78 of 1947 - Vacating alley running east and west form Military Drive (17th East) to LeGrand Street and being bet ziV t-4t
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
Matheson I move that the ordinance besed.
Mr.Chairman . .
Result J
AN ORDIB'5CE VACATING alley running east and west
from. Military Drive (17th East)st) to LeGrand Street and being
- , between Hubbard and Michigan Avenues in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SLCTIOhl 1. That alley running east and west from
Military Drive (17th East) to LeGrand Street and being between
Hubbard and Michigan Avenues in Salt Lake City, Utah, more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 63,
Block 19, Douglas Park Subdivision of Block 28, 5
Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey, thence west 873.41
ft., thence northeasterly 24.07 ft. around a 155 ft.
radius curve to the right to the southwest corner
of Lot 28, aforesaid subdivision, thence east 853.86
ft., thence south 14 ft. to the place of beginning.
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be
public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or .pedestrian
jai( vacation is mace expressly subject to all existing
rights of way and easements of all _:public utilities of any and
every description now located in, on, under or over the confines
of the above described property and also subject to the right of
entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, repair-
ing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities
and all of them.
SCCTIOi, ". In the opinion of the Hoard of Conaiissioners,
it is necessary to the ueace, health ana safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective
SLCI1011 2. This orainancE shE11 take effect 1.1. on its
first publication.
sect by the of Ca olissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this/6 ciLy of , C. 1ff7.
• Mayor
City Recorner _ -
oft-I.Ard 8 '' .
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
SEP 16 1947
Fart Publication i
BEN first Pacarorm
A':i \h
Q AN ORDIrunning
east VACATING al
ley running east and west [rom
Military Drive (17th East( to Le•
s Grand Street and being netween
Salt ard and Michigan Avenues in
• Salt Lake daiy, Utah.
• r,-, Be it ordained by the of
Commissioners of Salt Lakege City,
Il f;y SECTION 1. That alley running
east and west from Military Drive
(17th East)to LeGrand Street and
being between Hubbard and Mich-
igan Avenues in Salt Lake City,
' Utah, m particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at the northeast con
of Lot G3, Block 19, Douglas
•Park Subdivision of Block 28. 5
k . Acre Plat "C", Big Field Survey.
�•p`! thence west 873.41 ft.,thence north.
V easterly 24.07 ft. round a 155 ft.
1 r
radius curve to the right to the
.(� southwest corner of Lot 28,afore-
se.dhence Rut thence east 853.86
ft.,thence south 14 ft.W the place
f and the g..
_ b d the same is hereby vacates
and• declared no]us get8 to be pub•
tic property for s a street,
avenue, alley¢a or pedestrian way
said vacation is made
subject to all existing rights of
way and easements of all public
utilities of any and every descrlp
Sion now located in. o under o
r the confines of they above cc•
seethed property and also subject to
so : d; 1c :
PurpBoarpeac, ners,health
it i
necessary to peace,inhabitants
o antl
safety of the this ordinance
ce Salt
Lake Lake City that this omldia el shall
VJ become N 3. immediately
SECTION u.This ordinance steall
take effect upon its first publics.
�il �a
S' 1 eetOne by the Board f Com
rp f 9alt Lake City,Utah.
,� W thtisat lGths day of September, A.D
[� O EARL J.GLADE,.Mayor.
" " •d 4(\�� IRMA F. BITNER.
Tr._J 'Z.:: (SILL(SEAL) City Recorde
" BILL e8.
Published September 24.1947.
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Frank A. Shields, Deputy City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating alley running east and west from Military Drive
(17th last) to LeGrand Street and being between Hubbard and Michigan
Avenues in Salt Lake City, Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, __September 16, xplygx 1947
as appears of record in my office.
IN WI"I'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City, this_. 29th day of _..______. September 1947 1
BTi,C,NO. 78 Chief Depu y City corder.
`f� o 'y";`;' Published_'eptember 24, 4W 1947
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notices
ley running rag and west from
Military Drive (17th East) to Le-
Hubbard and d t Michigan and i Avenues betweenng in
Salt Lake°City,Titan. Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Be it ordained by the Board of
Utahaaeioners af.Salt Lake City, vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
SECTION 1. That alley running
east tontY7th Eet from
Street Drive. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
being between Hubbard and �T Michi-
gan Utah, mop
in Salt Lake City,
e follows, particularly,described of Utah.
