8 of 1905 - Ordinance 8 of 1905 – Providing for license for dance halls. ORDINANCE 33e�
An ordinance providing for license of dance-houses, dance pavillions;
or dan7e-ha1le, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Labe City,
Section 1.
It shall be unlawful for any :'son to engage in the business of
owning, maintaii?i"'.,n, operotiag, or conducting a dance shall, dance-pavi.11ion,
or dance-house within the city limit of Salt J abe City, without first
obtaining a license so to do. For such liednse such person shall pay
into the City treasury /O ' dollars, quarterly in advance.
Every person engaged in the business of ownin , lsr irtairrin; , operat-
ing or conducting a dance-hall, dance-pavillion, or dance-house shall
conduct the sae in and orderly manner, and not permit loud or disorderly
persons to dance in such "laces, and shell have a policeman
designated from the police-force of said city to attend and police said
-place or ieaace ,, and the salary of said .:olicer:.r;.,, sh,d1 be paid by the
person owning, maintai-:i;Tg, operatic_; or c_.onciiotin ;dace or places.
Section 3.
It shall be u.nlr,a'ful for any person owning, maintain:i: g, operating
or condicctin,_: rance-hall, dance-pavillion or ,d.anoe-house to pern:i', any
girl un:ler the age of 16 years to at'.end such. _placer raid dance without
ouc- 0_r1 is accompanied by one of h„r ,parents or male escort over twenty-
one yea's of oge.
SectioF 4.
This ordinance shall apply only to any person owning, rlaintai:atug,
}}: operating, or conducting a dance-ho.11, ,".ance-pavillion or dance-house as
a business and for profit, provided no license shall be required for dances:
of a social nature, and where the same is sot conducted as a business for ]
Section 5.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall
be deemed. guilty of a mis-demeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not more than ore hundred dollars, or by imprison-
•merit in. the; County jail not Tdore than thirty days-, or by both such fine
a^.0 i rnnri ecflr�lent_ .. , j
Section 6.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith 1-YJ:e
hereby repealed.
1-(--6 7 a7
`• . j
Presented To The City ntor,, 1
and referred to the Committee o
Returned toCity Rpoorver -
For Filing
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