78 of 1964 - Vacating portions of streets surrounding the Primary Childern's Hospital, Inc. in Blocks 179, 180, a ROLL CALL November 10 4
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196______
Christensen r,/ I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . . y/
Harrison . . //
Smart . . . f�
Mr. Chairman . $
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE VACATING portions of streets surrounding the Primary
Children's Hospital, Inc., all abutting property owners having petitioned
for the vacation.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the portions of streets in Blocks 179, 180, 185
and 186, Plat "D", Salt Lake City Survey, and which surround the Primary
Children's Hospital, Inc., more particularly described as follows, be,
and the same hereby are, vacated and declared no longer to be public
property for use as a street, alley, avenue or pedestrian way:
Beginning at the N.W. corner of Block 179, Plat "D", Salt
Lake City Survey and running thence east 165.0 feet; thence
north 82.5 feet; thence west 165.0 feet to the S.W. corner of
Block 186, said Plat "D"; thence north 330.0 feet to the N.W.
corner of said Block 186; thence west 84.04 feet to the N.E.
corner of Block 185, said Plat "D"; thence south 330.0 feet
to the S.E. corner of said Block 185; thence west to the
easterly line of Bonneville Boulevard; thence southwesterly
along said easterly line of Bonneville Boulevard to the south
line of 13th Avenue; thence east to the N.E. corner of Block
180, said Plat "D"; thence south 130.26 feet; thence North
40° 49' East 126.22 feet; thence north 34.74 feet to the
point of beginning.
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the following provisions:
1. That a 20 foot right of way, 10 feet on either side of the
12-inch water line, on 13th Avenue, be retained by the City
and that no buildings or other permanent improvements be
made on this right of way.
2. That grading on the property shall be done in such a manner
that the ground cover over the pipe line shall not be re-
moved, and the pipeline shall not be buried to a depth
greater than five feet to the top of the pipe.
3. That the water control valve in a concrete box within the
13th Avenue right of way be protected so that it will be
readily accessible by truck at all times.
4. That all existing rights of way and easements of all
public utilities of any and every description now
located in, on, under or over the confines of the
above described property are subject to the rights
of entry thereon for the purpose of inspecting,
maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, alter-
ing or rerouting said utilities and all of them.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this loth day of November, 1964.
ity oxr
BILL NO. 70 of 1964
Published November 17, 1964
(A certified copy given to the City Auditor's Office 11/20/64 for recording in the
office of the County Recorder)
2,943196 oul(2263 PCE 482 Aosardad— NOV 2 4 1964 at 'K.-Crit.
Roquo4t al :3.4021.EurE on
STATE OF UTAH, ;?..444—.!:cooykJ 1,Sei3t. ,1:2oulti.y, Wall :Dotal,SS.
City and County of Salt Lake,
.„.414.-.7,1•Z‘' .47.`
i, Herman J. Hopensen
, City Recorder of Arilir'eaitely,--Utah, do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
AN ORDINANCE VACATING PORTIONS of streets surrounding the Primary
Children's Hospital, Inc., all abutting property owners having
petitioned for the vacation.
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, November 10 196 4
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said
City, this 20th day of November 1964
i‘,.. , ,,.01' •....?:4 .. _
II, C- t:rfi'',4••:-9,',, '4
City Recorder
•.;./(.11,::::14049.iti November 17 196 4
,,,,,, ' , \s•—••:".
BILL NO. 7B of 190/r SNk‘.."
ton u
of streets surrounding the Pr:.
mar, Children's Hospital, Inc., ail
abutting property owners having peti-
tioned for the vacation.
Be it ordained by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
• SECTION 1. Thal the Portions of
186, Moot "0",Sall LakeCityS.Surd
and which surround the Pro
• partGildren's Hospital,Inc.,more
icularly described as follows,, e
and the s hereby are, vacated
and declared no longer to be ublic
p a
roperty for use as street, alley.
pedestrian way:
e9tn ng a1 the N . t Ut
Block 199,Plat"D",SaWlt eakee'ito
thenced ru running
feet; thence
west 165.0 feet to the S.W.c of
Block 186, said Plat "D";ortnce
north 330.0 net to the N.W.corner f
said Block 06; thencewest b4.l4
feet to the N.E.corner of 1ock 185,
said Plat 'D"; thence south 330.0
feet to the S.E.corner
of said Block
185;thence west to the easterly line
of Bonneville Boulevard; thence
southwesterly long said easterly`i
Bonneville Boulevard to the uls
lie f 13th Avenue; thences t�
the N.E. c of Block 18V,—�eid-
Plat "D"; thence south 130.26 feel;
thence North 40 degrees J9' East
126.22 feet;thence north 34.74 feet to
the point of beginning.
