8 of 1909 - Ordinance 8 of 1909 – Amending & re-enacting Section 240, re: Food Commissioner. i AN 0 R D I BAN C E . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 240 of the Revised 0rdinanoes of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance byMayor by the City Council July 15, 1907, and approved the y or iJuly 25, 1907. i Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTIOB 1. That Seettyoxi;240 of the Revised. Ordinances of Salt "I Lake City of 1903, as amen4e4i•by an grlinance passed by the City ! Council July 15, -1907, an&apprbwedi, the Mayor July 25, 1907,` be, and-the seine is hereby amended and r,Ayoaaoted so as to read as `-follow : i :240. FOOD COMMI33IONER. AI'BOINTIEI'T. COMPENSATION .-CLER r. " The Savor shall have',lower to appint, during the term for Which ti •he in el;eoted, subject to confirmation by the City Council,.a •i ' 'oom etent person to the office of Food. and Dairy Commissioner, li Q who shall hold office for the term of office of the Mayor appoi t- ing him, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. i I; The compensation of the Food. and. Dairy Commissioner is hereby fixed. at twelve hundred ($1200.00) dollars per annum, payable monthly as are the salaries of other city officers. The said Commissioner shall be allowed one clerk at a salary not exceedi g it seven hundred and twenty 0720.00) dollars per annu', payable i I monthly as are the salaries of other city employees; and the sand Commissioner shall, before assuming the duties of his office, take and subscribe the constitutional oath of office and give official bond. to the City in the sum of one thousand ( 31,000.0O) dollars. SECTION 2. All ordinanoes and resolutions, or parts of ordin- i anoes and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to th= extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. i '2,_,A7i/V11-4--CjC L 1 f--- Passed ley the City 0ouncil of S::1t La'.s Cit;y,Utah,Janunry I1, " 1909, ...nd referred '.o the ir,cyor for his c,r,p ,1. C :-.0cor dor. Approved. -I:hi,- / clJ y of LT,n.1;nry,1999. i;, o r 8 i 1;ou:V'.):: f`Lt %-) ''.','I,-.., ',:i.:•`,'...,'. ..,I'..L.:!-..-) .-...v•-. ,,, .i.;-,.:-:, ' ..,,c,.o_J.ta t•f;-.a \ .1 ;,oLaa,..,,-k ;..,-t ,7.0,J. .•'•0 '6,' H.. ', ',,•,. ,. ' '')'•'•I'ii'-.; ,• to..:•\:;-d7," o:•,t- ,_. Lay ca,.;:.,o, i..,:tt, ,voe.i. ,z,,I ‘,1-..i.c., .1-..icrtooD -..L,j1.0 eiil -1i b,,.',.,:.,,..-., .7:; .1: :Lt. J.'i. ,;,,,..1.•:',-.," a .r.tsj. l'1.3i--1 °I o I 1.orl....ruC:.' -,;i: C.',[r4ci.1' \-,6 t,,,a.t:1,,4( ,-.1'i\st ...i , . . : ,t5._:,•'4"4.,e, ;,..7.:::::n•o:.i.':,a.i 'v.) bodivell , 'i' rj Ci . 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