78 of 1975 - rezoning property on 400 West Street from 300 to 800 North Streets from Industrial 'M-1' to Industri ROLL CALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 23 ,1975
I move that rdinance be pass
Ho ensen ' /\
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 51-12-2 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to rezoning and fixing the
boundaries of Use Districts.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the "use district map" as adopted by Section
51-12-2, Revised Ordinances 'of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended,
relating to fixing; the boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same
hereby is, amended as follows:
"The following real property in Industrial 4M-1" District
as shown on the Use District Map, is hereby zoned as Industrial
'M-lA' District, and the Use District Map is amended and changed
(East Side of 400 West Street)
Commencing at the northwest corner of Block 151, Plat "A"
Salt Lake City Survey; running thence East 330 feet; thence
South 1,452 feet to the North line of 600 North Street; thence
West 330 feet to the East line of 400 West Street; thence
North 1,452 feet along the east line of 400 West Street to the
point of beginning, more particularly described as the west
half of Blocks 151 and 138, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey.
Also commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 115, Plat "A",
Salt Lake City Survey, running thence East 330 feet; thence
South 495 feet; thence West 330 feet; thence North 495 feet to
the point of beginning, more particularly described as all of
Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 115, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey.
(West Side of 400 West Street)
Commencing at the northeast corner of Block 152, Plat "A",
Salt Lake City Survey, running thence South 3,825.37 feet along
the West line of 400 West Street to the north line of 300 North
Street; thence West 330 feet along the north line of 300 North
Street; thence North 3,825.37 feet to the south line of 800
North Street; thence East 330 feet along the south line of 800
North Street to the point of beginning, more particularly des-
cribed as the east half of Blocks 116, 119, 134, 137 and 152,
Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey."
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
23rd day of July, 1975.
211, MAYOR
(SEAL) '78
BILL NO. 78 of 1975
v,hh l4aol Tuly 30_ 1975
• Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
'I 5t Lake0llI RtaisHO,501,100 �17t $ZJl�1y112_
TS.ilt Lake I,facing
the o uterine
'Ipof x iS awl rixinR boundaries
.of.Use Districts.
9c ''i rdalned by the kcard Of
faminisslonnrs m yah l ai b �w. Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
u,aa_ f P y' �
apyrio?1-That the"use dl•.I'ict rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday)
d tiled b Set 51-I-R,
R 0 11 no II City
Utah.tncimon ante l use latInA io newspaper printed in the English language with general cir-
bee,and tie same hereby is,,tneitOea culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
ie!l�'Irlai�'M1"ti°l�i��",,° dotcry County, in the.State of Utah.
The i),c District Ma?,in heron,zoned
Industrial'M-1A' istrict,and the
case °oare' M"° °`ne°dr That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
nanem aceorm,tar.
east Skied"au0 west street)
co'rnonl R at rhn to M1
r..�luy&l iA.41 "A"sae
Fake c°15 s;lenc t nine Itootto Published ordinance relating to boundaries of.
Enst o,010,ilsa,oce, 1h e0F 511ef t0 ---- -------
the re West tw,Iolff5 Fi Street;
trance It 3701�e110111f Fasf Tine of
nno weos,tthece North Welt Use Districts
Strl lto the
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tcvlactc dnfrti of hed beginning,
west half
Al Blocks 151-and 13B Plat"A" S.1R
lake Cdy SLLrv.y Also c mOn
Plat A", Salt t Laker City Survey
SS --- —_ _—_-
in9 thence East 330 fe,l, ense
aN feet;thence West 330 tcel;
begin North 495 o to therfcul owl f
beginning,a more rfiand r,Y ,-.. '------
51o,bloasxllol`,,L k<nySn5'�0t-k
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C,,o,oidealot wepttired)
COtnil 137,n?at the northeast Lae'
ot 1u,Pla1"A'",SOILLake(iy
snrYm.romm�e acute soom 3.xR5.ei
feet nlonn e wchl iir,e r,r aw North
Street It h,c ear h line nl aw North was published in said newspaper on
Sheol;fenurewr:sl330 ie�:l1,thenc
no rtn line of 5110 t to t Street;:itte
a00 Ih 3.Be5. feet l0 the south pine
alongNorth e Sires,cIl thence cadet r,et July 30, 1975
!00 n the south toe egmn110,Str et
the point f.d,pst p.q
n tiodany, 19,1OM�sehe 12(101
of amcko na,n9,lea,Itzadagsz,r�lat
..P%icsM erg tic 4�'Outom+ldpion ----'- -"
of Salt Lakn tty,lit b, IS RBrd
day of JUl 6-,NRAD.
CityOecorde MIGIIAM
ary Recorder - Legal Advertising Clerk
1311l,NO lull 1
PuhlisltY'rd July 30,U,1915 (C.2/)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this_. 1st _ day of
August A.D.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 13, 1978