8 of 1929 - Amending Section 1510 relating organizations and salaries in Police Department ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, . i'ch '3, 192.9 Burton - - V I move that the ordinance be passed. { Fehr - - - Finch y Moran - - - Mr,Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result - - - dN OW.INLICb AlEILING e, IUh 1=510, rsyse . e_di_nC_nces of Seat Lake City, Utah, 19.0, an a:lcndea by ordinanceorninencen dannere by the board of Comnieeoner • on iiarch 7, 19zl, du-;uat 13, l3k,l, and card 57th, 17 , rel.atin;-r, to the :o1_1ce Lc G.�'tcient. Se it o_eeineo' by the boardof Commiae i one rs of belt Lobe (..ity, Utah: SECTION i. 'Tba.t Section 1510, revises ordinances of alt Lake City, Utah, 1.9F:0, as anendea by ordinances ca 0sca by the board. of Commissioners on A.arch 7, 19;:.11, i i7uct 19, 19, 1, and- h-)eil 57th, 195b, he an the c.cne is hereby, noseame':nS to rea6 ,a follows:- SrIC. 1510. C Go NI,-�.TIO_S . Ptll T t'S. The ooi_i_ce Oe , :.rtment of Salt Lake C shall.1. c onais', of the follorn7 of icers, .;hose i;v;E,1 ..al.ae ec ehaif be an 81c.dby the ;ac of Com.r_asi.one , .:i.thin the i,. t. . ecif_ad Chief of dolice, `rho -hall. he head or the Sol :ce ee a.tment,not to exceed 000.00 Inspector, not to .exceed `7n0.(x? Chief of detective:;, rho shall rc•;o„t, di- rectly to the chief of -:olicc, not to e cece . . 5700.00 Two detective ca;ptai.nc, .each r.: .; exceee 2220.00 'three co oto.ins, Esch nod to coceee. . . . . 2120.09 Seven 5cre-nts, each .not: to exceed . . . . 1860.00 Super_i_ntene'.ent of the inentification bureau, not to esceec 50"-0;GO0 11 ! 2, ecret !y to the Chief of Police, not to . _cec. -ii t-,ecb.etary to the c clac I oc _(-:-artment, , not to excee! 1'7.r).�Y1 i 2trolmen of the . 3t :'•rate, �. not le:— tn"�. . I :O.01 no mo„e than F.,040.nri P l� atrol r0e,n o r the econk! •cr, c,not leoo than L;,b) ran i nor more than 1740.00 Patrolmen of the thi"o " Eil �' not leas than 1 ,00.JO nor more than . . . , -1•, . t.r;,0.n f< �� ,2r,tron . . . . . , . _r00.10 11 Jailers, ol. : -iyers, mo`e.:%cycle' + trolu,c i, 1 mounted olico-rco, members of the aztl -:vi ee Uivi 'ion, .ro- both clerk, cletcctivc,' ana uetecti vo---ser„ea te 'sha7 i_ be rrecee a-< ,atrol en or the first, scoorl ano th.ra 7,abc. i iSECTION t of the In the opinion o the boar of comml r'onc> r,l I lit is necessary to the hea.1th, ;)ease and safety of the inh hi trni s of al t, Luke City that thin orcin ance heco-ne effective i_rnc .-atc ty.1 II .CI Oti _h]..' orri'.inance rhalI take effect a !n;l i t: IIf_i_o't .)1 ,_l. .cation. Il I Ii ai .'aroec bye'the hoar,. of coorri_crioncrs ofSal ", La)ce i'r'ct, li 11 rl II } III 0//1���64,.4 i! a LtO lieco""e'1 . d i i Jf. i t U ,mot.. �� re�idiinn i I _,..__.._ -----ems _ .. r.vnf of 11ub1tra#Ynn ThitteD Mates of. iutrira STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE - .'� P Sa CT'', .b' iel+:e e . b i }3 SµO. HARRY WOLFF..a 9relat�Su t. . nt o posrd gem" ,.'�t�r'e1g°Ctty,°tdi being first dulysworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk gealt 1830,ae• P Y P salt ord1 Clty. ��myepdgd�v oEdinenn- ' 8ne r�on.tmis®lo- a i o,1 1g-Adgn t 10.192'i, of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in tt, 7•2 r6-wd tine samete .S 7a �d t0t.-ae llZATI:N d„r� $ N.1 b tf�6ANIZAT[oNa Rx&d 'rhe-➢ol/ce dril t- t, to $t?tt ofttttera hwnce"en Sur Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. �a na flied by the nerb,wltnln Lhe 1 0 "Olio,who.hell be , That the NoticeAN ORDINANCE.. T o t q polite depart- �•t f>o�tb a#oeed 53090.00 2,Wit to exceed 2700.00 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION. to 4 direa6ttl1q o the 0eqhmit i b2 to xceed.. a�00.08 �"eh 4614ttne, etch 9g2q.qu OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER. t,Vi ltaptelne, 0.;.not to ti B.oC. te.with not to 18Be.Uq.. ee1ntepdent 00 the Monti- 8 ,M tort-ogiaau,set to ex- - , etott to the c0 et of po-�04o.eq of which a copyis hereto attached,was first published in said news- , not to ee. d l9ao.00 ,.at41S they��¢¢teocer de- �npt,'not'1�,exceed 17t0.00 ,tp :.t an Oral Vode,I740:00 paper in its issue dated the 3xd ` St store than 2o40 05 w50010 of the second grade. i ' lute t an•.� ''''1/40:000o day of April , 192 9 -t•hhea,of the ehlrtt Brea.. ' t thou 3 1699.0q 3y Inota4 38r000. ro rcycle and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on i hn s/Jountdl.e 0105meq,prop- �pt� ¢4 tt tlpe.dlalefgn,prop. ¢ rh; ytd eq,�Iv01oded oteol- April 3rd bt gt le liinett,`.�0t+0000 e p third ■_- for a leconq d th/td ON a I ttpe oplaton of the b qkorm toners,at fa neaee• thereafter,the full period of OX3e._.in.o.ert.iQxl. KY'to t i`-tt0 th, penes al o .afety a e to 000t'ante tart-Lake tine / t]101 q�nitlanee pe001yt0 e1t4CtlYe �<a. I.'ordgance shall the last publication thereof effebt pea=li.Bret pu otr510on. y q; .aM Of commteaton- F rit 4119 then,this and Terary a chairm.n. MORAN, being in the issue dated the 3rd day of eoduaaflty Re0ptder• ;.p.4 a s .. `. April ,A.D. 2 9 -. 211=;-,7/7C� eea4G/6', 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd � day of April ,A.D.192 9 Notary Public. Advertising fee,S 1k 1 C.D 0 L.1 0 .71 0 E.! E. 2 bv (-) r- -- - - -•I . . I „ . - •--- - - - -