8 of 1911 - Ordinance 8 of 1911 – Amending & re-enacting Section 614 relating to sewers. AN ORDI NANCE . I ' An ordinance amending and re-enacting ideation 614 of Chapter 47 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to sewers, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council Septem- ber 8, 1908, and approved by the Mayor September 9, 1908. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 614 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City September 8, 1908, and approved by the Mayor September 9, 1908, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to ! read as follows: SECTION 614. It shall be unlawful for any person to son- atrnot or attach any private drain with the public sewers of Salt Lake City, except upon full oomplianoe with the provisions of this ordinance. All drain pipes shall be no leas than four (4) nor more than six (6) inches internal diameter, and from the house or building to a point three (3) feet outside the wall or founda- i tion.thereof shall be of east iron, and from that point to the main sewer connection may be of either oast iron, vitrified ola$ pipe, or glazed clement pipe, at the option of the owner of the ' premises with which said sewer connection is to be made. The oast iron shall be sound, free from holes or cracks, without traps, valves or other obstructions which might prevent or retard the free passage of air or sewage. The following weights per linear foot will be aooepted: 4 inch, Standard, 6-1/2 pounds per linear foot; 4 inch medium, 9 pounds per linear foot; 4 inch, extra heavy, 13 pounds per linear foot. In the use of 5 or 6 inch iron the oorresponding standards ' may be used and all fittings used in connection with any of the above sizes shall correspond with it in weight and quality. The joints shall be made of lead, thoroughly calked, oakum ' gaskets shall be used in all joints, tightly calked as to pre- vent the load from being forced through and forming projections 8 II 'I -f- I I on the interior of the pipe. All vitrified play pipe shall be of the beet quality salt ;lased. It shall be strai;ht, smooth, thoroughly vitrified, free from lumps, blisters and other defects, of true cylindrisal shape and the inner and outer surfaces shall be concentric, and the standard length shall be not loss than two (2) feet with = 1/2 inch cement space in the bell. The walls shall be not less than 9/16 of an inch in thiekusas for four (4) inch pipe, and not less then 6/8 of an inch in thickness for piped six (6) inches internal diameter. All glazed cement pipe shall be first class, sound and uni- form, and no pipe shall be used which is less than ninety days fII old, nor containing more than 10% of voids, and the glazed inne11 surface shall be smooth and free from defeats of any kind. The standard length shall be not loss than two (2) feet, 1 and thickness not less than three-fourt■ inch for four (4) inch pipe, and fifteen-sixteenths inch for pipe six (6) inches in interior diameter with cement space in the bell of three-eighths inch for both sizes. A11 joints in vitrified olay and glazed cement pipe shall be made in the best possible manner with o T a) TEMPTED N ' H µgv MPED I iT coco.T ar C -root_ - .3 ,µHESS W(1 gaskets and cement mortar.kand must be water tight. The cement 1 mixture shall be composed of ono part cement to one and one-bal parts of sand, and all pipe must be of the best quality, and land on a firm bed, straight to line and grades given by the City i Engineer, on a uniform grads not less than 1.67 feet per 100 feet I for four (4) inoh pipe, and not less than 0.8 feet per 100 feet for six (6) inch pipe. All changes in direction must be made by the use of properhy I curved pipes of not more than one-eighth bend. The Olean-out must be located within five feet of the prop-, i erty line, and in all cases must be iron pips from the Y to the . ' surface of the ground with a brass clean-out plug. 1 i i -a- In ease vitrified clay or glazed Dement pipe is used, the baskfilling of the trenoh shall not be made until the eementk. joints shall have set fourteen hours after having been made. The Superintendent of Sewers and the Plumbing Inspector ar 41, hereby •barged with the duty of enforcing this ordinance. SSOTIOI 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinaneer and resolutions in soufliot herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of thith conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinanas shall take-.fleet 1pof approval. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lam City,Utah,Janu ry 16, 1911, and referred to the Mayor for his approva 5-7/ --' /.,1:2 -- City-lio ter. Approved this / #//1 day of January,1911 �Bda7or. I , 1 I _g_ odd ,beau aY egtq daemeo beasts to gale hoillttt♦ esso al aemso add Ilhur *boas Id Ion !lads•down* add to satl,Lttxtssd . 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