79 of 1951 - Ordinance 79 of 1951, Amending Sections 1003 and 1035, relating to dairy and milk inspection. rtvL.L VAL.Lr 71zi / NW] 211951 Salt Lake City,Utah, ,195 VOTING Aye Nay Burbidge xkithxic I move that the ordinance be passed. Christensen fr / Lingenfelter . . . '"..� • Romney . . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE J Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1003 and 1035 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1003 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1003. DEFINITIONS. The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and the enforcement of this chapter: (a) MILK. Milk is hereby defined to be the lacteal secre- tion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows, excluding that obtained within 15 days before and five days after calving, or such longer period as may be necessary to ren- der the milk practically colostrum free; which contains not less than eight per cent (8%) of milk solids-not-fat, and not less than three and one-fourth per cent (3 1/4%) of milk fat. (b) MILK FAT OR BUTTERFAT. Milk fat or butterfat is the fat of milk. (c) CREAM. Cream is a portion of milk which contains not less than eighteen per cent (18%) milk fat, and the acidity of which is not more than 0.20%, expressed as lactic acid. (d) HALF AND HALF. Half and half is a product consisting of a mixture of milk and cream which contains not less than 11.5% of milk fat. (e) SKIM MILK. (1) SKIM MILK. Skim milk is a milk from which a suffi- cient portion of milk fat has been removed to reduce its _ 79 • -2- milk fat percentage to less than 3 1/4%. (2) MODIFIED SKIM MILK. Modified skim milk is a market milk product made from Grade A skim milk contain- ing not more than one per cent (1%) milk fat by weight to which has been added not more than three per cent (3% nor less than one per cent (1%) Grade A non-fat milk solids by weight. (3) NON-FAT MILK. Non-fat milk is a market milk ma.e from skim milk and contains not more than one-tenth of one per cent Of, milk fat. (4) MODIFIED NON-FAT MILK. Modified non-fat milk i a non-fat milk to which has been added not more than throe per cent (3%) nor less than one per cent (1%) Grade A no - fat solids by weight. (5) MODIFIED SKIM MILK OR MODIFIED NON-FAT MILK. Modified Skim milk or modified non-fat milk may contain added Vitamin A and Vitamin D. When either of these vita- mins are added they shall be present in not less than th following amounts: VITAMIN A - 2000 USP Units per quart. VITAMIN D - 400 USP Units per quart. (f) MILK OR SKIM MILK BEVERAGE. A milk beverage or a skim milk beverage is a food compound or confection consistin_ of milk or skim milk, as the case may be, to which has been added a sirup or flavor consisting of wholesome ingredients. (g) BUTTERMILK. Buttermilk is a product resulting from the churning of milk or cream or from the souring or treatmen. by lactic acid or other culture of milk or skim milk. It con- tains not less than 8.25% of milk solids, not fat. It shall be made of milk or cream of legal grade. (h) CULTURED BUTTERMILK. Cultured buttermilk is the pro- duct resulting from the souring or treatment, by a lactic aci. culture, of milk or milk products. It contains not less than 8% of milk solids-not-fat, and shall be pasteurized before adding the culture. -3- Each type of buttermilk, according to the culture or pro cess used, shall bear on the package label the common or usua name used for such product. (i) YOGURT. Yogurt is a product resulting from the sour ing or treatment by a specific culture of milk or skim milk. It contains not less than 8.25% of milk solids, not fat. Yogurt may be in solid, semi-solid or fluid form. (3) MILK PRODUCTS. Milk products shall be taken to mean and include cream, sour cream, homogenized milk, goat milk, vitamin D milk, buttermilk, skim milk, reconstituted or re- combined milk and cream, milk beverages, skim milk beverages, and any other product made by the addition of any substance to milk or any of these products and used for similar purpose:. (k) PASTEURIZATION. The terms "pasteurization," "pasteur ized", and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the pro- cess of heating every particle of milk or milk products to at least 143° Fahrenheit, and holding at such temperature for at least 30 minutes, or to at least 160° Fahrenheit, and holding at such temperature for at least 15 seconds, in approved and properly operated equipment; Provided, That nothing contain- ed