79 of 1908 - Ordinance 79 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 121. � Pt
41 �:
An ordinance levying a tax and providing for the assessment of
property on the north side of Eighth South Street between Eighth
West and Ninth West Streets, on the north side of Goshen Street (for-
merly Titusville Avenue) from Ninth West Street to the east bank of
the Jordan River, and on the north side of Indiana Avenue from the
Jordan River to Cheyenne Street, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 21 and
41, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Spit Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tax and
provide for the assessment of the same upon the property here-i.nafter*
described in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 21 and 41, for the constrnotiori
of cement sidewalks, to-wit:
In Lot 1, Block 9; nets 21 to 30, inclusive, Block 5, and in
Lot 1, Block'1, Seventh South Subdivision, Block 9, Plat "0"; .Lots
1 to 12, inclusive, Block 1, ¶halon', AdUi.tion; that4portion of
; the northwest quarter of Section 11, Township 1 south, Range 1 west;
lying between Goshen Street (formerly Titusville Avenue) and the
Jordan River; Foots 1 and 18 to 24, .inclusive, Block. 2, and Lots 1 and
16, Block 3, J. H. Whalon's Addition; that portion of the northwest
quarter of Section 11, Township 1 south, Range 1 west, lying between
Emma and Oquirrh Streets; Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 1, Lots 1
• to 20, inclusive, Block 2, Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 3, Lots 1
to 20, inclusive, BlOck 4, Poplar Grove Addition, abutting on the
north side of Eighth South Street between Eighth West and Ninth
West Streets, on the north side of Goshen Street (formerly Titus-
ville Avenue) from Ninth West Street to the east bank of the Jordan
River, and on the north side of Indiana Avenue from the Jordan River
to Cheyenne Street. •
This tax is levied to defray the exrense of constructing cement
sidewalks four (4) feet wide and four (4) inches; thick upon the por-
tions of said streets opposite the property herei.nbef'ore and her
after described to be especially affected ed benefited by sai4
-n yr.
provement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established
that said property will be especially b mefited thereby to the full j
amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby!
assessed at an equal and uniform rate in accordance with the linear
foot frontage upon said portions of said streets fronting upon and
to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back therefrom, and the tax here«.
by levied and to be assessed upon said parcels of land is three
thousand four hundred sixty-four and 7/100 (a$''3,464.07) dollars, or
798/1000 (40.798) dollars per front or linear foot of abutting prop-,
'erty for sidewalks upon the streets above mentioned in Sidewalk Die
tricts Nos. 21 and 41, there being 4340.94 feet of abutting proper-1
ty within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and streets above men- j
tioned in said districts, which is the total cost and cost per front!
foot of said sidewalks according to the contract entered into for th¢
performance of said work and making said improvement, with
S. PInoll 8OdSCON. CO. dated the 4th day of
, 190 S , and the Treasurer is hereby
authorized and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions
of this ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned: •
Block 9;
The south side of the east 148.5 feet of Lot 1; the south side
of Lots 21 to 30, inclusive, Block 5, and the south side of Lot 1,
Block 1, Seventh South Subdivision Block 9, Plat "C"; the south side,
of Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, the south side of the east 55.99 feet of
Lot 5, the west side of Lots 6 to 11, inclusive, the west e .de of
the south 30.91 feet of Lot 12, Block 1, J. 2. 1'dh.alon's Addition; I
the south side of the east 72.72 foot of that portion of tee north-
west quarter of Section 11, Township 1 south, Range 1 west. lying
between Goshen Street (formerly Titusville Avenee) and the Jordan
River, and abutting on the north side of Iediiane. Avenue; the south
side of Lots 1 and 18, to 24, inclusive, Block 8, an3 tec south aide
of Lots I and 16, 8loek 3, J. el. '""alon's A.ieit.ion; the s mtb ;_-;a
i �1�1
of that portion of the northwest quarter of Section 11, Townot.'p 1
south, Range 1 west lying between Emma and Oquirrh Streets, and abut-
ting on the north side of Indiana Avenue; the south side of mots 1
Ito 20, inclusive, Block 1, the south side of Lots 1 to 20, inclusive:,
idlq1g2,'the south side,of Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, Block 3, the
;so ha'i' e of Lots 1 0' 0, inclusive, Block 4, Poplar Grave A+d lition,
;; Sal(�j�flake City Surveytas the same are shown upon theOlcialtSlats
of id City to a depth4of twenty-five (25) feet baokt5 1
str'.ets, and to collgete(ta� tax, m
tci �2 T�,
SECTION 2. Sail x hall become and be del.i.nqu. t , �f� it
�s� b ,.
egtwl installments, as allows, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one vier
r the approval of e ordinance confirming the levy oft the tam
1”the payment for sueft improvement; one-fifth thereof in two years
after such approval; one-fifth thereof in three years after such ap
proval; one-fifth thereof in fixmc years after such approval; one-
fifth thereof in five years after such approval. One,or more of said
installments, or the whole tax may be pnid on or before ten days af-
ter the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of the tax.
One or more installments, or the whole special tax may be paid on
the day any installment becomes due, by paying the amount thereof
and interest to date of payment. Each of said installments shall
bear interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the
date of the approval of the ordinance confirming the levy of said
tax until the date of delinquency, and eiht (8) per cent par annum
from delinquency until paid.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension No. 121. '
Passed by the City Council f 3altfake <t., fi z�
u. 16th,
190h, and referred to the ::.yor for his y-p rol a
Approved i.� dais of Jelly, 190£ t;, —c3e—
pi .�eoor .r.
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