8 of 1930 - Vacating alleys in College Heights .2d Addition Block 11, 5 Acre 'C' Buiding Field Survey ROLL CALL
VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah February lath 19230
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed
Finch � K L
Mdmn 144i— _
Mr Chairman
AN ORDINANCE VACATING alley or pedestrian way in College
Heights Second Addition of Block 11, 5- Acre Plat C, Big Field
Survey, Salt Lake City, Utah
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah
SECTION I That alley or pedestrian way west of 14th East
Street between Sherman and Harrison Avenues in College Heights Second
Addition of Block 11, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field Survey, Salt Lake City,
Utah, and more particularly described as follows
Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 41, College
o Heights Second Addition of Block 11, 5-Acre Plat C, Big Field
i ro Survey, thence south 221 10 ft , thence east 13 ft , thence
north 221 10 ft , thence west 13 ft to the place of beginning
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer a public
alley, street or pedestrian way
Said vacation is made expressly subject to the right of way
l of the Utah Light & Traction Company acouired under franchise from
Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric
transmission, disttibution and telephone circuits of the Utah Light
& Traction Company and poles, together with the necessary stops,
cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the
support of said circuits as now erected and maintained along and upon
said saiu street or alley to be closed during the life of that certain
franchise heretofore granted by Salt Lake City to said Utah Light &
Traction Company on the 21st day of December, 1914, or any extensions
SECTION 2 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, '
lit is necessary to the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately
SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 13th day of February, A D 1936
ity Recorder
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Proof of Publication
STATE OF U rAIl i ss
f minty of Silt 1 aks
' nN iNAN " "' I Milo iveleigh beluk first duly
' Si' igA ,� oe CATrNG
dl rig f geOptid,A hay m Coliegn
F algh�tgGx �nd.Addition or Blorx� swoin depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of the SALT LAKE
1 [iiit.A4rad Cit;Cu Big Field Survey
De TI ramose tby me card f TELEGRAM a newspaperofgeneral circulationpublished everyday
or salt T.>txe city
s0O;DN I That alley or p des
ptrihn way west of lath E at St et at Salt Lak City State of Utah
petwe a 9berman a d Harrtton Aye
10[1115 Yn College Helghta se one- Ad
di* f Bl nv 11 6 Aare Plat r
elk Field survey salt Lake Cty That the notice An Ordinance 13111 # 8.
f Ltd lbwde more particularly described
, Beginning at 11 a northe st drn
Of Lot 41 College H ght Se o,d
Addition of Fl ek 11 6 Ac e Plat C
Big Field Solvay tin e uth
f22116 ft the ee t 13 nft the
12110 ft 2 thence-west 13 ft
the pia of b gl n pg be and
t e`-ealhe is,hereby va attd and die
ianed no I tiger a pubil alley et get
of peikeapian way
Said badntlon 111,,made op soh,
f fight 8.a TittetiontComjany f th _
a feed under ftanohiet flora Salt
Lake City to maintain twine, art r
i d a slate the ale it echo es' of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said newspaper
Oulu of the Utah Light do Tra ti n
Company and pal t g then with
the necessary stops cross arm and 13th.day February 19 30
orbs atta hn e,to th e n o of in its itssue dated the day of Y
fixed thereto for the euppant f and
on cults s no
1ta tied along an netted and 1la
d upon said treat
o alley i be closed de-Ing th of and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on
,Of that cattalo fralilhid 1 r tof r
granted by Salt Lake City to id
IROt;y Light din-Tract an Company on
shy 2lxett dggaQy of Dee-mbar 1214 ****** fOr ***e*
SECTION 2 Tin the opini n f th
'Srrd of Conmi I s t 1 ti c
fie tarn'to the health pea e'and f
t ityftate haoednencet Salt i L if thereafter the full period of One Insertion
,aiaThin nedinanclna hall
take effeot hp n its f rst nun t at on
'� oos°eotfly the
t Be-dCi fushntli the last publ cation thereof being in the issue dated the 13th.
13th nday of lebiuery A. D 1240
i ofgetot day of I ebrnary A D 19 30
ETHEL EfACDONAy+D (�f{�,�//1q..
City Recorder " ' ! (�?�..7. n
11211I N6 i t 3 (V{/(`J `/'//*/-
P hilh d2`b yin 190
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th. day of
February A D 19 /
Notary Fubli.,
My commission expires Nev. 26, 1933
Advertising fee $
Proof of Publication
The Salt Lake T :: gram
Entry No.