in this definition shall be construed as disbarring any other process which has been demonstrated to be equally effi- cient and is approved by the State Health- authority. (1) ADULTERATED MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS. Any substance claimed to be any milk or milk product defined in this chap- ter, but not conforming with its definition as given in this ordinance, or which carries a grade label unless such grade label has been awarded by the health officer and not revoked, shall be deemed adulterated and misbranded. (m) MILK PRODUCER. A milk producer is any person who ow s or controls one or more cows, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold or offered for sale. (n) MILK DISTRIBUTOR. A milk distributor is any person who offers for sale or sells to another any milk or milk pro ducts for human consumption as such. -4- (o) DAIRY OR DAIRY FARM. A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises where one or more cows are kept, a part or all of the milk or milk products from which is sold or offer- ed for sale. (p) MILK PLANT. A milk plant is any place, or premises, or establishment where milk or milk products are collected, handled, processed, stored, bottled, pasteurized, or prepared for distribution. (q) HEALTH OFFICER. The term "health officer" shall mean the health authority of the City of Salt Lake or his authorized representative. (r) AVERAGE BACTERIAL PLATE COUNT, DIRECT MICROSCOPIC COUNT, AND COOLING TEMPERATURE. Average bacterial plate count and average direct microscopic count shall be taken to mean the logarithmic average, and average cooling temperature shall be taken to mean the arithmetic average, of the respec- tive results of the last four consecutive samples, taken upon separate days, irrespective of the date of grading or regrad- ing. (s) GRADING PERIOD. The grading period should be such period of time as the health officer may designate within which grades shall be determined for all mikk and milk pro- ducts, defined in this chapter, provided that the grading period shall in no case exceed six (6) months. (t) BACTERICIDE. The term "bactericide" shall be taken to mean any bactericidal substance or process approved by the health officer. (u) HOMOGENIZED OR VISCOLIZED MILK. Homogonized or vis- colized milk or cream is milk or cream that in addition to be ing pasteurized has been treated in equipment approved by the Salt Lake City department of Health in such a manner to insure the break up of the fat globules to such an extent that after 48 hours storage no visible cream separation occurs and the fat percentage of the top 100 cubic centimeter of milk or ere: . in a quart bottle, or of proportionate volumes in containers -5- of other sizes, does not differ by more than ten per cent of itself from the fat percentage in the remainder of the bottle as determined after thorough mixing. The addition of a propo.- tion of homogenized or viscolized milk or cream to other milk to increase the visible cream line is strictly forbidden. Al homogenized or viscolized milk or cream shall bear a label stating that the milk or cream has been homogenized or via- colized together with any other information required for pas- teurized milk or for containers enclosing milk and any milk products defined in this chapter. (v) RECONSTITUTED OR RECOMBINED MILK AND CREAM. Recon- stituted or recombined milk is a product resulting from the recombining of milk constituents with water, and which com- plies with the standards for milk fat and solids not fat of milk as defined herein. Reconstituted or recombined cream is a product resulting from the combination of dried cream, but- ter, or butter fat with creme, milk, skim milk or water. (w) VITAMIN A MILK. Vitamin A milk is milk the vitamin A content of which has boon increased by a method in an amoun approved by the Health Officer and As is on file in his offic>. (x) VITAMIN D. MILK. Vitamin D milk is milk the vitanin D content of which has been increased by a method in an amoun approved by the Health Officer and as is on file in his offi.c.. (y) GOAT MILK. Goat milk is the lacteal secretion, free from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of healthy goats, and shall comply with all the requirements of this chapter. The word "cows" shall be interpreted to include goats. (z) PERSON. The word "person", as used in this chapter, shall mean "person, firm, corporation or association." (aa) AND/OR. Where the term "and/or" is used "and" she 1 apply where possible, otherwise "or" shall apply. (bb) APPROVED. Means to be approved by the health offi- cer of Salt Lake City. (cc) SHALL. Wherever used in this chapter, is mandator . -6- SECTION 2. That Section 1035 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspec- tion, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission ers on June 8, 1950, be and the same is hereby amended by amending paragraph (d) thereof relating to Ice Milk, which shall read as follows: "(d) ICE MILK. Ice milk is a frozen product containing less milk fat than ice cream and made from pure milk and suga , with or without harmless flavoring and containing not less than four (4) per cent of milk fat nor less than fifteen (15) per cent by weight of total solids, and not more than five- tenths of one per cent of pure, harmless edible vegetable gum or gelatin. In no case shall ice milk contain less than one and three-tenths pounds of total food solids per gallon. (1) No person shall use the name ice cream, cream, creme, creamy or creamey, or any other word or phrase which may be construed to be misleading in either label- ing or advertising or in any other manner either orally or written in connection with the advertising, sale orb distribution of ice milk. (2) All cartons, cups or other containers, except edible containers in which ice milk is sold, shall be plainly labeled "Ice Milk" on the side or top of the co - tainer. Such label shall be in gold-faced Gothic type letters not less than 1/8 inch in height, and shall be placed in a conspicuous position with respect to other printed matter or illustrations that may appear on the container and shall not be obscured in any way by such other matter. (3) All persons, or places or establishments where ice milk is sold shall display at the point of sale, a sign or placard bearing the statement "Ice Milk Sold Here". Such sign or placard shall be in bold-faced Goth c type letters not less than 12 inches in height and shal be displayed in such a manner as to readily be seen and -7- and read by the purchaser." SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately, SECTION L . This ordinance shall take effect upon-its first publication. /47 passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 2,1 sr day of A/ayfy rep, A. D. 1951,"/ y necor er. A, :ry ,. • w • Legal Plot"@ Affidavit of Publication AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING J3EC- TIONS 1003 and 1035 of the Revised 1944,Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1944, relating to Dairy and Milk Inspection. IIe In nnora eA bx alt theLake BoardCity,of Commisxloners of S Utah, SECTION-ordinances That Section l003 of the Revised 194. r of Bolt Lire City,nod 1110 ape rem, be t the SS and Milk Inspection, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1003. ion shalO p. The. followinge nte rttnndefinitions shall applyo in e. the interpretation this chap and the enforce- - - eat of-IC.Milk-is m lbe MILK.Milk Is hereby obtained <r to be the lactenpletel secretiong .one or D. OC1.; l the healthy s,lk inn d more healthy cows excluding s "that five81 daywithin It titer 15 lvinghefore such ➢@riot a `ay be necessary Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad- to"render the ilk contains free' which colos- trum vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper solidthan not-f per of 1 of ilk threes-not-fat, and not lee than three and one-fourth per cent (31/4 > of.milt:fat. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State (b (b).MILK FAT OR BUTTERFAT. Milk fat or butterfat Irs the fat of rally. of Utah. (1 CREAI:Rx Clc m Is a portion of milk wbinh sins , ]e.a.l than and teen per ce t hich) pulp fat, d the a.ldhy oessed'a Is not mo:'e `°a"02LF.A ptereod ax lae`lf"e1". That the advertisement (a) HALF,AND HALF. i Half 1 a half Is a product t consisting f costae At milk and cream %hich `alas not less than 11.57e of _ milk rSt. An Ol"C.111c.110E Li11 No. (e)SKIM MILK. a(m) SKIMilk (ro Nhi�t sufficient MIii.Halm milk ig portion of mflk fat has been r ce tago-to edu Iossccthan milk Shack. per- (21 MODIFIED SKIM MILK. Modified skim milk is a market miskilk m product ct mcontainide ng not from Grade , than" morn by weight Po which(has)beenik add- ed n t o ore than,three per cent (3h)'n leas than one per cent (1`,,1,)Grade A•hon-fat milk solids by weight. f3) NON-FAT MILK. Non-!at milk 1s a market milk made from skim milk and contains not more than one-tenth of one per cent