78 of 1976 - Adding chapter 22 creating a Committee to Encourage Economic Development. MULL GALL
!VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, May 18 ,lg 76
Mr.Chairman i
Agraz ! I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Gree 9// CV-411/Hogensen �l
Phillips 1
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE .26 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to Officers and Employees, by adding
thereto a new Chapter 22, relating to the creation of a Committee to
Encourage Economic Development.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Title 25 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City, Utah, 1965, relating to Officers and Employees, be, and the same
hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 22, relating to
the creation of a Committee to Encourage Economic Development, to read
as follows:
25-22-1. Creation of Committee
25-22-2. Powers of Committee
Sec. 25-22-1. Creation of committee to encourage economic
development. There is hereby created the committee to encourage
economic development of Salt Lake City, hereinafter referred to
as Economic Development Committee (CEED), which body shall con-
sist of all members of the Salt Lake City Commission, the City
Attorney, or a representative from his office, and the Directors
of the following agencies and departments of city government:
Planning and Zoning
Redevelopment Agency
Building and Housing Services
Intergovernmental Relations
The Chairman of the Economic Development Committee (CEED) shall
be the Commissioner of Public Affairs :and Finance.
Sec. 25-22-2. Powers of committee. Subject to approval
by the Board of City Commissioners, the Economic Development
Committee (CEED) shall have the power and authority to:
(1) Promote and encourage the economic, commercial,
financial, industrial, agricultural and civic welfare of
Salt Lake City, and do all lawful acts for the development,
attraction and retention of businesses, industries and
commerce within Salt Lake City, and to do all other acts
not specified herein, provided such acts are for the better-
ment of the economy of Salt Lake City.
(2) Cooperate with and make use of the facilities
and services of existing private or public agencies,
corporations, persons, companies, or organizations to
the fullest extent possible and all local, state and
federal agencies, bureaus or departments.
SECTOPM 2. This ordinance shall become effective 30 days after
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
18th day of May, 1976.
SILL NO. 78 of 1976
Published May 21, 1976
. Affidavit of Publication
JY ss.
County of Salt lake
UtaNGNTITLE 26 of the Revised Shana D. Palmer
1965,relating to Officers and --- ------ "------ - -
Employees,by adding thereto a new Chapter 22,relating to the
creation of a Committee to Encourage Emnnmlc Development.
Be It ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
SECTION I.That Title 25 of ttk,Revised Ordinances Of bale Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
Lakehevsame hereby g I,r nuances td Ehereto a be, f DESEREI NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
a tree ngt Is,a dad by ammo etoEllI a new tzszng Clark a the
Chapter 22;relating a the creation of ll Committee to C-ncourage
Eragmic cevelopment,CHAPTER follows: newspapertt printed en the English language with general cir-
sections" ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT culation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
25-22-1. creation of Committee
25-222. Powers of Committee • I County, in the State of Utah.
development.1 T Creation h rebymcreated encourage
cum eitteeeemto
e economic development o1 Salt Lake City,hereinafter
referrencourage m
to Economic Development Committee akeCit, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
hem iss the consCity st of n oraere of the Salt v Laos City
Commission,the ir Attorney,of the sentat from his
da nt the Directors of a following agencies and
departmentslannirngire andZonnlAenr Pllb notice to amend an ordinance relating to
Redevelopment Agency
Building and Housing Services
Intergovernmental Relat''ens officers & employees
ees TIR. Chairman f the Economic Development Committee
(CnEi ED) shall he the Commissioner Of Public Affairs and
Sec.25-22-2.Powers Of committee.Subject to approva I by the
Board of City Commissioners, the Economic Development
Committee TEED)shall have the power and authority to:
financial,`ndustri�agricultural and
civic v,elcommercial,
e a of Salt
Lake City,and ee all lawful acts for the development,
attraction and r lent;On of businesses, Intlustries and
commerce within Salt Lake Clen,and to do all Other ores not
tpecif ed herein provided such acts are for the betterment of
he economy of Salt Lake City.
(2)Cooperate with and make use of the facilities and
services of existing private Or^ublic agencies,corporations, -- -----possible con-loonies,
nd all local,or organizations
federal agencies I bureextent
us or
departments. May 21, 1976
SECTION 2.This ordinance shall become effective 50 days was published in said newspaper on
after its first publication.
Passed by 1M Board el Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah,this 181h day or May,1976.
City Recorder IIIGHAM
BILL NO 78 of 1976
Published May 21,1976 (P-9)
, �
Legal Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of
Mai'__ A.D. 1976.__.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February1.3, 1978