8 of 1908 - Ordinance 8 of 1908 – Sidewalk Extension No. 84, First Partial Estimate. .
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on both1
Isides of Eimhth West Street from Second South Street to Ninth 1iiuth
Street 9 on the west side of Einbth West Street from Ninth South Streel
Ito Tenth South Street; on the west side of Post Street from Fifth
1 3outh Street to Sixth South Street; on the west side of Ninth West
1Stroet from Fifth South Street to Sixth South Street; on the west
site of Glenn Streetfrom Fifth South Street south 201 font: on the
Inorth side of Third South Street from fis'hth Beet Street to Ninth
fest Street; on the south side of Fifth South Street from Eipiith West
Street to the alley opposite Coshen Street, formerly Frawley Street;
on the south site of FiEhth South Street from Eir.:hth West Street to
Titusville Avenue; on the south side of Titusville Avenue from Eighth
South Street to Indiana Avenue; and on the south side of Indiana Ave-
nue from Titusville Avenue to Cheyenne Street, in Sidewalk Districts
Olos. 21, 40 and 41, for the construction of cement sidewalks.
Bo it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
1 SECTION 1. That the assessment list mode by the City Treasurer
1es corrected, approved an4 completed by the Board of Equnlization and
iReview, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for turd pur-
pose, of the property in Lots 21 to 24, inelasive, and 20 to 31, in-
clusive, Block 4; in Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, and I, 2, 6, 6, 7 and
0, Block 3, City Park Subdivision of Block 20, Plot "C"; ia Lots 1
land 29, end 30 to 56, inclusive, Block 2, end 29 and 30, Block 1,
City fork Subdivision of Block P:1, Plait "C", in Sot& 26 and 27, Block1
4, and 26 and 27, Block 5, Albert Place Subdivision of Block 3, flat
r'C."; in Lots 3 to 13, inclusive, flock 3, oil 1 to 13,
Block 6, MuscrAine Place .)f pert of the east half of the 1
east quarter of Section 11, Tocniship 1 south, R,41ge 1 west, 3 -tt Lake
1Merilian; in pert of the southest .loarta..- of Section Ll. Town,Thip 1
south, R6nr:.e. 1 west. S,.1t au; dnseribed as 201-
low : Be„isiins at a ,oint ri to; ;:rest side of -.7, th Net; Strept
442.53 feet north of the south line of said Section 11, thence north
11188 feet; in Lots 5 and 6, Block 4, Plat "C"; in Lots 1 to 10, in-
elusive, Block 1A, J. H. ''hFlan's Addition to Salt Lf-ka City; in Blau
111, Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, 10 to 17, Block 4, and 10 to 17, Block 1
15, Glendale.-Addition; in Lots 34, 35 and 36, Glendale Park flat "A";
ots 14 to 26, inClusive, Block 1, Desky's First A4ditibn, in Lots
ill to 12', inclusive, Block 1, 1 to 12, inclusive, Blook 2,"ieec 1 to 14
inclusive, Block 3, First Burlington Addition, abutting 6n the south
.lside of Fifth South Street from Eighth West trot to the ,alley oppo-I
i Isite Goshen S;treet ,formerly Frawley Street; on the wept side of Glen
1 Street 'frog: Fifth South Street south 281 Feet; on the weat side of
Ninth West Street from Fifth South Street to Sixth South. Street; on
thb west side of Eighth 'West Street between Ninth South and Tenth
South Streets; on the east side of Eighth West Street between Eighth
South and Ninth South Streets; on the south side of Eighth South
$treat between Ei@hth ,Vest Street and Titusville Avenue; on the south
it side of Titusville Avenue between Eighth South Street and Indiana
Avenue; and on the south side of Indiana Avenue between Titusville
1Avenue and Cheyenne Street, in Sidewalk Districts Fos. 21, 40 and 41,1
for the purpose of constructing cement sidewalks upon said portions
of said streets, is hereby confirmed, end the assessments m^.de and
!1 retizrnad in said Completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTIONN 2. This orl inonee shall teke effect upon approval .
Sidewalk Extension No. 84.
First Partial Estimate. �
1 ?,o ced bcy the Oita, : ci_nei'. of ';f-t , Ia'ke L'�A ,U1;.�,,'i,:i ni:.�ary 2 ,
1908, ana referred to the -COT «1.
C Recoxdnr.
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