of mil(4)fMODIFIED NON-FAT MILK. was published in said newspaper on November (, 1n51- Modified non-fat milk Is a non- fat milk to Which has been ended t more than three per cent (3T..) r less than one per cent (Iv) Grade A non-fat solids by weight. (51 MODIFIE➢SKIM MILK OR MODIFIED NON-FAT MILK,Mod- A/ ified Skim Milk or modified non- fat milk may Vitamin added Vita-min contain min 'A and n When thne s lt e 0cnn na e p dcd - than the following ann Advertising Clerk VITAMIN A 2000 VSP Units per VITAMIN I>-400 LISP Unite f)quart. If [) ,MILK OR SKIM aMILK r 'skim ERkO beverageA milk be scfood comp u:od milk nfeo n ifngd orconfection a consisting of milk or wich milk, mean added may or ran to before me this 27th day of flavor consisting of wholesome In- day (g) BUTTERMILK. Buttermilk Is a //11 chm'n product `mflresuohing from from A.D.19 1 the souring or treatr ment by lactic acid or other culture of milk o skim milk,It contains not less than legal o[ Ilk sailers, not fat. It hall be made of milk or cream o. Fs level grade. \ _ —_-. fto CULTURED BUTTERMILK. �l Csultiredng buttermilk u tho➢treat- ment, by the souring treat- Notary ublw treat- ment, by a lactic acid nicot, of milk or Ilk proof milk ][ contains sot- t lass tshal 1 k of eu solids-not- fat, benote fat,and shall be pasteurised before adding'the clottnrc. Each type ofll buttermilk, accord- ing 1nq to the culture or process elabel see, gphall bear on usual ape used for suet,p the roduct,or aslla name used oil YOGURT.Yollqurt is a product .cniting from the souring or treal- moot by a specific culture of milk or skim milk. It 101,nx not Itt. that g25�m of milk.solids,not rat. Yogurt m c Or In solid, sere L,olhl or fluid form. !'I MILK PRODUCTS,Milk prod- j Let. shall he taken to mean and include me n arm,arc tanned- cols. mina. goat. mlik .Amin D milk, buttermilk. skim milk, r¢f stltuted orrecombined milk and milk everages, skim milk beverage,. and arty other product butter fat with cream. milk, skint made by the addition f e y sub- milk w)oVITAMIN A MILK. Vitamin .stance to milk [these once. ucts and'used for any purposes. A milk Is milk the.vitamin A co IL)PASTEURIZATION.The terms tent of which has been increased by "Pasteurization." Pasteurized,"and a similar terms shall be taken to refer the nEHealth n Officer ou and approved As Ison an by to the process of heating every par- file In his office. ah their of milk or milk productsto t ft)VITAMIN D.MILK. Vitamin (cast 143 deg.Fahrenheit,and hold- I)Milk Is ':K the vitamin D 20 at such temperature In for t]east lent of which has been increased con- ing 30 minutes, at least 160 deg. method In l temperature Fahrenheit, ford thlel least sire do " n amount BePM by the Health Officer uantl s 1s an In approved and properly operated file in his office. equipment, Provided, That nothing tel GOAT MILK. Goat milk 1s contained in this definition shall be the lacteal secretion,free fromcol- construed as disbarring any other estrum, obtained by the complete process which has been demonstrat- milking of healthy goats,and shall d to be coually efficient and Is p- comply with all the requirements of proved by the State Health author- this chapter. The word"cows"shall Ity- be Interpreted to include goats.o lit ADULTERATED MILK AND (z)PERSON, The d "Per- MILK PRODUCTS. Any substance as used In this chapter,shell claimed to he ay milk In milk prod- a "person,firm,corporation or net defined In this chapter,but net association." s ociation" conforming with Re definition faa)AND/OR. Where the term gi ven In this ordinance, or which "and/or"Is used'and"shall a ply carries a grade label unless such where possible,otherwise"or shall grade label has been awarded by the aPplP health officer and not revoked,.hall (bb)APPROVED. Means to be i be deemed adulterated and mis- approved by the health officer of branded. Salt Lake City, fml MILK PRODUCER. A milk cc)SHALL. Wherever used In producfral isosany person who a pert this TION,fe m at tol'y. SECTION 2, That Section 7035 or r fall of the tgmilk d milk products of the Revi zed Ordinances of Salt Isom which la sold or or offered for . Lake City. Utah, 1944, relating to sale ' Dairy and Milk Inspection, as amended an(n)MILK➢ISTRIBUTOR.A milk the Boardbof Comimissiener on June distributor Is any person who offers i 8.1950.he and the same is hereby for sate or sells to another any milk n a ded by amending paragraD or n ilk products for human n- III therefore relating to Ice Milk, eu ption h. which