8 of 1914 - Providing for and ordering special election for sale of 900,000 water and sever bonds ROLLCALL h-,oe.....,o...s„a
• VOTING Yes No ` I\ •Salt Lake City,Utah,........ ........Zan....1.b....___191._...._4
Shearman < �,,.}
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lawrence —.
Morris !—__ - ........................_... ..._.. .......... ......._....
Mr.Chairman ,�-y'
An ordinance providing for and ordering a special election
for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of Salt Lake
City, Utah, the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness to the
amount of $'900,000, as follows: $'525,000 for the purpose of increas-
ing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the
present water supply and water works system of distribution of said
City; and $375,000 for the purpose of completing, increasing, extend-
ing and adding to the sewer system of said City, constructing a pump-
ing station and installing pumps and machinery therein.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That there is immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and add-
ing to the present water supply and water works system of this City,
for the purpose of supplying and distributing water to the inhabit-
ants of said City, and to that end to construct a water supply main
from Big Cottonwood Conduit along Thirteenth South Street to Ninth
East Street; to construct a distributing main on Ninth East Street from
Twelfth to Thirteenth South Streets; to construct distributing reser-
voirs on the East Bench and in City Creek Canyon; to construct etor.4.-
age reservoirs at Lakes Phoebe, Mary and Twin Lakes in Big Cottonwood _
Canyon; to construct storage reservoir in Parleys Canyon; to enlarge
the present East Jordan Canal fm m its head to Little Cottonwood Creek,
and extend said Canal to Big Cottonwood Creek for the purpose of carry-
ing water now being transported through the Jordan and'Salt Lake City
Canal; and to acquire water rights in Big Cottonwood Canyon and Creek,
or other sources of water supply by exchange or purchase or both, to
do which in the manner required calls for and requires an expenditure
of $p525,000.
SECTION 2. That there is an immediate and pressing necessity
for increasing, improving, extending and'adding to the present sewer
system of this City, for the purpose of providing means of sewerage to
the inhabitants thereof, and tocare fo and dispose of such sewage,
and to that end to construct a main oittlet sewer along Seventh or
Eighth West Street from Tenth South Street to about Ninth North Street;
to construct a pumping station consisting of building, tanks and such
pumps, motors, gas engines and other machinery in addition to the
present equipment at Eighth West and Seventh North Streets as may be
necessary for the purpose of pumping sewage from said main outlet
sewer into the discharge pipe next herein mentioned; to lay a discharge
pipe to carry sewage from said pumping station northwesterly to, at or
about Redwood Road; to construct outlet canal from the end of said dis-
ahege pipe to Great Salt Lake; and to extend main sewer from Main Street
to Seventh or Eighth West Street; to do which in the manner required
calls for and requires an expenditure of 375,000.
SECTION 3. That there are not sufficient funds in the City
Treasury to defray said expense or any part thereof, and that in order
to defray the expense of making the proposed improvements mentioned
in Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance, it is necessary for Salt Lake
City to incur a bonded indebtedness to raise funds therefor in the
following amounts, towit: $525,000 for the purposesmentioned in Section
1 of this Ordinance; and $375,000 for the purposes mentioned in Section
2 of this Ordinance.
SECTION 4. That in pursuance of and under the power and
authority contained in Section 308 of the Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907,
as amended by Chapter 4 of the Laws of Utah, 1911, and Section 309 of
said Compiled Laws, as amended by Chapter 4 of the Laws of Utah, 1909,
and Section 310 of said Compiled Laws, it is hereby ordered that a
special election behheld in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, State of
Utah, on the /J`� day of February, 1914, for the purpose of submit-
ting to such qualified electors of Salt Lake City as shall have paid a
property tax in Salt Lake City in the year 1913, the question of in-
curring a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $"525,000 for the purpose of
defraying the expense of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending,
perfecting and adding to the present water supply and water works
system of said City, for the purpose of supplying and distributing water
to the inhabitants of said City as set out in Section 1 of this Ordin-
ance, by constructing a water supply main from Big Cottonwood Conduit
along Thirteenth South Street to Ninth East Street; constructing a dis-
tributing main on Ninth East Street from Twelfth to Thirteenth South
Streets; constructing distributing reservoirs on the East Bench and
in City Creek Canyon; constructing storaage reservoirs at Lakes Pheobe,
Mary, and Twin Lakes in Big Cottonwood Canyon; constructing storage
reservoir in Parley's Canyon; enlarging the present East Jordan Canal
from its head to Little Cottonwood Creek, and extending said Canal to
Big Cottonwood Creek for the purpose of carrying water now being trans-
ported through the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal, and to acquire water
rights in Big Cottonwood Canyon and Creek or !k other sources of
water supply by exchange or purchase or both.
Also the question of incurring a bonded indebtedness in the
sum of 375,000 for the purpose of defraying the expense of completing,
increasing, improving, extending and adding to the present sewer system
of Salt Lake City for the purpose of providing means of sewerage to the
inhabitants thereof, and to care for and dispose of such sewage, as set
out in Section 2 of this Ordinance, by constructing a main outlet sewer
along Seventh or Eighth West Streets from Tenth South Street to Ninth
North Street; constructing a pumping station consisting of building,
tanks and such pumps and motors, gas engines and other machinery in
addition to the present equipment at eighth :'Jest and Seventh North Streets
as may be necessary for the purpose of pumping sewage from said main out-
let sewer into the discharge pipe next herein mentioned; laying a dis-
charge pipe to carry sewage from said pumping station northwesterly to,
at or about Redwood Road; constructing outlet Canal from end of said
discharge pipe to Great Salt Lake, and extend main sewer from Main Street
to Seventh or Eighth West Street.
SECTION 5. Said improved, additional and new water system and
said improved, additional and new sewerage system shall be owned by
Salt Lake City.
Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed E.
per cent per annum, which intemst shall be payable semi-annually; and
said bonds shall become due and payable at the end of twenty (20) years
from the date of issuer
and shall be of such denomination or denominations as
the Board of Commissioners shall hereafter determine; and the Board of
Commissioners shall annually levy sufficient tax to pay the interest on
_.,nas as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for
the payment of the principal thereof within twenty (20) years, as
required by law.
SECTION 6. Said election shall be conducted according to the
Statutes and Laws of the State of Utah, and shall be held in manner and
form provided thereby.
SECTION 7. The Mayor and City Recorder of Salt Lake City are
hereby directed ind required to make proclamation
yoff said special
election by publication of a notice thereof in wog!. daily newspapers
published and circulated in said City for four RA546 W/a weeks prior
to the date of said election.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall take effect the day after
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah. January 15th. 1914.A
i r,
City Recorder Temporary Vo :.
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