8 of 1928 - Lighting District No. 11-A-2d and Final Operation ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, DSa• ,. , 192.7-
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Fehr cif
Mr.Chairman - - -
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of
property in Lighting District No. 11-A, for the purpose of pro-
viding for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of aro lamps.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. 1That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the
same upon the property hereinafter described in Lighting District '
No. 11-A, for the purpose of providing for the operation, mainte-
nance and patrolling of arc lamps, to-wit;
In Lots 5 & 6 of Elk. 75 and Lots 5 & 6, 7 and 8,
of Blk. 76, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on
the south side of South Temple Street from West Temple Street
to State Street, in Salt Lake City.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing
for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of arc lamps (said
lamps to be. forty-two (42) in number; seven (7) ornamental iron
atandartls on each block in said district, each standard to oarry
three inverted type ornamental 6.6 ampere luminous are lamps),
said lamps to be illuminated by electric current; said standards
to be approximately 110 feet apart, and to be supplied with elec-
tric current for the illumination of the same each night from
fifteen minutes before dark until midnight, five (5) lamps in said
district, however, to be lighted all night (the cost of operation
of the all night lamps being Fr Thousand One Hundred Seven and
30/100 ($4,107.30) Dollars, and the same to be paid for by the
city), the circuits for the operation of said system bf lamps to
be underground, and the portions of said streets opposite the
property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially
affected and benefited by said improvement and it is hereby adjudif-
ed, determined and established that said property will be especial-
ly benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied,
, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uni-
form rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to
the entire depth back therefrom and the tax hereby levied and to ,
be assessed upon said parcels of land is Nineteen Thousand Hun-1
dred Seventy-six and 89/100 (;19,776.89) Dollars or Fifteen and
949105/1000000 ($15.949105) Dollars per front or linear foot of
abutting property, there being 1,240.0 feet abutting said portion
of said improvement and the cost of which operation, maintenance
and patrolling and the property benefited thereby is hereinafter
Iset out, and all within the boundaries of the lots, blocks and
street.. above mentioned in said district, which is the total abut-
ters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement for a perio
of ten, years, according to the contract entered into for the per-
formance of said work and making said improvement with Utah Power
land Light Company, dated the 27th day of September, 1927, service
Ilbeginning Nov. 14, 1927, said levy to date and be effective from
ovember 14, 1927, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorised and
irected to assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordi-I
Dance, for the purpose herein mentioned:
I The N. side of Lots 5 and 6 of Blk. 75; the north side of
lots 5 & 6, the north side of the east 99 ft. of Lot 7, and the
orth side of the east 110.0 ft. and the west 41.0 ft. of Lot 8,
f 31k. 76; Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey, as the same are shown
pon the official plats of said city to the entire depth back fromiaid street,, and to collect said tax.
l SECTION II. That the assessment list made by the City
Treasurer, as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of' . /i;
Equalization and Review of the property described in Section I of!
this ordinance in Lighting District No. 11-A of Salt Lake City,
for the purpose of providing for the operation, maintenance and 1
patrolling of arc lamps, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments '
made and returned in said completed lists and the report of the
Board of Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION III. Said tax shall be payable in ten equal
yearly installments as provided 13 ' law and rr iOnce tU the
event any installment is' rapt .;aagd i n the day the same beZomes due
the whole amount of the A peci.al tiox unpaid 01 thi time saaid in-
stallment is due, shall t6}pome. dU4 and payable, and sh L draw in-
terest at the rate of tt pLVe per een;t per annumAn-bil t e' sale of
the property assessed � & <' a
SECTION IV. This ordinance shall take effectone day
after its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 1 \—. day of , A.D. 192't.
Mayor. —i
14 a order.
Lighting District No. 11-A,
2nd & Final Estimate,
I '
rrrYY'f22!! k E" S
ray i • 14: :roi. 714 �` I U
- If F:..
Proof of Publication
County of Salt Lake)}
M ordinance 1 VYl g.4 tax and
eh for 5.,'<"
Ns 0 me t 1 r perty 1 Lightinglhi tC t Nb, 11 A,'LOr the g D of,p Yfdi gofer tl Dre la n m 1 t Hance. pat rdalhlling e -e'Boa - ... -p It ardalned t, the');lard [-Com-
mSectionra of halts the Board of
mleslone s ion 1of Salt Lake$C�yadoe.here-
bY1evyyho tax and'Drovlde for the,as being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the principal
small/lent nhereinafter.same upon
1iistrlet No. 11-A, for the purpose et clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper published in
providing for the operation, rnalnten-
nee ap patrolling'of aro lentDs, to-
Wit!.e In 6, 7 Lotsa,a BB oftBik{70, Pint A' Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah.