shell rend as follows, (01 DAIRY OR DAIRY FARM.A dairy or dairy farm la any Place or 'fel)ICE MILK. Ice milk Is frozen product containing less milk Premises where one or s vs tat than I ream and made f rom are or Ilk tproducts fart rom llwhich the I.s sold pure ilk and sugar,with with- out for sole, t got Ices flavoringand contain- or not loss than four 4a per cent or(PI MILK PLANT.A milk plant Is of milk fat less than fifteen an;place,or premises.or establish- (15) per cent byweight of total me t where ilk o Ilk proslucla a lids,and not more then five-tenths leecollected, handled, processed, of one her cent of pure, harmless stored, battled, pasteurized. or pre- edible getable gumgelatin, Pared for distribution. In no ea shall Ince milk c ntafn Ill HEALTH OFFICER.The term less than one and three-tenths "healthofficer" shall mean Bonds unds of total food solids per gal- health authority f the City of Salt Ion Lake or his authorized represents- I No Person shall use the name amo I (r)AVERAGE BACTERIAL PLATE lots cream, cream, creme, creamy COUNT, DIRECT MICROSCOPIC r cr alilchra any there word o COUNT,AND COOLING TEMPERA- pl pMte count hrase be misleading y be co struccd TURF.Averrage direct mice roscopic count or advertisingo in inther)It bonier shallM1bertaken to mean the logarith- manner either rally o any other In temperature rage,shalldbeavernne to connection with the ace milk. permSale or distribution of Ice milk. the arithmetic average, of the meane- Ill All cartons, cups or other rbectivc results of the Ince four con- conlxiner,c e Sept dlble d,t ell .Nye samples, taken upon en- e' l licit lac nl�k Is Id,Shall orate days,Irrespective the date tM1e Ptlllan-rl to i',b the net talnnc. of or regrading. Such label slel;be 1n gold- s) GRADING s d be s. The Gothic fHe (aced gfading period shoved be tell cer type lettersightnet less than eyed designate time within the health officer Inch In hc!ght, and shall os. .shamall besldeterminedforwhich all milk placed111 resn a pect toaottheruprinteous ed position ilk products,defined In this chap- ter or iliu.stratlons that may ap- ter, Provided that the Grading Pe- peer on the container and_shall rind hall In no cane exceed six(6) not be,obscured art any way by months. urn ptniihn::et,,:sr:,:::!po're' m ftl BACTERICIDE. The term s 13)All or places "bactericide"shall bacteiicidal betnnoen to pro, soldbshallte the Ilk le any u r paint of • es approved by[tic hcaltlr00tflcer- thee,a s reeartl bearing(Ill HOMOGENIZED R VISCO- EhesEateceMIIk SoldLlllacd milkZED H cream Isd milk vlorQere•,boldfacctl GothlccUrd shall c0 Pe 1CG- cream thnt 1n cream to being tersrh of lass than Srh Inches hs pasteuldzcd has been treated In height and shall be dfxelayed luipnient approved by the Salt speh fl e n road rbyastheo ahas be Lahti a manner Department Insure the break SECTIONPurchaser¢ exof the fat globules to such an and et Comntl,riohlC opinion. h neces- tenl. that after 48 hours storage s ry to the peace,stealth and safety no visible cream reparationoccurs o[the Inha bi Eants of Salt Lake City old the fate percentage of the gtoo that this rd,tant6 became ake City 100 cubic centimeter of milk lnnlnedlately. cream In a quart bottle, r ne Pro SECTION 4. :Th.,i 0 din an a xhall portionate volumes in containers of take etfcct upo Its first publlca- thee slzex,dues not dither by more lion. cot percentage per cent f Itself from the Passed by the Hoar'tl of tar thte fat ere ntage in the remainder of of§al!Lake Cily,Ut¢b,this the bottle as determined ater thee- 2Kstn day of Novn:ubec,A.D. 195I. ongh mixing.The addition of a pro- , portion of homogenized o viscollaad L.C.ROMNEY. milk o ream to other milk to in- Trmp orrt ry Chairman, crease r the visible cream line is (SEAL) IRMA F.HITNF.R. strictly forbidden. All homogenized RILL NO,Pt. City Recorder, or vlscollzed milk 0r cream shall Fubltshed Nosember 24,1951. bear a label stating that tthe milk has been homogenised a -- -. i:ccream n ti Eognther en an otne0 - - —— milrmntton cycontainer yaeEclosing milk for containers enclosing milk and any milk products defined In this chapter. f RECONSTITUTED OA RE- COMBINED MILK AND CREAM.sRe- constituted ofromrecombined milk is a product resulting ikro (ram the recom- bining of milk co compenan with t ttrn and forwhich mph hen with the standards for mid fat and.rei no t of fat n Led a, defined dherein,rea It na'.Oducd o mbined cream Is ry ationet r salting from the eel com- bination of Nled cream, butte,or 7q