a fine in any sun not exceeding 450.00, or by imprisonment
in the City Jail for a period not longer than thirty days. The f
court may in imposing fine enter as part of the judgment that
in default of the payment of the fine the defendant may be
imprisoned in the City Jail for a period not exceeding thirty
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect September 15, 1916.
Pas by the Board of Comm ners of Salt Lak$ City, Utah,
"",, August 1916. 1m': 4'
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