"Begonias at the northwest cor-
ner of Lot 63, Block 19, Dougiae
Park Subdivision of Block 28, 5
hence weft g73.418fg,Ftliielld Survey, That the advertisement
easterly 24.07 ft.around tl 155 It.
radius curve to the right to the
southwest corer of Lot 28, afore- Ordinance No No 78
raid eubdivision.thence east 053.06
ft.,thence south 14 ft.to the place
of beginning.d the same is hereby vacated Salt Lake City
and and
no longer to be public
' property for
an street,a n ,
pe way.
Said vacation is made.expressly
subject to all existing rights of w y
and easements of all public utilities
of y and every description
located 1e° °"a" now
was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
confines f"the anbi aeear the.
Property and lea n fobE to the
right of entry_nspeottherepa nta ning,re-
--'"--- pair of Inepacing,,maintaining, A.D. 19
p ring, eronti g m utilities
viand day of
lfall them.Ling said utlhtlea and
sorts°` ;`Err Commissioners,i i lets and was published Sept 17 1947
a ry to peace, health and safety
of the inhabitants of Salt Lake
City that this erdluadce shell be-
come effective
inunigThis ately.ordinance anon the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
take effort upon its first.publica-
tlDn. • A.D.19
loners Passed
fbSalthIake City,,Utah of Commis-
thie day of /—7474
166h day of September,A.D.1947.
Mayer. 7Gfiver
IHMA F. HITHER, --- Advertising Clerk
IDEAL) City Recorder.
Published September 17,1947.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
Sept A.D.19 47
Z �• Notary Public
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
�, i#i 1'th IY pokey
- es..Mil ter ttVeln N
Grand Street d b iri n
Nubbaxd d Michigan Avenues In
welt Lake can,Dte"' Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Be It ordained by t".Be u y, p J
Commlaslonexe f Salt Lake Clty,
Dt°"` vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
hE nd We t Th
mini n t r1ne
being between
Lebbard and eNtich
being between Nubbaxd e published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
igenA :a°s
it e
Utah more particularly described
aHtollnws t the -
of Utah.
Pegot Lot 63,Boc19, Douglas
Park Subdivision 1 Block 28, a
Acre Plat C', BIg Ffeld huxvey,
thence went rit. around"`°HOLE"- That the advertisement
ea teat urvev to life right to a. 6 the
radius 1 Los ne fare-
gebcorner t 8place Or manse Bill No 78
southwest fd bdlvlafon,1"ante
aft.,thence eoutfi 14 St.to theplace
of beginning. vacated
be ne the em%longer`to be pub-
a declared TO
u , ,trees, Salt Lake �i ty Corporation
Ito ri oP alley or pedest=10A way.
avteld vacetston is nagdds expressly,
subbyirotnao easement°lot aR"publfs
wtllftlee o1 any end every Trfp-
over now recite
IT under or
over%I c.iferg e d 61 eUbleotdtp
acrfbcd Psaperty an wsr°pn far the was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the
the lght of entry matlltelning.
puePoee 1 lnapectfng, 1p yKnR, 1-
'mulelnar.,,rle rcetng..re,e
teaAg = mac ;r[:--`-"'inn day of A.D. 19
s d 11 11 them. inion of
hEBoned 2. In the opinion
the Hoard f c°mmiaatie8iari d Sept 23 1247
serY `° P°°"• and was published
Y f the t this ordinance
become effectivohlaimrmediately. all
SECTION S.This ordinance shall
take effect upon its first publics- the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
Passed by the Board of Com-
fesloners of Belt Lek%CItee Dtah, day
u_A.D. 19
this l6th da9 of September. A.D. UA4
1941. EARL J.OLADB, �/
/ (/
IE.MA F.BITNBR, l// (((iii L!�
<R�EAL) City Recordef. ''G'�'� fL�!L(____
RSI.L No. ep Advertising Clerk
PAblfebed September 94,144T.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of
Sent A.D.19....47
-X Notary ublic