Ple Street to Seto[arc Lamps / ""4��
Westi side oeastrets to an the M the notice GGrt t.L�.cwK._ - --('i(,.. �(�Ci�
Salt Lake City Survey, abutting
Salt is tad City.
Maul lam t b forty-two (42) 1n1 \ _ Cr.
Temple'Street ram,
State Street, In'
nse of taz le'levied to / ,aAt
providing an for the rc La ps L!YS(y -N /(� //
ma4ntenanoe s Dp
o e(a ,
number; seven (7) ornamentaliIcon; - -
Met, pas on each block In said tlls-I
a t, all standard to a three,up
arue each
l ornamental Bch ampere luny-1, C yv6 CN.e•(.(.(' //e/LL k.0 4�{,.
Inoue ai, lamps), card l currant;
be t d�'
ruminated byb electric atelynt; feet %����i�/ „
en odards to be apptaxhnately lit Ipet J-/a/h`'///f(///
abet[, and to be supplied with electric: /�/,A/,^
current for the Illumination of the Y-vw"-
eame eagh night from fifteen minutes)
latore' dark until midnight, five.(6)I
tamps In paid dlstrIct however, to be
lighted all night (the cost of operarmn1 of which a copy is hereto attached,was first pub 'shed in said
it Pt thenight Ve ebein g Four
Thousand One Endured Sevenand Oar
.tyltundredl hs (04,107.80) Dollars, and —
the'some to be paid for by the oily)• newspape 'n its issue dated the /i. day of
the circuits for too operation nd of cad.
and system the°f port)net'of said bed uetreetegrOpyo-
ta 0
Ina the property ed to elnespec9i ant hero- --- Q, D. 192__...
e dan described to be said
an8 benefited by sale lmprevement
and At is shed adz sated, determined h aild' a ILbliSh1. '7-..ñ'°ze.
'h agpectaily benetitefl thereby to the P
TelQa!^said p o[ Ike tax hereby Ie reby
M�a,zaatPareel?inal land unit°rimer i!p .—
in.accordnrtW with tire linearfoot front- the last public( thereof being in the issue dated e.� _
.g'ga� pan and to'the ntirn depth topic
6ee(r0nr and the tax hereby levied
hd:zo be'a :teed pen la vernele of day of �Lltit/ A.D.l92.
land'80v,h It ten Thousand Seven Hun
aren't Skvehasmss and on 100 (119,7 lino)
Debars Fifteen and 049106-1000000
($16,949,106) Dollars per front or linear
foot of eyutt ing property, there being
124P0 feet abutting sold portion of evci
lmprevement end the costs of which
apetathe propertyn benetltod therebyance and }Oil
licrihofter'set out, 'and all within the
nbundarles of the tote„blocks and street'
11t fte oot 1 f b said tthp o t T •
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Period f ten Y 'according t the)
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d@ b 1'Q27„ 1 beglf(nin N ,t4,•I
927 c Id-I be t .date and be etfeetiva'
Tres November II, 1027, d,the City.
Treasurer.t le:h by otcrd n.pd nth tile'
'r tee t owlets Nile
a r den i With the
dnprovisions 'r�oae1 t�hlnb flip>rri 3e the�i
'Lhea11 4BfL°''a S LOINn d& SC 13tk:1
76 I the-north sIde,f.ltu e1d and „kl.
p rtG side of thet't 90 ft of'Let 7,'
and th north id f the t 110. ft:)efore me toes...... . ........... ......-_ _ .._...... ..........day Ol
,and h7 west di 0 ft.of Lot g of B1t0
"PI tot A;' Sit Lake City S
ho t name ateh w uD theelk
vfal 5iata oe laid itt.tt t1.rUklr deist& A. D. 192
'bkek.trdea kola et`abt add to aotttt5M_
tale t
Sealant It.eThat the assessment list
mang p ved enity Tr./ogres,6rnItI to alcoma.,e.1
od approved d pe plot d Review
the t
Board f Property'descri a -and R n oY -' "'--"""-"' '
th lnenc described n ng Section 1 elf tar Public
this 4 dl ante 1 L1gh,1 g Dln I t Nqn y
114.of 9 e.Loh Cfty for thl thaw f
of PX9)ding f the g0rat�pp teal f��.
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- -
Proof of Publication