79 of 1964 - Ameding Title 18, relating to Health, by adding to Chapter 29, 'Private Water Systems'. ROLL CALL November 10 4 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, , 196 Christensen . . _4L_ I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . Harrison . . . Smart . . . Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to health, by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 29, relating to private water systems. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 18 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to health, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new chapter to be known as Chapter 29, relating to private water systems, to read as follows: "CHAPTER 29. "PRIVATE WATER SYSTEMS. "Sec. 18-29-1. Conformance required. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or cause to be constructed, any well, any reservoir, elevated tank or other structure for the supply or storage of potable water within Salt Lake City without complying with the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations of the health department. "Sec. 18-29-2. Well depth and casing requirements. Exception. All wells shall be properly sealed and encased with iron or steel pipe and shall be sunk either below an impermeable stratum or forma- tion, or to a depth of not less than one hundred (100) feet; provided however, that this section shall not be deemed to apply to wells not equipped with pumps. "Sec. 18-29-3. Analysis and condemnation of wells authorized. The health commissioner, after analysis of the water of any well used for potable or culinary purposes, may condemn and prevent the use of such water if the same shall be detrimental to health. "Sec. 18-29-4. Use of water from unapproved well prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to use,or permit to be used for drinking purposes, any water from any well, except it be from a well constructed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. "Sec. 18-29-5. Storage structures. Covers required. A suit- able and substantial cover must be provided for any reservoir, elevated tank or other structure used for storage of potable water. "Sec. 18-29-6. Id. Cover specifications. Covessshall be watertight, of permanent, durable material and so constructed as to provide drainage away from the cover and prevent entrance of contamina- tion into the stored water. 79 - 2 - "Sec. 18-29-7. Id. Manhole requirements. Manholes in storage reservoir covers shall be fitted with raised watertight walls pro- jecting at least six (6) inches above the level of the surrounding surface. Each manhole frame shall be closed with a solid, water- tight cover, with edges projecting downward at least two (2) inches around the outside of the frame. The manhole covers shall be pro- vided with a sturdy locking device and shall be kept locked at all times except when actuallly in use. "Sec. 18-29-8. Id. Overflow and cleanout pipe requirements. Overflow, blow-off or cleanout pipes from storage reservoirs must discharge freely into an open basin from a point not less than two (2) diameters of the discharge pipe above the top or spill line of such receiving basin. All overflow, blow-off or cleanout pipes shall be turned downward and screened with removable screen, (preferably 16 mesh) , to prevent the entrance of rain, dust, birds, insects, rodents and other contaminating materials. "Sec. 18-29-9. Id. Vent protection required. Any necessary vents or openings through covers on storage reservoirs for water level control gauges, city water supply inlets or for other pur- poses, shall be constructed so as to prevent entrance of rain, snow, birds, insects, dust or any other material capable of introduc- ing contamination. "Sec. 18-29-10. Connection to city system. Dtrect. Approved source and installation required. It shall be unlawful to connect directly the city water supply to a system supplied by a private water source, such as a private well, unless the private water system installation meets construction standards equivalent to those governing city construction and unless the private supply source is sampled and analyzed on the same basis and frequency as the city's supply sources and found to be acceptable. Wells located in basements of buildings shall not be deemed to meet construction standards unless the tops of the well casings are raised to a point at least eighteen (18) inches above the surrounding ground level or unless the basements are drained through gravity lines which have adequate capacity to carry the full pump discharge and which termin- ate at ground surface above maximum possible flood level. "Sec. 18-29-11. Id. Indirect;, Air break required. The city water supply may be indirectly connected into the top of a storage reservoir through a suitably designed and protected air break." SECTION 2. That Sections 18-7-29 through 18-7-31, of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 10th Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this November 1964. day of 2 MAYOR h Y A T Y / ►' Al„. D E R - F, 1199 i9 (SEAL) BILL N0. 