78 of 1918 - Prevention of obstruction in water courses without consent • ROLL CALL VOTING I AYE I NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, ;'`,8 :3 I ,191 Crabbe j I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Neslen Scheid Mr. Chairman Result j AN ORDINANCE im Ordinance for the 1,rovention of obstructions in water courses without consent of the ,ioard of Con,isoioners. BE IT ORD2.111ED yjj );!' Y,i1.E CITY, UTM: Section 1. It shall oe unlawful for any . neon to place, replace or maintain iny cLam or other obstruction of any kind in the charnel ofhny natural or artificial water course or A.vine; stream within the limits of Salt Cit,", so ao to in any way interfere pith or impede the ilowinp ol the ,ater therein, ',,ithot Tirst obtaininb a ao_.mit so to do from the hoard of Commissioners. icny person dcoirinc any yJrvlit to build a dam in any ouch water cotrse or stream shall filo with his otition plans and specille-tions on the oonstruca.im of the oL,Ine; ,nd no such aermit shall be iJ.nied until such lalns and sjeciDfieationo have the ai,proval of the city Cnbineer. u.ch and every day any such dam or oeJtruc',,ion romain in such inter course or atream itnout :aormisaion, as afore- said, shall constitute a se)arate rio distinct ofaense. Section 2. any porson violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, -d:,on conviction Uhoneof, be yan- ished by a fine in say earn not e.nceedinc the sum of )29'i.00 or 1*-- t by imorisonment in the Cit 3ii for a -:3riod not longef than opth ;.;ix months, or ay/ uch fine L'nd i;lbrisonment. The Court may in imjosinE the fine enter L!,3 ;i;;IXt of' tie ?u.c7cmont t'rnt lii default of the _aymont of the fine the dafend:_nt may be imprisoned in the City Jail for .,2iod not eceeding tairty days. ;3ection n. In the o:jnion.Ji the ,_3ofd of Jemmiiu,unefs it is necesary to Che cca hez.;ith Lnd .:3aZety of thp City of Colt Lake tht the \,i4iitordinnce t he effect immediately. Section 4. This ordinance shall the effecton its fir ,t fublic_tion. 77) passed by the Board C matasiZoAetEDiof Salt Lake City, Utah, september Ath, 1918. Mayor //,'// 4140711 F. y 1W4W. , 1 . . . c . , n :i f• r w 2>or •,...--. k dbi 1 r'l 0 s • r-i ' ,, ,,a9. c 1 • Z ;I' .. _ ,, . E. 1 1,.... z , o ' — 0 .1"Q• r' ',, P . , . , z • it • _. ' 1 r • - r • _ _