79 of 1977 - Amending section 2-2-20, 2-2-26 and adding section 2-2-27 providing for landing and use fees, and re HULL ..ALL May 25 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Mr.Chairman ... Agraz ✓ I move that t e Or ance be passed. Greener Hogensen Phillips I( Result AN DINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, by amending Sections 2-2-20 and 2-2-26 and adding thereto a new Section 2-2-27, relating to use of airport facilities. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to use of airport facilities, be, and the same hereby is, amended by amending Sections 2-2-20 and 2-2-26 and adding thereto a new Section 2-2-27, to read as follows: Sec. 2-2-20. Landing fees. There is hereby imposed and levied a landing fee upon the operator of each aircraft land- ing at the Salt Lake City International Airport which falls within the following classifications: (1) Travel clubs operating under Federal Aviation Regulations, Part No. 123. (2) All air carriers operating under Federal Aviation Regu- lations, Part No. 121, except those carriers holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board to serve Salt Lake City, Utah, which have a currently effective, valid and in force written airport use agreement with and executed by Salt Lake City Corporation. (3) Operators of aircraft operating under Federal Aviation Regulations, Part No. 135, except for aircraft operated by a fixed-base operator based at the Salt Lake City International Airport and operated as a charter or air-taxi service on a request basis under said regulation. Said landing fee shall be computed by multiplying $. 49 by the number of thousand pounds (or a portion thereof) of approveu maximum certificated gross landing weight of each aircraft for each landing, whether revenue or non-revenue, or a minimum of $4.50 per landing. The term "landing" as used herein shall mean landing of either freight or passenger aircraft or aircraft containing a combination thereof and shall include all landings, whether revenue or non-revenue. The foregoing notwithstanding, the term "landing" for purposes of landing fee computation shall not include the situation when an aircraft departs from the Salt Lake City Inter- national Airport for another destination and, without making a stop at another airport, said aircraft is forced to return to and land at the City airport because of meteorological conditions, mechanical or operating causes or for similar emergency or precautionary reasons. 79 -2- The term "approved maximum certificated gross landing weight" as used herein shall mean the maximum certificated gross landing weight approved by the Federal Aviation Administration for the type of aircraft for landing anywhere and under any conditions. * * * Sec. 2-2-26. Gate and terminal. There is hereby imposed a use fee for each transport-type passenger flight enplaning or deplaning passengers, or both, and utilizing facilities at the Salt Lake City International Airport, as follows: (1) For each such flight which utilizes the customs and immigration facilities on the north concourse of the main terminal and other terminal building facilities, a fee of $340. (2) For each such flight utilizing only the customs and immigration facilities, on the north concourse of the main ter- minal, a fee of $200. (3) For each such flight utilizing the facilities of the executive terminal, on the east side of the airport, a fee of $200. For the purposes of this section, transport-type aircraft shall be aircraft of the following designations or undesignated aircraft in a comparable weight class as those designated: DC-3, DC-6, DC-7, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, L1011, Convair 340, Convair 440, Convair 600, Convair 580, Convair 880 and Convair 990. Section 2-2-27. Rental charge for occupants of the main terminal building at the Salt Lake City International Airport without a validly enforced, executed and effective written lease agreement with Salt Lake City. There is hereby imposed on every tenant in the main terminal building at the Salt Lake City International Airport which, having previously leased space in said terminal building, fails to surrender said space to the City upon expiration of its lease or to enter into a new lease therefor with the City or which, occupying space in said terminal building, fails to enter into a lease therefor with the City, the following rental or use charges: Space facing upon the lobby of said terminal (not including the concourses but including airline baggage claim areas) from which business may be conducted with or service provided to persons in the lobby or which is open to the lobby for the conduct of business therein with or for providing service to the general public - $1.00 per month per square foot of space. Space in the basement of said terminal - $.4Z 'per month per square foot of space. All other space in said terminal building - $.84 ler month per square foot of space. Any said tenant shall be deemed a tenant from month-to-month commencing immediately upon termination of said previously existing lease or, if no lease previously existed, upon occupancy, and nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the City from terminating such tenancy, effective one month or such other shorter time as may be authorized by law, after notice from the City to said tenant of such termination and, thereafter, to cause the removal of such tenant forcibly or otherwise by due process of law. (0 -3- Said rental charge shall be due and payable on the first day of the commencement of said tenancy and on the same day of each succeeding calendar month as long as the said tenancy con- tinues. Where space was previously leased jointly by two or more tenants, the above rental charges are imposed upon each of said tenants continuing use of said space in accordance with the same formula that it shared liability for rental charges payable under the expired lease or previous use arrangement with the City. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. • Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of May , 1977. MA OR *tikfitiC f�• C ER LJ CITY RE ER (SEAL) BILL NO. 79 of 1977 Published - May 31, 1977 ADN,eaA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE ----..-- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 2 of Title 2 of the Revised Ordinance:of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,by amending S0ns2-2-200Mairn-26aort ndnildi`gtmtoa new Secbg,2z-v. Shana D. Palmer --_-relating '-- Be it ordained by Ma Board of Commissioners of Sall Lake Ciry glah. ubCT ION 1 That Chapter 2 of Tulle 2 of the Revised Wtliro+roesof Salt Lake City,me Uereby is,relatiamen yobyp mendIgl Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- Se Ions,2- and 24-5amd_h adding is,amended a tIm2.2inn read s follows: ws:T2-26 and atltling thereto a raw Secfign 2.2 27, to read as Muowa: tisi.ng clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) sding tee Landingfeo6 Them rof each air aft sed landing at ted he newspaper printed in the English language with general cir- lt 1,1g lee y l ere tie aloe of each aircraft lanai 1 the Salt Lake City In/ernatbnal Airport width laps within the Iolfwi)ng"laser Patrons: under Federal Aviation Regula- tions, dilation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake (:ity, Salt Lake (2) Al Travel clubs - County. i.rt the State of Utah. (2) All it tars Operatll�g rger Federal Aviation ReByy tattoos,Part Ne. "Ie x pt lase rulers ythe re Aeronautics s public to serveSal�Lake s,�y fah,w be tic•Civil currently effective,Board tO alive Salt Lake rce Utah,which have a seams owIamvend d M make City airport use Thaf. the legal notice of vehicle a copy is attached hereto agree 1 with Operators of a teed by San Lakee edertiavn. Regulhtlo,s, t No.135,except lreraft operating under aircraft operatedr Aviation fixed-base operator based at the San Lake City International pub notice to amend an ordthance relating to use ha Ise urMe operated said'mutation.charter or air-taxi service on a request `---_ - Cj Said landing foe shell be computed by multiplying S.49 by the amber of thousand pounds Mr a portion thereon of approved a maximum certificated gross landing weight of each aircraft M of airport facilities er - landing,whether reve or non-revenue,or a minimum of ---- _ -- S.50 nue per larding. The term'landing"as used herein shall mean landing of either freight or passenger aircraft or lrcraff containing a comhllnµatlon thereof and shall OBInclude all landings,whetherreven - -- ---"----- -"landing'tot porrese,The of landing foe computaoing tion hhallano/ Include Me situation oboe on aircraft dep arts from the Salt Labe Cut mity akingg hem-national slgrl ate other airport for , aircraft In fore n dto return ------ - -- lo and land al the CI airport because of rneteOrologlral conhtIOns, mocltanlcnl or operating causes or for similar ante g0 live"agwvwed maxioonu n certII Ica tad grass lending weight"as used herein shall mean the maximum certificated Ores, landing weight approved by the Pectoral Aviation Administration Mr the 1 pe of aircraft for landing anywhere and under an conditions. Teas published in said newspaper on May 31e 1977 Set.2-2-26.Gate and terminal. is herebyimposed a me fee for each transportIeee pa aflight enplaning or deplaning passenger,orbothfolse facilities.at the Salt Lae Citylrnatioul Airport,'a follows, each such flight which utilizes the customs anti ----- --'-'--------'- - immigration facilities on the north concourse of the main terminal and other terminal building facilities,a fee of$340. (2) For edit such flight utilizing nwnly thin customs sn and.:emigration facilities,on the oorminal a toe of 320O. y� (3 io each such flight uthizIrd the fatuities of the �\ executive terminal,on the east tie,of the airport,a lea a t s a. �/� \ For e t oUrOrmin 1, of nets st side,f the gport, aircraft of shall `.J"__ v,,,- /t�� _ -}, X-'v � _.._ be aircraft of the tohewig designations or on ilia unlisted aircraft In a,comparable weight class as*hose designated:DC-3,DC-6, Legal Advertising Clerk DC-1,DC-8,DC-9,DC-10.707,720,727,737,747,L Igo,Convalr 34S, (i Convair 440,Comae 600,Conv:olr WO,Colwell.830 and Convair 990. ras of Me male terminal Section building t ere Salta Lake eCity Insr ternational Airport without a validly enforced,executed and effective written anise agreement with tall Cake City.Time Is hereby Imposed on every tenant in the malts terminal building at the Salt Lake City International Airport which,havivw prevlously leased spaore in, said terminal building,Mils to surrender sold spare to the City-ore one this 6th reads expiration of its lease or to eater Into a new loam themfor - - ------- - -- day a f With the City or a 1,aetin occupying mace In sold terminal building. falls to enter into a hwse therefor wily the City,the foilsman 7,7 rents or use charges A.D. 19 Me conccooufrsseesstostpen t incluuhe didl s nirline said bOUFAane claim(not reans)from which business y bo conducted Mgt or service provided to parses f the lobby or which is men to the lobby for no conduct of bncines erele w 'ith or Mr providing service to the general publi -51 therein00 per month nor sguarc Not of space. - Mace In the besoment of said tonninal-S.42 per month per aluare hoot of imam. per All M Mosad eIn saki terminal banding3.04 per month /_ /ter.Any sold tenant encing'Inonredle ytadponeetSinidnatlonnof surd Notary Public previously eexirtieo teams or,If no lease previously existed,upon occupancy,and nothing tbrein shall tel construed to prevent Me other shorter flan ess ma be tenancy, rxOd byllow,after noone ticefr arofin the City to said tenant of acts termination arxl,lhemalter,T.a cause the removal of such tenant forcMW or otherwise by Out ress of law. Said rental charge shall be duo and payab le on the first day O1 the commencement of said tenancy and on the sanno day 01 each succeeding sseoca was gnehiouslygIoaseed sold tenancy be two o Imore foments,the above rental charges are Imposed upon each of said tenants cOntlnuil.use of said space load uydalton payable the s,unc 1h expired lease Omuia that it rprevioustuse ar ronfrrnr rental entgwith the Cl'yndar SECTION 2.This ordinance shall fake effect 30 days attar its -.-- first pubticatloe {'rival by flue Board of Commissioners el Salt Lake City, Utah,this 251h day of May,1977. TED L.WILSON Manor MILDRFD S.NIGHAM Cite Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO 79of 197r Published May31,1977 (8-631 in Alt'