Said vacation ismade e
sublect to the folwing p vlsfon,10
1. That a 20 foot right rof way,10
feet on either side of the 12-Inch wat-
bt line,on 13th Avenue be retained
y the City and that no buildings or
other permanent improvements be
mean on 1h15 right of way.
2. That one tin su the e
shall the done insuchro a
that ground< r the manner
line shall root be Dyed,and the
Plperin.a sM1all Pat be buried t0 a
depth Bhea tp than five loot to the
o0 of the pine.
3, c That the bx ith control 1 th Aven-
ue in
crt o box within the protected
hat it ton right of way be 0000ibled soIh a}
at will ti readily accessible by fruck
at all times.
4.That all ftiall rights of Noy
and easements of alls public nollfi es
of ed and every description now lo-
cated yin unaer P r the con-
fines,i in,
he on,
a rights
s f entry
te onb fort the 50 ofs of try
Fier n for the p of in e<fin 9,
repair Inge replacing,r-
viies a allg o Doting �nitl
utilities'a. h of then].
Passed by the Board , Commis-
sioners v,tis
of SaltN Lake City,Utah,this
10th y at November,Ia.er
J. Bra ckeMayor
Herman 0. Hogensen
(SCityEAL)Recorder (B-461
Pill No.78 of 1964
Published Nov.17,1964.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
ANoRDINANACATINa D. M. Ockeyt surrounding
mars,;Children's Houpilal, Inc., it
nuttltn of roI(Party`Wners having pet,
H'el °real°odor thG Board of Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising
komCommissioners: il of salt LJnB k.i'Y,
°'SECTION 1.That Ih0 portions of
ra and wlai t Sato cake Inc mClly stir:•
GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng-
mafY Cohiltl which
particularly°,e'=irernd a(ono a�.`:o Itsh language with general circulation in Utah, and published in
anti declares fn.usf,,under street,nob� Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
nue w aeoesth an way:a igti, I the N.Wi orner pl
Bm<k t,"P1ul v",cal sake IlY That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
swver and runnlnn loco=e east 16s.0
gal thence o h u'x.S(tic c' ner or
west 165.0 nut fo the •U , er c
nle.k 66, said ('let O"; I COCu• Galt Lake City till No 78 of 1964
nho1et0nrow.corner ofu C n .k ea thence
tact to The N.t.corner of Block al b5,
said Plat a"; thence WW1)a3a0.0
feel inetnees.t,corner of, isa ordinance vacating portions of streets
W; _I to the easterly'lire - �i
stltnion1erllalCle g sae caaterlyencc
6f Bonneville Boulevard is sines din
f lam Avenue; Inence .a,n surrounding the Primary Children'a Hospital.
the N.E. corner of Block 1ee0, saidPlat
thence OhOnleC1t ad degreesn,sOuth CV' feel;CV' Eaal
Ito.,feet,thence north aC.%r tool
th to
e point of beginning.
Said a is made express,
Sublet(to The following previsions:
feet onhibherlside et then li.incn wm'
or line,
City land that no oilltlingsn or
other perrnane0 i r0 hla by
shellhis rioht ol Way.
2.That e on fa ro min on (Ina properly was published in said newspaper on NoveanUcr 17, 1961
hat the mound coves overa iheao,
line shall not beeremoved, d the
pipeline shall I I be uried
epth greater than five leer to°the
lop Cl the pipe.
J.That the.water control valve,n
a concrete box within the 1301 Ayer,
hbe°readilybn pothole dbe°truck -
af all times. /(_
x.That all existing rights or was
and easement;of all public utilities Y. •¢" r
or any and every description now to -
Gated in,on,under'or over the con• �`
ogee the above described°peeper, Legal AdvertisingClerkz I
thsubject le the sights f try
ereon the purpose of inspecting,
moving, nal all e said
V1Panned bV°Ile'Board rOf Commis.
Inc I Lake ah,Emslndayof SaltNoVCmcr 64.
J. Bracken
clly I:e (B4e1 S t' p
BEI No 11$th
ea of 156a Published Nov. :7,1264. ire me this day of
Nov ember_ A.D. 19_.bit •
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
Nov-25 1965.