79 of 1910 - Ordinance 79 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 225, Ninth Partial Estimate. Ck'
An oreinance Bevyint, a tax aud S,32 J ec ,/ in
teritoey included between Sca-tth Temple Street and the north line,
of Third kcrth Street, and free; Jeeond 'Sc:t, Stec:et to the —
ctinsue!cr, in See,or districts The. 1 and 2, for the contraction
of sewers.
Be it ordained by the City Uouncil of selt Bake, Uity , Lt e:
1. .L.let .hb City Souneii dbou hereby levy the tax and
provide for the nose count of the eame upon Cie property herein,:!.!ter
described in sever/. Dietrdets 1 ee ['eriie cee6treetion of
sewers, to-wit:
Ir. Lots 1 and 8, Blocic 116; 2, 7,, 4 and a, Block 115, flat h ";
1, 5, 6, 7 and 6, Block 58; 1, 2, 3 cob 1, Slooh 62, 1 .0 ".;", abut-
on both sides of Third Weet street between Second lurch and hirk
North Streets; on the west eid,e of Seventh West street; -,e ; er.be licith
1emple eed South Temple Streets; and on both sides of North Temple !
vi[Street between Seventh '.Vet and 7,iehth Scot streets.
Thie is levinl Le 0_017V con:->tructine vitri-
fied pipe sewers, ei,eht (6), ten (10), twelve (12) and fifteen (15)
inches in diameter upon the yorLi ) , u aid uLreets op,,,ocite the
property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially af-
feeted and benefited by said improva::,Tat, te1 il Sohere ,
detereined and established that said property will be especially ben-
efited thereby to the full amount of he teL levid, and said
pereels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in
accordance with the linear foot frontae upon said portions of said
streets froeti: L ,toe and to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back
therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said
pare-:Te e" 1 nd IL eie Uheuea[ d aine hundred fifty-one and 86/100
(46,951.86) dollars, or two and 2069405/1w,000,000 (42.2069405) dollars
per front or lineer foot of adettie: property for sewer en side of
streets, there being 3150 feet of abuttine property within the bounda'r
ries of the lots, bloehs ani. te —te abe!:e .e,tieeed
which is the total cost and coot por front foot c" _,. id ewe , wecord
iees to the eootl set, entered into for the eerformence of said work rind
making; soil Leerovenent, with Jones Kennedy Construction Co•ipany,date'
the 15th d of iiovnnber, 1909, and the Treasurer is hereby authorize
and directed to assess in accordance with the progisiono of this ordi
n€.nce for t'.'u: i;ur_roee herein mentioned:
Sewer on Side of Streets.
The north 305 feet of the east side of Lot 1, the youth 305 feet
of the east side of Lot 8, Block 116; the north 140 feet of the west
side of Lot 2, the west side of Lots 3 and. 4, tho south 140 feet of
the wet ode of Lot 5, Block 115, Plat "A"; the north 140 feet of th
east side of Lot 1, the east side of Lots 7 and 8, the south 140 feet
of the east side of Lot 6, Block 58; the south side of Lots 1, 2, 3
end. 4, Block 63; the north side of Lots 5 and 6, Block 58, flat "C",
Salt Lake City Survey, as the sane are :;hewn upon the official plats
of said pity to a depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from said
streets, and to collect said tax.
SBCTIOII 2. Said tax shell become and be delinquent in five equa
yearly installments, with interest on the whole sun unpaid at the rat-
of :;ix per cent per annum, payable at the time each installment is due,
to-wit: One-fifth thereof one yes after the approver of the ordinan e
confirming the levy of the tax for the payeeent for such improvement;
one-fifth thereof in two years after such approval; one-fifth thereof
in three years after such approval; one-fifth thereof in four years
after such approval; and one-fifth thereof in Live years after such
approval. One or more of said insteliments, in the order in which
they are payable, or the whole special tax may be paid at any time
within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance confirming the
levy of the tax, without interest. In the event or any inctelleent
or the interest aforesaid. not beinb paid on the ante the same becomes
due, the whole amount of the speciel tax unpaid. at the time said in-
stallment and interest are due, shall become due and payable, and
shall draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per anrum until the
sale of the property assessed; provided, one or more installments, in
the order in which they are payable, or the whole special tax unpaid
may be said on the day any installment becomes due, by payinc the
amount thereof and interest to said date.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Sewer :: : °: ::
tnsi Ninth e.
Passed by the Cit7 Counn31 of Salt Lake C ,Utah JU#e 13th,
1910, and referredto the Mayo' for hi 1
ty er.
Approved this /47 day of June, 1910.
Mayor Pro Tem
. I Ckli.iF,.... .c.d.. :1, i .. ,is .,... . . , 'fiti
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=' ,• as .Wrs4 . `)i ..k.
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