99 of 1964 - Published November 17, 1964 AOM•3EA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake D M Ockey Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. • That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Salt Lake City Bill No 79 of 1964. An Ordinance relating to health, by adding chapter relating to private water systems. was published in said newspaper on. November 17, 1964. Legal Advertising Clerk ,. I • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November A.D. 19 64 C� Notary Public My Commission Expires Nov 25 1965. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Ti. Salt18 Lakel City,a Utah,f19 5,tarerating chapter)to by known as Chaptern2Y, relating beft)ordained by'the y board o Commissioners UI Salt Late Cily, Utah; SECTION 1. That Title/8 of the Revised Ordinances of Sail Lake Clay, Utah, 1955, relating la eealfd, ha,and the same hereby Is,amend- ed by adding thereto a chapter to be known as uesre rn29,relating to private water systems,to read as 'allows; "CHAPTER 29. "PRIVATE WATER SYSTEMS. "Sec. 1649•1. Conformance re elra0. A shall be unlawful for any prison 1A construct or cause to be constructed,' a well,a elevated tank or other structure for O.supply .storage f potable war. within or Lake City wilthul PIVing with the provisions of this cnapler d Ilia rules and robin., norm al the hea:t'n department. "dec.18.59-1. Weh depth and e w1erequirements. Exception. All lis shall be properly sealed and encased with i I pipe and shall n eiitherorbel w an Imper• rateable o siren°,or formation,or to a d i depth feet not priovidetthan however, thai thls section shall not be deemed to apply to wells not equipped with pinups. 10.293. Analysis and con- damnation o yells authorized. te health c alter analysis I lea water cf ua`ny rWpeeloll coed tar - demn pand° a prevent lge'u nlofy suchbo m water it the came shall be d:;lrimon• fat to health. "See. 18-a/-a. Use ct water front Unapproved well prohibited. It shall be unlawful far any person to use,or Peornit to be used for drinking put. Poses, any water ally well, cyIt befraa well constructed accordance with the provisions ofcSec 18r19•5, Storage structures. Covers blanket rcovera dmustS be a proviub- ded a for any reservoir,elevated lank or other structure cued tar storage of potable water. "Sec. 1849.6. Id, Cover speciflc flops. or Covers shall be watertight,of constructed,durable to prrovlidealdrainage wconay trots me[over and prevent¢n- stonce or oniomina lion info the stored water. "Sec,1anho.Id. Manhole rseor meets.Manholes in storage with reservoir covers stall betitled ra a watertight in walls ve theec le 1 least x(6)tinges above level l of the surrounding berl ace. Each manhole lid, watertight shall be closed with a solid, Incduwnt cover,with edges Pinches Inu downward toast two(i)Incites Puntl the aetside of the creme.Tee r note o r Shan be r nd shah eet locked an device and with be kept locked 1 all limes ex apt when actuahv m use. d cleanout 1 piPe8•r lqu veer s. Over- flow,biow.ort U oat a PCs from storage ree e a into reservoirsovenhrbasin Oltramrga Dint not Less iyhan rove(21 diameters of shell discharge sUpipeabove the lap All overflow,line ' blow-oil or receiving cleanoul pipes shall be turned downward allo screened with removable a(Preferably 16 mesh 1.to prevent tire entrance of rain,dust,birds,insects, rodents and other contaminating ma. pilots. "Sec, i Id. Vent protection lbfly openings. Any E raVvents or Ih oJph , storage raga reservoirs for revel contra g`U9CtilCrrslau g'ose`,P snout rb1 I C O Inrucled so as to prevent entrance of birds, insects, oust a any othervmaterial capable of Infra- .toting c uaminatlOn. Sec. t eyuuedfiso t any system.Direct,eqApproved I1allsource and awful required. It shah be u awful U connect directly the city Kolar s utIY of a Surer, sh asEa DV.a eYlwelt.water sits e,private d private well unless the private oala 'hose a°ove a nit uaaient`tp 'hose athe prig clay construction and (mess the private supply source oasis (ambled and analyzed as }hes easisy and Ies ae0 the elta'. e01 big.Wells foundtocat i basements at buildings shall not be deemed to heel construction standards unless the lops of the w Il casings are 18)ad inches ubove athe least s surrounding aundr level or unless fine basem¢rlls are drained through gravity lines Khlch have adequate capacity to oar• Obi II tee rminate ump ounpdrgsurface boor ma'ammn possible flood level. realiequred�'The cityn watert. Auplr flyamay be indirectly connected sInfo hraough a nitablr designed and a storage reservoir toted air break." SECTION P. That Sections 10.7-79 trough f18-741,of the Revised Ondl, anca.s of Sall Lake City,Utah,1955, hanal the same hereby are, re- aled. Passed by the Board of Commis. loners 01 Salt Lake City,Utah,this nth day of November,1769, J. PRACKEN LEE n J. HM¢yrsen, ity ecord°. (&e71 ;E AL) Bill No,79 of 196x Pubilanea Nov.I),1964. / 9