79 of 1909 - Ordinance 79 of 1909 – Repealing portion of levy ordinance on Sidewalk Extension No. 98, First & F c ' t� { AN ORDINANCE . Pf \/ As ordinaries repealing a portion of as erdisanee levying a tax and for the assessment of property within the distrist described as follows: Beginning at the center of the intersection of Third South and Fourth West Streets; thence north to the north line of First North street; thence east to the east bine of Third Ytect Street; thence north to the south line of Second North Street; these. east to the center of Second West Street; thence south to the center li-.e of First Borth Street; thence east to the oenter line of State Street; ttenee south to the north line of Swath Teeple Street; thence west to the east line of First West Street; th mse-aanti; te the seater lino of Third S.sth street; thence west to the center line of Fourth West street, the_pia,pe of beginning. Also en both sides of Seoond West Street from Fifth North street to a point three hundred and thirty (330) feet north of Seventh North Street, exeept whore sidewalks aro laid or streets are vaeated by ordinance to railroads, in Sidewalk Districts Nos. 5, 11. 19 and 20, for the oenetruetion of Bement side- walks, passed by the City Connell April 26, 1906, and approved by the Mayer April 28, 1906; and also repealing an ordinanes confirming the asseeameat under said levy. passed by the City Corneal lay 17, 1906, and approved by the Mayer May 21, 1906. Be it ordained by the City Conseil of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That that part of an ordiaanae levying a tax and fo I the assessment of property within the district described as follows: I Beginning at the oenter of the intersection of Third South and Fourt II West Streets; theme. north to the worth line of First North Street; thanes east to the east line of Third West Street; thence north to the south line of Second. North Street; thence east to the center of Second West Street; thence south to the center line of First North Street; thence oast to the .enter line of State Street; thence south to the north line of South Temple Street; thence west to the east 1 line of First West Street; thence south to the center line of Third ', f _2_ South Street; thence west to tke oenter line of Fourth west Street, the plies of beginning. Al.. en bath silos of Second west Street free Fifth North Street to a petit three hundred and thirty (330) feet north of Seventh North Street, except where sidewalks are laid by ordinance or streets are vacated.to railroads, in Sidewalk Districts lies. 5, 11, 19 and 20, foc the truotion of sweet sidewalks, passed by the cility/CfaaeilApri eif, 1906, and approved by therSkycrApril 28, 190. , be, ax6 the came iv hereby repeals& so far as the sus i sp ies to th xz pripoi"ty ik the feliiwiss Lets, bleok, plat, seotics ,eft wnahip: ,That'Part of *e _southwest quarter of Smstio* 31., eW*kip 1 north, Rei[ss 1 east; Skittles en the south aide SA Pirat Werth Stree, b twebn Main and Stat*A8treets; the north side ef.CLet' 6, eat the etas, 166 feet Qf the north fide of Let 5, Bleck 93, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey. SECTION 2. That an ordinance sesfirsin, the assessment upon.,.. the property isseribed is Scstis& 1 of this ordiaanss, passed by the City Ceuasil May 17, 1906, sad approved by the Mayor May 21, 1906, be, and the same is hereby repealed so far as the ease applies to th property desoribel is said emotion A hereof. SECTION S. This ordinance shall take take effeot upon approval. 0/(//t/(-4. 14 Passed by the City Council of Sa] t hake City,Utah, June 21, 1909, and referred to the Mayor for his approya1. 4 # L C ity Reorder. Approved this `. day o f June, 190 . P+Ta yo r. yr . .*Peru;: Ja•W aturoll to eat! Tstaso odt et *sow eoasdt ;teel*L damo0 towx*E *s.W basso8 to mats deed ae o.L .1stsmitsd to ooatq act (oEC) i*Ttd* bas boTbaad era* tatoq a of toost8 d*r.I AiltB melt btwt ems odIssobtm mode tom ,toesta dttei dtaoroi to itToa toot ooaaatbio id 41 ,d .801 o rrt stG ][Iswebte at .sbsosltas e;i . sow eTa steexte TO edt id bass, ,sitswsbas *sum ato • sit Vol ba ,a0e1 .8.t .L q . It/Wedt id bovo�rggssotrrr ,aOQ , oil- of ootiesc4trodt as asl es iet tit ad a Est am t ed z :gideaw Zoos ,tslq ,loot p�ttEeIot at1'a q r I fitliilo 60ttoo8 to Teti oflad f� to tiaq NI 4, m teeT*E d ii Alt 10 ebte duos soft mutt# tame t s 8 \ *sae soft11 an ,8 oJOo *btu dtToa edstiex ' t8 Ass at e eX s, se',"A'" tit* sae tests ,a te.I to ebt � sdt t .TerTnB tt aoqu *nemeses* sof* 8atartftioo 46iiiiiirro ft fib_- .S ti0r o c K.- ea* xd bees** ,oeaaatbTe sad* to I aottso8 at bodtseseb ttugo:q edt .aoei ,l8 Tali To'm soft TO berongs has ,aoel ,4t Tali Itsaae0 Ttt0 stt of setlgga was edt es sat M botao m Telexed et emse soft bag ,ed .loosed j aottoom bass at bodlzosei TlTegrrq .tsroTggs aoga to. to mist flails oeswattro aid? .S IOITORE • Pik