8 of 1918 - Sub. for Bill No. 7, Amending Section 1192-93, relating to street excavation ROLL CALL ,o,o,,,.ET„,,,, VOTING AYE NAY - --- Salt Lake City,Utah, January 25, 191 8 Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green I Neslen Scheid ' l Mr. Chairman. Result AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Sections 1192 and 1193 of Chapter 65 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 1192 and 1193 of Chapter 55 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, relating to streets, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 1192. STREET EXCAVATIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any excavation in any street, lane or alley, or remove any pavement or other materials forming any street or improvement thereon without a permit from the supervisor of streets and irrigation. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- ration to make any excavation in the pavement of any street, the paving of which has been completed since June 1, 1917, for a period of at least five years from the date of the completion of said paving, except by special per- mission of the Board of Commissioners. In the event of the granting of-such permission, the person desiring to make the excavation shall obtain the usual permit from the 8 `1- , w'. supervisor of streets and irrigation. Provided, however, that in the event of a break or leakage in any watermain, gas main or other pipe under any pavement, a permit shall, after investigation, be issued by the supervisor of streets and irrigation for the cutting of the pavement to make the necessary repairs or for the tapping or drilling of the pavement to locate the leakage; provided further, that any person desiring to tap or drill any pavement shall do so only in the presence of a duly authorized city inspector, and shall promptly seal such drill holes in the presence of the inspector with paving material of the same character as the pavement already laid, and in a workmanlike manner. SECTION 1193. PERMITS. APPLICATIONS. BONDS. FEES. No permit for any street excavation shall be issued until written application therefor has been made to the supervisor of streets and irrigation, signed by the party making the excavation, or by the party at whose instance it is to be made; nor until the applicant has filed with the supervisor of streets and irrigation a bond of indemnity to the city, with sureties to be approved by the Board of Commissioners, conditioned that the person making the excavation will erect and maintain about said excavation, and until the street is restored to its normal condition, sufficient guards, signals, barricades and lights, to prevent accident, and will, as soon as may be after the completion of said work, restore said street to the same condition in which it existed prior to said excavation, and will remove rocks, dirt and rubbish fromthe street, and will save the city harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, demands or damages, for any and all injuries to person or property arising in any manner out of or by reason of any such excavation. Such bond shall be in the sum of five thousand -2- iR I%1 dollars, for excavations in all streets; provided, however, that whenever paving or macadam, dirt or rock is removed in the process of any street excavation, such paving or macadam, dirt or rock must be replaced under the direction and to the satisfaction of the supervisor of streets and irrigation, and at the expense of the party making the excavation; and, provided further, that any person operating in ow using any of the streets under a franchise, or any person who in the pursuit of his regular calling, has frequent occasion to open or make excavations in the public streets, may file a bond with corporate surety in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned as above, to cover all excavations made for a period of two years from the date of filing, but permits for all excavations, except for the replacement of street railway rails and ties in unpaved streets, must be applied for and issued before it shall be lawful to make any such excavations; provided further, that in excavating through asphalt or cement, or beneath stone blocks, the excavation shall be cut perpendicularly at the side and ends from'the surface, the full length and width of all excavations to the necessary depth; on top of the back- filling there shall be placed a base of stone or concrete, as the case may be, uniform in construction and in depth with the base of said pavement, and on top thereof shall be placed a sand joint one-half inch in thickness, and the balance of said excavation filled with cement mortar in the proportion of one part cement to two parts sand, flush with the pavement, all of such construction conforming in charac- ter of materials and workmanship with the cityls specifica- tions for street paving, and in all cases, whether the excavation is made through asphalt or otherwise, in back- filling the material used for that purpose shall be thoroughly sprinkled and tamped, or a sufficient quantity of water used to properly settle 'the material so used; and after completing an excavation and back-filling, all dirt, rocks and rubbish shall be removed from the street; pro- vided further, that failure on the part of any person to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, shall be a sufficient reason for the supervisor of streets and irrigation refusing a permit to excavate in the Streets of this city; provide* furtfl t' . that no excavation Shale :ee • permitted to remain-.ppep':;irvany street of the city for a longer period that ten<days.` If this provision is violated the supervisor of•, treats and irrigation may fill any such excavation at the expense c 'the person making the sane provided further, *hat the supervisor of streets and irri- gation shall charge and collect, upon issuing any permit, the following fees and charges, to-wit: - For excavating in any cement sidewalk, for the first eight square feet or part thereof - - - - $ 2.00 For each additional square foot or part thereof- - - .25 For excavating in any asphalt pavement, for the first eleven square feet of part thereof- - - - 5.00 For each additional square foot or part thereof- - - .45 For excavating in any macadam pavement, for the first ten square feet or part thereof 2.00 For each additional square foot or part thereof- - - .20 For excavating for stone, blocks, for each square foot or part thereof .40 For inspecting work when there is no asphalt or macadam pavement, for each one hundred linear feet or portion thereof 2.00 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty-one days after its passage. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, January 25th , 1918. yam a y o r . ity °corder. -4- SF • • f* ....' ; _ 41'11'...1.'.... 3o er - ,• . to, If dLi C 8 op • • • f`